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Stacky Dash is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by SUPERSONIC STUDIOS LTD. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - SUPERSONIC STUDIOS LTD, with the latest current version being 2.6 which was officially released on 2021-07-22. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 119620 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.5 out of a possible 5 stars.
This game is amazing
You can collect little people you collect a bunch of little blocks in my opinion it is really fun it is so amazing I love playing it it’s so cool I love the game it’s so much fun I think a lot of people would like it it’s very very fun what’s the best game ever maybe not the best but it is really good I love the game this is my mom‘s phone I don’t get to play that much sadly but I still love this game it’s very fun very very very very very fun it’s very good I think a lot of people would like it if I did it already say that but I still love it a lotIt’s very fun it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played I think that you guys could play it if you can that is I love the game so much I think it’s the best game ever and it’s super Duper fun it’s the best game ever I think you guys would love it it’s very fun
This is the best game
This game is fun it Teacher you some math and you canHave fun all day long on the game I love it so much this is so fun thank game developer. One more thing this game is good but just like any free game a lot of add but this is one of the best games ever it is fast it doesn’t Lag. This is so much fun and you should get it you will not regret it this is so much better than other games.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I love this game. And you will love it 😍 so get it is you love it and like it give a 5 star ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I do not work for this game I just love it. IF YOU NEED FUN GET THIS GAME THE GAME HAS A LOT OF DIFFERENT LEVELS AND IT NEVER GETS BORING AFTER A LONG TIME YOU WILL LOVE IT.
Fun Time Waster
I downloaded this app because of that stupid ad on TikTok. It’s turned out to be so fun. Yes, there are a TON of ads. There are ads before and after everything, but turn on airplane mode and they go away. Yeah, you won’t be able to reach the bonus levels, but those are just for coins for more skins, there’s nothing else to “buy”. Ultimately, it’s just a fun little time waster game, the levels aren’t too hard so I can kinda zone out and it helps with my anxiety.
Reached Level 500!
Hey everyone! Long and honest review. I don’t usually leave reviews but I thought that I should give this app some support before I delete it for good. The game is fun, simple, and addicting (at first). After Level 100 or so, it just repeats previous levels. Some are spin-offs where it’s mirrored, where instead of swiping left in a previous level, you swipe right instead. I began playing when bridges were 90° angles—now they’re curves (which are super satisfying to cross over). I really enjoyed the game but it quickly got boring since the levels repeat themselves. I was expecting some new level mechanics at Level 100, 200, 300, etc. But nothing new was added, it’s literally an endless cycle of repeated levels almost as if no more effort was put in toward creating new ones. (Which is why I gave a 4 out of 5 stars) I really like the themes and character options. Some of the environments however are copy and pasted, but it’s beyond what I could possibly do. The landscapes and structures are simple, nothing too extravagant or distracting which keeps the simple aspect of the game alive. It was a super fun game that I could play in my free time, but the repeated levels got old very quickly. If repetition doesn’t bother you then this game is for you! I really enjoyed it!
Very good game but could be better
Hello, I am sending this review to tell you guys that this game is AWESOME but every time I finish a level, there would be a 30 second add but I can skip some of them or fast forward but I recommend someone fixing the add problems but anyways this game is the BEST. It is highly complicated when the levels get higher and I LOVE it😍 Even though there is a lot of adds this game is the best so far that I downloaded so I love it 🥰 for the first few times. I downloaded this app because there were a few adds that showed this game and I thought that I could give it a go and when I downloaded it I found out that it was the best just like the adds said. Now last time, I LOVE THIS GAME BUT THE ADDS COULD HE A PROBLEM 😍😍❤️
Too much to say
This game is great for when ur bored or just go on ur phone but there is a few issues that bug me about this app first off yes there is a lot of ads but another issue I have noticed is how boring it can get because there is hundreds of levels but all of them are pointless it’s the same thing over and over and it doesn’t get to a standard were it’s hard enough for the level you are on for example I am on level 223 and it’s not that hard so tbh I think if your bored you should download it to try it but not to keep because you are most likely to get bored
To many adds, and kinda slow
It’s a fun game if you’re bored, but each level only lasts a minute or two and you get an add every time you start a new one. Along with 1-2 adds on the side of the screen when beginning a new level, making it feel cluttered and slow. At the end of each level you watch your lil character slide across to get to the chest, then get a pop up asking if you want to double your coins, the pop up is slow appearing and slow going away. It becomes slightly annoying as you tap a few times to get it to go away then get an add once it finally does. Sometimes I’ll complete a couple levels and turn my phone off or go into another app, when I come back I usually have to recomplete a few levels, the levels are very easy, so no big deal, just something to fix in the future. Every time you win a level you get coins, I’ve got about 5000coins and haven’t seen anything worth spending them on. My suggestions for the makers of this game would be, maybe a few less adds, something more interesting to spend coins on, make the levels more challenging (like making moving objects, or objects to collect to open doors), and making the game run a little smoother. Other than that it’s definitely a fun game to play when bored at home or to pass time.
Not Worth It If You're Looking For A Time Killer
I really enjoyed the concept and design of the game. It in and of itself is great... In theory. There are two problems I see with the game. First off: it's way too easy. I understand it's supposed to begin easy and get harder, but a few levels in you should be challenged a little bit for a sense of fulfillment at the completion of the level, not just swiping away on the screen. Second problem: there are WAY too many ads to make it worth while. I understand that's how the game stays free and all that, but with how short the levels are w in their an ad after each of them, there's no point. Half of your time on the app is watching ads that you thought you wouldn't have to watch because you didn't click the "watch for x5 reward" button. So with the amount of ads in the game combined with the inability to challenge yourself within its puzzles, I'd definitely give it 3 stars on a GOOD day.
Not bad, but could be better
Overall, the game isn’t terrible. There aren’t any gamebreaking glitches, nor are there any huge issue. However, that’s all, it just works. I know that’s what I should be expecting under the pretense of it being a mobile game. Especially one which had its advertising as something as ridiculous as “I can’t make it to X!” Still, I feel as though it has potential to have been something passable. One of the most glaring issues is how few levels there are. Altogether I’d say there’s about 30. Which never truly get any more difficult. I beat them all in less than an hour. In conclusion, it’s not bad, but it’s not great. You may not try to do better, but I know you can. You’re not being the person Mr. Rogers knew you could be.
This game has lots for ads and not only that it’s actually harder to lose than actually to win it’s very easy to complete this round and give you skins that I don’t even like in most people are not going to like them I don’t really recommend you getting this game if you wanted to if you wanted to get it you could buy it I don’t really recommend anybody younger than eighth grade I mean anybody higher than eighth grade to really get it it’s going to get really boring this game has lotta bad and not only that it’s actually harder to lose didn’t actually win it gives your skins that you don’t even like you have to work hard to get the skin like you have to play like a lots of rounds and I don’t really recommend anybody higher than eighth grade to get it it’s going to probably be very boringI didn’t have time to edit this and plus I’m too lazy to but this game is not the best
It’s ok I guess
So like others, I kept getting so many ads on this game so I decided to try it. It was fun, but the only problem was the ads. Every time before a new level and right after you fail or win, it’s another ad. I had to delete it because of the amount of ads this game had. I mean if you love watching ads then definitely get this game. If the developers made there be less ads, then maybe it would be better… but once I first downloaded it, right when I clicked level 1, BOOM! There’s an ad. If I were to try to play for 5 minutes I would probably actually play for a minute if I’m lucky and the rest would be ads. So thank you for reading this. But PLEASEEEEEE remove some of the ads because at that point the game isn’t fun anymore. Thanks again for reading :)
A perfect example of how NOT to make an iOS game
Gameplay wise, there’s nothing new here. It’s just like old puzzle games (or more recently, Quell), where you have to figure out which direction to slide your character, who doesn’t stop until they hit a wall. I’ve always liked games like this, and having an in game currency to reward playing is fine. The issue is that like many other free games you see being advertised, it is literally filled with ads. I don’t just mean every few rounds, I mean there are ads EVERY round. As I always say for free games, video ads that give incentive (Adventure Capitalist/Communist are great examples) are fine because the player can CHOOSE when to watch them. This game has that and banner ads, which are fine. But forcing video ads that don’t give anything so frequently as a way to make the player pay to disable them is a dirty practice. Yes, there are big games that unfortunately do this as well (PvZ2), but they tend to only force ads every once in a while, not every thirty seconds. Devs, if you’re reading, at least lower the amount of forced ads the player sees. Try playing you’re own game yourself without disabling ads and see how much fun you have. If you’re not having fun, then you need to change your game.
This game is really bad
Some games are genuinely fun, some are a good thing to play to kill time, some just feel like time wasters; This game is none of these. This is genuinely the most boring game I have ever played. Not only does this game make you feel like you are waisting your life, it’s doesn’t even give any enjoyment or sense of reward while playing it. You just follow the pattern and collect all the tiles, even in the higher levels. There’s no thought involved in playing this game. Their is no sustenance in this game, like a dark empty void that steels your life away. I haven’t played very much but I want the little time that I have waisted on this pathetic worthless excuse of a game back. This game is awful in every sense of the word. As an overall review: This game has bad mechanics which leads to unfulfilling gameplay. Very monotonous and boring, would absolutely not recommend under any circumstances.
No Passion, Too Many Ads
Every single level is almost as long as an advertisement, which is played every single time you finish a level. So half the game time is watching ads, and the other half is playing the game. To do anything in this game, you need to watch ads. Portions of prior levels are then reused in another level, so it feels like even less time goes into playing a level versus having to watch an ad. This game would honestly not even be that bad, in fact it would be pretty mediocre, but you have an ad on the bottom of the screen, you have an ad on the left of the screen before you play a level, you have an add for doing things with character and level customization, you have an ad after every level. The game design is so borderline simplistic and insulting, and this game is a glorified marketing tool.
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This page was last edited on 2021-07-22.
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