This page is a stub. You can help Wiki by Expanding it. is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Voodoo. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Voodoo, with the latest current version being 1.15.2 which was officially released on 2021-05-26. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 1848734 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.6 out of a possible 5 stars.
Enter the arena and face the other holes in a fierce battle.
Eat everything in sight with your black hole and expand it to eat more! Show them who is the biggest hole in town!
I honestly don’t know why I’ve spent so much time playing this arcade type game when I usually wouldn’t, I think one thing that really motivates me is the fact that they added a skins, it really gave me a reason and a goal when I played the game, I almost have every skin and I have a couple pretty rare to see skins. I really do feel accomplished, and I mostly win every round but when I don’t I just wanna hop back on and eat up that world some more, I’m glad that they randomly generated layout so that people don’t always know where to go first, so while everybody follows each other thinking there is good stuff to engulf I go the opposite way and find myself a park and some cars, but it can also backfire and I go the opposite direction and end up next the ocean wishing I followed them for once. I love the ranking system and I’m like a diamond teir 3, 200 points is the perfect amount to have to work up to, and I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time leveling up because I really want that next skin that’s waiting for me to roll out with, I really love the game and I would recommend it to everyone and I’m weirdly proud of my rare skins and I hope you download this game and get eaten by me 😉! 👍
I love this game it is the best
I love this game so much it is fun but it’s is impossible to eat everything in the city because there is time 😭.my favorite one is all of them but battle mode is the one that I do not like because it’s the one that you have to battle with the person that you are battling. in order to win it you have to make the person die but not in real life because it is stupid because the person is going to die in real life and people do not want to die in real life 👎🏻. I’m the one who is the one that is in first place and my carter is aggresuko it's my favorite carter in the show aggresuko but her real name is resko you can watch this amazing show on Netflix it’s called aggresuko I like her death metal songs and her dance. you will want to watch the show it’s a amazing show you have to watch it please . I will appreciate it if you would watch the show I love the show! They’re language is Japanese the state they live in is Tokyo so you would want to have the language on the language we speak so you understand what they are saying so you are not confused what they are saying. Resko is so cute they all are animals resko is a red panda she is so cute same as fenako she is a white fox.
ADDICTIVE game and GREAT updates!
Everyone please read this entire thing it’s worth it! I started playing this game awhile ago and immediately got hooked. I have no idea why it’s so satisfying to be a black hole and eat everything in sight, but trust me it IS. I liked the game before the update, but was a little laggy and visual quality not fantastic. However, the new update IS SO GOOD. You get new “skins” so you aren’t just a colored hole, you can unlock like a mouse with huge mouth or shark with huge mouth or a pit of toxic waste and so much more. So many options and the best part is that this app didn’t get sucked into the pay-for-every-little-additional-thing-you-want business that apps do now. You can simply unlock things by playing the game! Please don’t ever change that! You can now play two other games besides classic also which is a nice variety. I also love the new crisp visuals and seems less laggy than before. The next update I think needs to happen is maybe some new areas to eat around. But really fantastic game!! Only negative to the game is that it really wipes my iPhone battery lol and I do sometimes get lag but not as much as before.
Love this game but...
(This is gonna be long 😆) So I know that you guys probably read/heard about people saying there should be different places to play. And yes, I totally agree but there’s a lot more that I would like to see! I would want to have the satisfaction of eating the whole town and 2 minutes is not enough time for me. So maybe change the mode to you choose the time limit (so you can challenge yourself) or no time limit at all and just go till you eat the whole town. Now...About the time limit again...2 minutes! I know that probably seems reasonable to you all but not to me. You guys probably have your reasons but here are my reasons. You spend probably more than half of your time trying to get big enough to kill other people and/or swallow buildings. But you have to get small things first like people, trees, street lights, exc. Then when you get big enough and you are ready for all of the fun, your match is over... And it all repeats. So that’s all the negative aspects but now for the positives. This game is no doubt super addictive and I absolutely love it all! I haven’t got bored of it yet. And since it doesn’t require WiFi I always have something to do on road trips. Hands down my favorite game right now. I would (and have) recommended it to my friends and my family.
Really Good but Missing Something
This game is super addicting and fun. Eating the city and everything in it is super satisfying. However, I think the app is missing something. I read some of the other reviews and many of them suggested adding more maps. I like this idea because you could eat things in different places. But along with some terrain changes I think I'd be cool if the year wasn't always the same. Eating things during a famous war would be cool. And eating in a futuristic era would be too. Also, I think there should be a larger reward when you win a round. It's hard to win this game sometimes and I'd appreciate being rewarded when I do. I like the idea of getting a certain amount of stars based in how you place, but we can only use them to make your rank higher. I think it would be more fun if we could use the stars for more things. Like unlocking new maps or getting more colors. If these small changes are added to the game then there would be a reason to try and win. If I have a goal to reach then I will probably play the game more often. Don't get me wrong this app is really good. It's a quick thing to do when I'm bored and it helps relieve some of my stress. I will continue playing this app no matter what, but I would play it even more if these changes were made.
Enjoyable I can ignore the glitches but little things like what’s the difference between the coins with stars and the coins without? What is the point of the coon that go up on a spin and the coins that tally in the box until you touch them? What is the point why should we want to devour all of the chests if no matter the size they are still all the same value. Each chest should either have its own coins increasing in value depending on the size of the chest or worth more spins depending on the size of the chest. Also growing to 19 and that’s all ? What is the incentive to continue the games? 2mins not long enough especially since everything is gone to rejuvenate it self? When you are playing in kill mode and you down to that last two players and you are both at size 19 there has to be something that determines a winner just playing indefinite or having to shut down the game to end it is pointless , dose the game still record your progress? Is that game deleted from your tally what happens ? The whales are upside down the fortress is in the sand and building are flying across the board which is cool but then you can no longer swallow them ? Just very confused about all of the above. Other that these things I LOVE the GAME!!
Already maxed out!
I’ve already maxed out at the highest level and I’ve only downloaded this game yesterday.... it’s super fun, and I really enjoy it. Especially because I don’t like a whole lot of games.... BUT this app needs a major upgrade... 1) it would be better if there was an option to just have like a free for all by your self, where you can kind of practice and have fun without the 2 minute limit. Also an option to pick a map would be great. 2) this game really needs to be live. We need to be playing against real people and not the bots. I’ve found this game way to easy playing against the same old bots... 3) this game also needs some new maps... turning the map in a different direction doesn’t make it any harder for me. again, I’ve only been playing this since yesterday and I’ve already figured out all the tricks to winning. It’s way to easy 🤷🏼♀️ 4) lastly this game has some major glitches. For instance, in the battle royale, if you and the last person are as big as you can get, there is no beating the other person. I literally have to exit out of the whole game and start all over again. On top of that the game has many glitches which I WOULD HOPE the developer knows about.... INVEST some time and money into this app and it can very well be one of the top ones. It takes a lot for me to like a game, and I really enjoy this one and another one by this developer.... fix the game and I’ll fix my rating to a 5 star.
Only play A.I.
Game is overall amazing, but unfortunately it is only played by A.I.. If there is actual players I just don’t see it. The movements of these so called “real” players do not appear like free-thinking people. In today’s society, I also know there would be names that literally stand out and not once have I seen it (you know...vulgar/outlandish). I have gotten to max rank and I wish there were stats but I know I’m at a 90%+ 1st place finish (with the exception of a few I finished in top 3 or quit cause I had slow start). If I was versing against real players I know I would fair okay but never that good. A.I. becomes predictable and easily defeated so long as you keep playing very aggressive. This is what keeps my review from becoming 5 star. I have unlocked everything in 2-3 days and that’s literally like 3-5 hours of play due to work and home life. 2 maps with random creator is good and all but needs more. Definitely more to unlock needs to be available (especially if you only play A.I. cause way to easy). For those of you who hate’s my advice. Finish the game, when it shows scores/leaderboard, hit “Continue” and then close app immediately and then reopen. You can literally jump right back into a game in 5 seconds, skip the ad, and keep your score. I’m all about farming and this grind was laughable at best... Great concept, poor follow-thru.
Was fun
I played this game a lot when it first came out and I loved it. I won some I lost some but either way it was still a competition. I love how you added all new stuff since I stopped play. But there are some problems. I can’t see behind most buildings like before and sometimes even get eaten. Battle mode is the worst, only one o tried to far, hopefully other are better. It just seems so one sided. Yea I haven’t played in about a month or more but I didn’t forget how to play. Like 80% of the games I get eaten up by someone who’s already max before I even level up once. It’s kind of annoying. T wasn’t this way before. I accidentally won the first game I played, the rest of the games, I was lucky if I lasted a min. And I’m not against ads but if I’m only playing 30 seconds games I don’t want to be bombarded with ads. I wish this game could be a little more like the original .IO game (I think Argio) where the smaller ones had a slight advantage cuz the went faster, though not by much. Are there new power ups in the game I’m not aware of yet? Like some that make them bigger or faster? I wouldn’t mind this but can you try to match people who are at the same level give or take a few. AGAIN 5 star game when it first started and still has spite too. To have 5stars, but needs some bugs fix, and make the game fair for people to actually play.
Eh.. (Read all the way through)
So.. I won’t be completely merciless and give it one star, but this wasn’t really the best game. I was looking for a quick, easy and addictive game to ease my boredom, this wasn’t really the right thing for that. First of all, while the graphics are perfectly fine, the quality of the game is not the best. The game is suuuuuper laggy, and it’s near impossible to be first in any round because you’re too busy trying to get over the lag to swallow all these things to get points. Second of all, 2 minutes really isn’t enough time to develop enough points to be first, especially with the lag. I suggest bringing the time up to 3 minutes, which, while it’s still short enough to be a a challenge, it allows more breathing room to get yourself together. All in all, if you’re ok with lags and advertisement-galore, the game can actually be enjoyable, but if you have a super tiny screen I would not recommend, because of the way the controls are set up. The smaller the screen is, the more difficult it will be for you to easily maneuver in the game and fully enjoy your experience. For a free game, this app is not bad, but as a Voodoo (.io) game user, I will admit this game was disappointing. I hope to see better updates in the future!
So Much Fun, But So Little Time...
The concept of this game is really amazing. It’s a fun mechanic and you really have to eat used to the physics, it’s challenging to eat things when small but just as challenging when you ran a group of buildings and they all get stuck trying to go down. I notice some choppy lag when you’re getting bigger, hopefully some polishing can be done to make that a little better. My major complaint is the game modes, and I can’t understand how the devs went wrong on this. You have a 2 minute top score mode against a bunch of computer players which is somewhat interesting but tires quickly. Next, you have a battle mode with no time limit, but the bots will zero in on you when they know they’re bigger than you so it feels unfair and rushed. Outside of local multiplayer, you have a solo mode that makes the game, no bots to deal with and no goals besides eating everything... but again you have only two minutes. It can take a quarter of that time just to find things to get bigger when you’re small, and by the time you’re just big enough to have fun you’re out of time. Why do this??? This type of mode needs more time, but honestly a solo mode with no time limit at all would be an absolute game-changer, pitting all these restrictions on the fun hollows the experience and leaves you frustrated and wanting more. I would love to increase the rating if the devs would allow us to enjoy the game the way we should be able to, it just doesn’t make sense not to.
Potential was & is very much high, just NOT living up to it!
This used to be a very fun, addictive, & challenging game! Unfortunately, a while back last year or so they redesigned ALL 3 of their course maps that changed the values, animation, look of every piece of each course map! I still somewhat enjoy playing it as you can lose yourself in trying to beat your own score, but the “redesign” features have totally served as a downgrade! It does at times have bugs or glitches with the use of animated holes that you can choose as your avatar, but works much better with very little interruptions if you choose just a solid color! This too makes it a bit less appealing! The last critical but constructive criticism I can offer in the slim chance ANYONE in development cares enough to reads this is the lack of course maps! There’s only 3 & each are “random” in which you might play! If given the opportunity to set the course maps to random or the course map of your desired choice, that would 100+% offer a nice touch for the player, but the expansion of offering MORE course map choices would definitely make the game infinitely more invaluable! I rate it a 2 overall because of the flawed redesigns & lack of creative expansion, but the game itself deserves a solid ranking between a 4.5 - 5 depending on your attention span & ability to accept a constant 2 min. gameplay experience. P.S PLEASE ADD NEW COURSE MAPS & CHOICE OF WHICH TO PLAY/RANDOM! 👍
Nice Gameplay, but Needs Fixing.
I do like the gameplay, the ads are okay but sometimes it can get annoying if you die in the first 30 seconds or so and each time an ad comes on. Also, over 240 megabytes for this small game? It’s expanding and all, but for only 3 game modes, 1 map, okay graphics, and that goes over even 100 megabytes? Also, THE BATTERY. I played this game for about, eh, 30 minutes or so, testing the new update. Was at around 90, after the testing, around 30-40. TOO MUCH. How can such a small game that’s just kinda less than mediocre be over 200 megabytes and eats battery like FaceTime does? I’m sorry, but this is just too much. The AI as well, they get too good very early, and mostly it’s based on luck. Also, all of your games want 3 bucks for no ads. Seriously??? Yeah, we know that you need to make a profit, but that’s more than really good games that cost 1 or 2 dollars for, and you already get a ton of money from the loads of ads on your other games. Voodoo, you’re getting very sketchy, even though your games are getting top ranks, you need to work on a LOT of this stuff. Honestly, it’s not that much of a pain with the storage, but the battery. If you change that for the better that would be AMAZING. And maybe have difficulties for AI so newcomers are more welcome to starting the game easy and slow. I hope you consider this review, and change this game for the better.
Battle and classic mode bug
When two players reach lvl 19, neither one can consume each other in battle mode. Games gets stuck and never times out. You have to force quit, subsequently wasting the time you played by losing the points you could have scored if a tie breaker would be implemented. All in all tho, a decent game. Limited in its play mode options and skins. Secondly. The classic mode doesn't register max size. I've done it numerous times and the achievement for the skin doesn't make itself available. Seems like voodoo doesn't read or respond to comments and it makes me wonder why we should continue to play and earn them ad revenue if they dont listen to their player base. I know that these apps aren't for players but for keeping eyes on ads and serve the people paying for that, but if you pay for this or have made purchases you should have your voice heard. I don't, so I don't care, but it seems like that has become the modus operandi for most developers now. Which is sad. This game can be very fun and addictive if they actually got super creative with it. They should hire me as a creative director. I obviously could do a better job than the one they have now and keep them under budget to boot. I've nearly reached the final level and I've only been playing for a couple days. Deleting the game from my phone. Have fun for the few days this is exciting for you!!!👍 👍 😊
This page was last edited on 2021-05-26.
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