diep.io Wiki

diep.io Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2021-01-25
  • New version: 1.3.1
  • File size: 42.69 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later



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diep.io is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Miniclip.com. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Miniclip.com, with the latest current version being 1.3.1 which was officially released on 2021-01-25. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 16285 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 3.9 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the diep.io App

How does it Work?

From the creator of Agar.io, the newest online smash hit game comes to mobile! Upgrade your tank, shoot down other players and reach the top of the leaderboard!

Shoot and destroy blocks and other players to earn XP, level up your tank and unlock new classes, weapons and abilities! Will you choose the rapid-fire machine gun, control a swarm of guided missiles, shoot in all directions or something else?


Play with dozens of other players at once on huge servers packed with excitement!


Destroy blocks and other players to gain XP, but don’t get shot down yourself! Stay safe out there!


Choose which stats to increase and change the way your tank plays! Do you want extra bullet damage or a fast movement speed? It’s all down to you!


Upgrade your tank to a new class. Machine guns, guided missiles, cannons in every direction… there’s a world of choice!


diep.io on mobile offers the same great experience as the hit web game, with new controls perfect for touchscreens!


- Online multiplayer action!

- Dozens of players in each game!

- Fast-paced tank on tank warfare!

- Level up a variety of stats!

- Upgrade into many different tank classes!

- Easy to play but challenging to master!

- Free to play!

This game requires an internet connection.

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Top Reviews

  • By Not a lettuce

    Great game, suggestion for controls

    I would give this game a 4.5 which technically rounds to a 5. I have been playing this game a ridiculous amount lately and I really like it! Lag can be very frustrating but to me, it happens so rarely and it’s probably because of my internet so I don’t really think it’s a problem with the app. I also noticed that on the PC version, the drone classes could control drones much better. They could hold down the mouse anywhere on the screen to have the drones group up to form a kind of barrier, which you can’t do on the mobile version except at the edges of the screen. Also, PC users can right click to repel drones outside their field of view, which mobile users cannot. I think it would be good to add an alternative control setting where instead of a joystick you could tap anywhere on the screen and a tank would shoot in that direction. For the drone tanks, the drones would go to where on the screen you tapped and go automatically if you don’t tap anywhere. Maybe you could double-tap to repel drones, idk it’s up to the devs but I would really like something like this added into the game as a setting. Other then that, just all of the PC game modes and all PC tanks.

  • By Turtleyalchemist

    Impossible Starting Off! 😠😡

    Picture this...you just got this game. You thought it might be fun to try! You get in to it and you really like it! You get all the way up to level 40. Great Job! (enter part where level 70 comes by and just one shots you!) You figure it was just one death like that so you continue on. Within 3 minutes of playing again and leveling up again, the same thing happens again. Again you just brush it off. But it just keeps happening and now you’re a little upset. So you go to check the reviews of the game and you see all these great reviews so you get back to playing. But this pro kill thing just keeps happening and happening and happening and...you get what I mean. Take it from me, I have played a LOT of games...(maybe too many)...and I know what good game design looks like. JUST KIDDING!!! 😂🤣 I love this game. I would never go on a rant like this about it. Well...I just did but you know what I mean. Anyway just great job devs if you are reading this. And to other gamers, play this game it is seriously amazing. I love 💗 it...you should definitely play it. Goodbye!

  • By Where is my order?!?!?!


    This is an amazing game and it’s well balanced. Here are some ideas: I’m on mobile so I don’t get that maze map whatever it’s called so I think it should be added to mobile, along with all the other things that are on pc but not on mobile such as sandbox mode. I’m kind of sad that mothership was deleted. I’m not sure if that’s just for mobile or for all consoles, but either way I want it back lol. My final idea for this game is that there should be a whole new rank once you get to level 60. I know this is asking a lot because you would have to come up with new tank ideas for each individual tank tree that the player chooses, all the while making it balanced and not absolutely un-killable, but it’s just a thought. All and all this is an amazing game, and I’m only on mobile and mobile only gets some of the things that pc gets. 5/5 stars

  • By BenRen08


    This is a fast pace game with an amazing gameplay. The graphics aren’t that great, but I completely understand why, every other io game has the exact same kind of graphics so I guess it is just going with the flow. The game is just all out great. I find myself playing this game for hours because of how fun it is. I do wish that their were more tank options. Sort of like a telltale game, each option affects the game in someway, if it was like that, I’d probably play even longer than I already do. I also wish it wasn’t that hard to get points and upgrade your abilities. For example, let’s say I just logged on to a game ready to play and have some fun...............2 hours later.......... “When will I get everything maxed out?!!??!!???😤.” Other than those few things, this is definitely the best game that I’ve ever played. Why did I write so much?

  • By Hi234433345432222334455


    So I got this game and I didn’t like the regular gamemode. It was to difficult. But then I found out about Team dm. It’s basically red vs. blue. I love it and I play it every day. So I’ll give this 5 stars. But on IPhone this is really outdated and please update it on iPhone if your reading this developers. I would love to play maze mode! Ok here is something wrong with the game: the destroyer class. This class is way to overpowered. Here is an example: I joined a server where blue was winning and I explored the map to find like 15 different level 45 tanks on blue dominating the server. Then one destroyer showed up on red team and one-shoted every strong blue tank one by one. And just like that red was taking over the server. Therefore, I think the developers should get rid of this class or at least make the destroyer bullets do less damage.

  • By starkid2.o

    The best game in the world

    I love this game I love this game warden any game in the world Minecraft Mario kart well that’s not true I like Mario kart more than this game it’s fun to get to destroy people online well maybe if I were to ever rate it...⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ you guessed it! Five stars yeah boy it’s so fun I love this game 😃😃😃😃😃😃.😭😭😭 it’s just sad that people just keep shooting you but it’s fun but this playground it’s just getting out of hand😡😡 you know what it’s fine the way it is don’t change it❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 this rate shows that this game is fun. Here are some other reasons that I love the game❤️❤️🧡🧡💛💛💚💚💙💙💜💜💕 I love this game because people destroy you. 🥶🥶So Cold because well I mean sad😭😭 it’s just that it’s just that I give up! Even though I love this game I may be able to be on TV one day! Ha ha just kidding Sean out I mean stupid out

  • By tReVoR Is cOoL

    Great game needs a few changes

    So... first off I love it, it’s really fun and only has a few annoying little things that they need to change. 5 stars for the game itself 3 stars for the different kinds of game modes and classes. Here a a few things I think they should change 1. Sometimes a boss will appear and players on all teams will gather around and fight it, the thing with this is a level Forty five player shoots one bullet slightly to the right and they kill five level 3s 1b. Spawning multiple weaker bosses in different parts of the arena spawn so the players are dispersed more 2. One thing I absolutely hate is when I’m doing really well and everything, and then a Alfa pentagon spawns so me and a bunch of weak players will flock to it of course I’m doing all the work and then a weak player gets the last shot in and THEY GET ALL THE POINTS 2b. Instead of who gets the last shot in, it should be who ever does the most damage that way Joe Shmoe gets 5 million points for shooting one single bullet 3. One cool thing I think the developers should add is a health bar for the arena closers... yes a way to kill a arena closer! It would be a way to keep your original level across two games! Of course it would be super hard, you would have to avoid their bullets while getting some of yours on them... and one more thing, a class that could shoot tracking missiles or something like that that could follow the nearest tank.... Well that’s it I sure hope the developers read this!

  • By 149216091516

    Fun, but hard!

    This game is super fun, but really hard and frustrating when you’re not very leveled up and a big boss comes and gets you with one bullet. The little ones get targeted sometimes and I feel like they should just leave us alone! That’s the nature of the game though I guess, lol. But this is for real super fun and addicting. Once I got up to almost level 45 by running into a really good player who was at low health. You should remember to sometimes upgrade your body damage a little bit. My advice (I’m not very good hahah) is to use your first upgrades for movement speed, max health, and bullet damage. Then start upgrading mostly bullet speed, and some body damage and reload. I recommend this! 😉🥳 Oh and also a lot of people say they have lag problems, and I’ve had a few little ones but it’s not too bad! I just wanted to say that.

  • By Danceprncss

    So much glitch and add more modes

    Every time I play I go to the team or ffa mode and then out of no where a icon pops up on my screen saying connection slow, connecting and then it turns dark then goes to the main menu and I get really mad because I worked so hard to get to the level I am at. Let's say I'm a stalker then the icon pops up and goes to the main menu. About the modes.I'm always tired of using the same mode everyday and It would touch my heart if....hmmm IF! THIS! GAME! HAD! Hmghmmm MORE MODES!!!!!!!AND! IF! THERE! WAS! NO!GLITCHES!!!!!!!hgmhgmhgm.......If there was a update that would have all the stuff I oust talked about was fixed than I would be happier than anybody in the world

  • By TheMainGrain

    Dear Developers

    This is an awesome game that I like to play in my free time. I always get so far and then die. it’s so frustrating because I spend hours on this game. when I die I feel like throwing my phone across the room. it would be cool if you didn’t have to restart EVERYTHING after you die or at least if there is some type of point system and you can pay in points to keep all your upgrades. Also I would like the game more if there were more game modes. like a maze or shape collector one where you could go around the map just shooting all the shapes and just get as many upgrades as you can. it wold also be nice for there to be a chat and even a hangout game mode which could be much Like the shape collector one but with other players too.

  • By nea montana

    Very good game but just one question

    First can you stop making me lag so much and also you should buff the fighter because it’s too weak a rammer could easily kill fighters and also add new tanks like nuclear tank here what I think the load out to get nuclear tank tank flank guard auto 3 and then nuclear tank and please buff destroyer and add more tanks overall this game is pretty good but just buff some tanks and add more tanks and make it an offline game and online game and remove lag plus add premium like no lag you can play offline and add a new max level like level 120 and add level 7 tanks but just saying and add more bosses like nuclear tank boss (emits tons of bullets when tanks are near by)and gamma ray tank makes a line that deals tons of damage like 50 dmg

  • By Tanks rule da world

    Game is awesome, needs some fixing though. Also a few suggestion

    This game is really fun, I love playing it. But it has a few things that need fixing and they don’t make any sense. 1. I was in a top teir tank, I rammed a tank that had way less xp then me, and I died. I had full health and 120 thousand xp. This needs fixing. 2. When ever I try to play FFA, I get killed instantly by higher level players and it is hard to level up to actually be able to fight back. 3. NERF THE DESTROYER! It is way over powered and needs a nerf, it can one tap a higher level tank with ease. Other then these complaints, the game is awesome. Suggestions: add more tanks to the game, also add more bosses and make bosses spawn more often. Also make players go to bosses to fight them. Make some AI bots for lower level players to level up easier, also make the triangles at team spawn have less range so if a player is chasing a low hit-point player, they don’t get killed by the triangles. And make the purple triangles spawn less of often so players are not overwhelmed by them. This is all I have to say. I hope you take my advice and make some of not all of these changes to the game. Thank you 🙏.

  • By i rated for a character

    Could be better

    This game has potential, but I feel like it lags to much and I don’t know if that’s just me but I always have good connection and have never had a problem with connection but this one game. A few bugs that happen when I play is that when I move my character it doesn’t register that my character is moving so I can’t play, another is that my upgrades won’t pop up sometimes, and another is that when I try clicking on a upgrade it doesn’t seem to add it sometimes. I recommend that you should add a online option to play with other players, and a offline option to play with bots so you won’t always need connection to play. Overall the game is fun and I recommend that it’s a game to play when your looking for a game on your phone to pass the time. I hope you understand where I’m coming from on this and know that I’m not hating on your game but just pointing out some minor bugs and things that could improve the game

  • By Great ill general

    Severs + etc

    I started of trying to play but the game is so laggy, it was messed up. I could not stand playing with a hundred player in one server being so laggy it was impossible to move or shoot. You could upgrade anything with another player just sitting there trying to destroy you. When you level up you could barely get more levels trying get at it with the small amount of little shapes around trying to gather up what you could. Some of the Tank awful and useless as I was grinding it I was using different tank and some of them where impossible to deal with, and the fact that a lower rank Tank could destroy a higher Tank is ridiculous by just bashing into one another. I’m just saying I had a horrible time playing in these server and with other Tank starting way higher than you. It terrible to experience.

External Links

Miniclip.com' Official Website

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This page was last edited on 2021-01-25.
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