Count Masters: Crowd Runner 3D Wiki

Count Masters: Crowd Runner 3D Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2021-07-29
  • New version: 1.19
  • File size: 237.88 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 11.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

Count Masters: Crowd Runner 3D


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Count Masters: Crowd Runner 3D is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Tap2Play LLC. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Tap2Play LLC, with the latest current version being 1.19 which was officially released on 2021-07-29. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 94855 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.5 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the Count Masters: Crowd Runner 3D App

How does it Work?

Choose the best gate, pass through it, and bring stickman warriors together to clash with the opposing crowd. Become the crowd master and lead your people through the crowded city till the end of this epic race. Crash obstacles and beat everyone on your way, collect coins and upgrade your levels. Defeat the King-stickman in the final battle and take the castle!

Looking for some fun and thrill? Then this 3d running game is just for you.

Count Masters is one of the most exciting clash games of all times! You start the battle alone but trust us: there are no chances for you to feel lonely.

This city takeover game features fascinating graphics and simple mechanics. You have a chance to get absorbed in the bright world of Count Masters full of gang fights and stickman battles. Get ready to spend hours playing one of the most thrilling running games.

We promise: you won’t get bored!

1 Contributions

  • On Feb 02}


    I like the quick math aspect of the game but in the build section is there more to build on other islands? How do I get to those?

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    Top Reviews

    • By uvdgbhbddfrr


      Unlike a many games this game actually doesn’t have a lot of adds I’ve played games that every 30 seconds to a minute there was an ad even in the middle of a game but this game is awesome and there are not that many adds it is quite challenging and it keeps me entertained all in all I think this game is really good and from what I hear the creators of this game listen to the reviews and if they find anything in the reviews that they need to change they will change it because I’ve heard that this game used to be pretty bad but I’ve also heard that it’s got a lot better and it is really fun to me!

    • By mobileGamesRbad

      Don’t download this

      Obviously this is just a mobile game that spans you with adds and provides no fun gameplay. “Well why did u leave a 5 star review” bcuz these people only show high star reviews. Also the other 5 star reviews are fakes. “Well why did u download this” so I could expose how trashy these games really are. If you looked at the reviews before downloading, great idea. My advice: don’t download games that look like they are designed for idiots

    • By ghydjyfdfthtfytjfytfj

      Pretty good but could be better

      First of all, the game is pretty fun with the bosses and multipliers and whatnot but if you could add a creative mode where you build your own levels to play yourself or to publish for others to play that would be awesome. Second, there are only two things you can upgrade in the game when there is so many things you can make options to upgrade like luck where it gives you a better chance to get higher additions to your crowd or defense where you have better resistance to enemy attacks like one person is like 2. Finally, there should be an option to add decor to your crowd like hats.

    • By Bia 5X21

      The other reviews are not true

      Hi everyone says that this game is for dumb babies and it’s not fun when there’s too many ads and yes I’ve played it there’s way too many ads but guess what I just go on to airplane mode and then you don’t watch ads and yeah it’s just a game but it’s also really fun even with the ads I took my time to write this so that you could read it So listen to meIt’s really fun and yeah play it all the time it’s going to get boring but it’s not boring at all and it’s not dumb it’s one of the best games ever is my favorite game thank you for having time to be there have a good day

    • By I need Boxers

      Good but…

      I love this game! It has amazing skins and I love the among us in it but it needs hats. I all ready got all the skins and I got the game a hour ago. If it had hats I could have more to look forward to. Also if you made it so you got colors from the boss fights then you could make some colors harder to get and show of to your friends. One more thing I think if you make a multiplayer level where you get more and more people and at the end you fight a real person then you could give the winner a prize. This is just a suggestion for the creators of this Awesome game!

    • By natalie_||101||

      Its got a couple problems…

      If i get over 200 people by the end, some of them would get left behind. Ive played almost 2000 levels and never got to the top. Like the distance from the finish line to the staircase is not long enough for the little people to get in their pyramid. The farthest i’ve gotten was 6.2. That’s one problem and the other one is the ADS. They come after every single level and range from 15 to 30 seconds which gets very annoying. The developers definitely need to fix these problems.

    • By Beta Wolf 56

      Fun but the ADS

      This game is fun and enjoyable, nothing ground breaking but nice to pass the time. The gameplay is simple and easy, and I haven’t noticed any major bugs. The actual game itself: 5 stars. However, the BIGGEST thing keeping this app from getting anything higher than 3 is the amount of ADS! After every round, you get an ad that ranges from 15-30 seconds. I have been playing this game for about an hour and the majority of the time was dealing with ads. There isn’t even an option to pay to get rid of them. There are SO MANY ADS to the point where it makes it annoying to play, sucking the enjoyment out of completing any level. If there was an option to pay to get rid of these ads, I would gladly do it. Overall, the game is nice and fun, but the amount of ads are unbearable.

    • By 2932008


      I was playing this game and i thought it was quite fun. Then i wanted to watch an add to claim a new skin that i worked hard for and it pretended like there was no internet and i couldnt claim the skin, even though i DID have internet! So the only way to actually get a skin is to pay for it, wich i think is unfair. The game also said that i couldwin a skin by choosing one out of three chests. The first and second time i chose “wrong”. I thought that it was just a coincidence, but i have had to choose fo a lot of times now and i still haven’t won one skin out of all those times i could choose from the chests. I am sorry but to me that is kind of suspicious. It’s like the creators of the game don’t want me winning a free skin!

    • By COOMER420

      Not like the add.

      I saw this game as an add and it looked really cool so I gave it a try. I think something that game creators do is they will purposely play the game really bad for the add and then when I see it I think oh the person playing this game is really bad and I think I could do this game much better than they can and so I download the app and then you lose interest really fast because of how easy it is and so it was a waste of time and effort! That’s probably why games like this always have so many people play it. If I were you I would stick to Roblox, Minecraft and google. Some other games like this are better but it’s a really rare occasion and almost never happens.

    • By sdchurch

      Feels like something is missing

      The gameplay starts off fun. The math and obstacles are a little challenging. The side activity of building on an island is pretty neat. Sending off a ship to raid somewhere has potential. Then after 20 minutes, you’ve seen and done it all. If you start a level and fail, you do not get to go back and try again, it is just gone and you have another level to do. Some of the obstacles have no way to pass without major losses. No skills to improve. The bonus waving needles have a predictable rhythm making the highest bonuses gain able every time. The building is done in 20 minutes. No additional islands, no upgrades, just done. The raiding ship always wins through no action on your part. It is all off screen. The jewels you win in the raids have no purpose. It feels like the free sample of a bigger game. Lots of adds. But that seems to be the norm these days.

    • By GMEgoBrrrrr

      Mediocre at best

      As many other reviews have mentioned, this app is LOADED with ads. You’ll see a somewhat skippable 30 second ad after every 20 second level. Optional upgrades can be unlocked using in-game coins (earned by completing levels) or by watching a 30 second ad. Expect to watch A LOT of ads. I haven’t even touched on the gameplay. If you’ve seen the ads for this game, that’s what you get and nothing more. The levels never get harder. The “bosses” are just various skins of the same NPC. Seriously, there’s no substance to this game at all. You’ll never reach a level you get stuck at and celebrate when you finally pass it. The levels are all procedurally generated with various obstacles thrown in your way. By the time you’ve reached the 5th level, you’ll have seen all that this game has to offer. 2 stars, because it’s exactly as advertised and nothing more.

    • By DRAMApesent

      What the heck

      So I got this game on while I was playing a different game and an ad popped up and I thought that it looked cool so I downloaded the app and thought it was really fun but as I got more into it I realize that it was useless and had a huge amount of flaws. First I realized that no matter how much people you get you won’t get first place I mean once I got all the highest numbers and I avoided all of the obstacles and still did not get it first place and also you can only change your characters color from the color wheel I mean why can’t you just choose your own color. Oh so you can only buy the things that you have already earned, I mean seriously, what’s the point of buying them anyway then Plus if you did all that work to earn them and you can’t even afford to buy them that makes. no sense. And that’s my statement please don’t get this app.

    • By MacTheEatingDog


      I was just playing Draw defense then a ad popped up 👀 I saw this game I was like “ this looks like a fun game I totally don’t know that there’s a Trillion ads” so when I was waiting for it to download I looked at all The reviews and I saw bad things so I was like well this game is going to be trash but let’s just see and guess what I hate it it’s like the worst I agree with all other people too many ads too many stuff so yeah I don’t know why someone just would make a game for you to just watch ads 99% of the time I was just watching the ads and 1% I was actually playing really it just was really boring and really easy with some other people I read the reviews and I saw some other people get all the skins in like 20 minutes in 20 minutes I also got all the skins. In all it’s just a bad game

    • By LogicalLegends


      Alright I am no app critic, but I’ve seen so many ads for this game that I had to know what exactly it was. It looked easy and I liked the noises the dudes made. I started playing it with WiFi off so the game would barrage me with ads and I noticed there was no music no sounds, nothing at all. Whatever no music that’s okay. They couldn’t even bother at making their own levels, instead they seem to be randomly generated. I thought okay that’s alright infinite replayability, I can get behind that. The gameplay is mindless, the animations are lazy, the models are simple, the sounds are absent and, the English is incomplete. This app is clearly just a cash cow for a company in a third world country. Overall score- it was ight. This ain’t triple A.

    External Links

    Tap2Play LLC' Official Website

    Free on iTunes

    Download for Android

    This page was last edited on 2021-07-29.
    Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
    Count Masters: Crowd Runner 3D content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Tap2Play LLC or its licensors. All rights reserved.
    This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Tap2Play LLC.

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