Escape Logan Estate Wiki

Escape Logan Estate Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2020-01-18
  • New version: 2.02
  • File size: 313.74 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 9.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

Escape Logan Estate


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Escape Logan Estate is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Snapbreak Games. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Snapbreak Games, with the latest current version being 2.02 which was officially released on 2020-01-18. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 536 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.2 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the Escape Logan Estate App

How does it Work?

Can you escape Logan Estate?

- Dozens of challenging puzzles to solve!

- Beautiful, stylized environments to explore!

- 4 chapters to complete. First chapter is free of charge!

- Story rich with music to enjoy!

A visit to the Logan Estate leaves a family in pieces. Play as three different family members to explore and solve puzzles to reveal the mystery surrounding the estate.

If you think you have what it takes to escape Logan Estate then go on and download this game now!

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  3. Our Escape Logan Estate wiki page ranks near the top of the Google results. Help make it as accurate and complete as it can possibly be.
  4. Get the satisfaction of helping the whole world, or at least other Escape Logan Estate gamers like you. Your name will also attached to the Wiki entry.

Top Reviews

  • By bonster-the-monster


    Okay, first off, I was not able to get all the chapters because I’m not the kind of person to spend money on apps unless absolutely necessary. I was just able to play Chapter 1 Act 1-3. I thought the game was fun and puzzling to the right extent. I was curious to see where how the story would develop over the other chapters!

  • By koobrik

    So far so good

    I don’t think I’m very far in when they start asking for a rating but so far I like it. The millennial looking couple are annoying but I like the puzzles!

  • By Nicw1917

    Nice job

    This game is just challenging enough to keep anyone curious where the story is going. I like the clues are spread out and to put them to use player must keep going back. If you like a mystery, keep playing. Hope to see more.

  • By Mikeyman11791

    It’s gorgeous

    Graphics are absolutely amazing love the game to death but wish it was fully free instead of having to pay to get levels but all in all I will grade it five stars if I didn’t have to pay

  • By hr0033

    Needs more

    The game was fun to play, enough so that I bought the other chapters. Although, there wasn’t an ending to the story. I’m hoping that you add more chapters and make the story a bit more interesting so that I feel like I’m spending my money on something worth it. It took me about an hour to get through all three chapters, so they just don’t have enough content in them. I enjoyed it but I feel like it should take me longer to get through all of the chapters. I really hope there will be more, and longer, chapters added to the game so that it’s worth it.

  • By silvarwyrm

    Plot is a hot mess

    The puzzles are okay (not difficult at all, but that’s ok depending on your skill level) and fairly par for the course with this developer, but the game overall is too short for the price compared to others by the company. But most of all, my complaint is that the game’s plot cannot decide what it wants to be, and ends up being a disappointing mess. Is it a ghost story? An animal fable? A meditation on family relationships? Who knows! None of these ideas are developed adequately so the end of the game is deeply frustrating. Go download a Faraway game instead.

  • By Starlyluv

    Lots of Missing Item Bugs

    Great game and interesting storyline. The challenges aren’t too hard or too easy. However, I encountered a bug several times where an item goes missing in my inventory. I have to force the app to shutdown and then relaunch and that starts the act over so that I have to retrace my steps. It’s understandable to have that happen maybe once or twice, but it’s happened three times already and I’m kind of getting annoyed. Please get this fixed.

  • By Tea berry-blue

    Nice graphics, unique premise, a little thin on plot

    Overall I enjoyed this game. I liked the look of it and the puzzles were intuitive but not *too* easy. But the plot never really went anywhere. I was hoping to learn more about why the grandfather and the dad didn’t get along, and the game hinted at some spooky things but never really went much of anywhere with them. The lack of real supernatural elements was a letdown after what I thought was a good buildup.

  • By emilpee

    Seems fun but all the chapters are $2 each

    Didn’t like that this advertised as a whole game but it’s just the first chapter. The puzzles were relatively simple so far, seems like an interesting creepy story, but then they want $2 a chapter to continue? The first chapter only took me like 15 mins, not gonna pay that much for such short game play unfortunately.

  • By mearakat

    I got mixed feelings yo.

    I loved the concept and story line, but around chapter 2 it began to feel like the creators gave up. There is so much missing from the story that when it ended it didn’t make sense at all. If that were fixed and the chapters were longer it would be one of my favorites.

  • By cameron dodson

    This game is bad...but it started off so good

    This game is trash yo, nothing happened🤷🏾‍♂️, I coulda swore the grandpa died...but then he suddenly was there again, never found out who the masked guy was either, what was the point of this game, I wish I could give it 0 stars but I guess I’ll just give it 1 unless more chapters will be released, they just made an easy couple bucks off me and I’m not happy

  • By CasinoOwl

    I can’t recommend this game

    I paid for all three chapters, which would have been fine if the game delivered on the promise of chapter 1. Some of the puzzles are decent, but some click points are wonky. The real bummer is the story. The game throws in some spooky ideas, then veers off course. Grandpa reappears inexplicably. The masked creature is never explained. Is grandpa a creep or not. It’s all so lazy. Anyway, save your money.

  • By gregrila

    Game breaking bug

    The art and play style are great. But I just encountered a bug where an important item (the cage) disappeared from my inventory before I could use it. It disappeared while I was outside looking at the sundial. I had the cage. Zoomed in. Zoomed out. Cage was gone. Pretty sure that’s not what was meant to happen. It’s a five star game but bugs of that caliber are unacceptable in a completed game.

  • By annoyed & confused

    Keypad Problems

    I don’t understand why the keypad under the stairs will not take the codes I punch in. It takes the first two, and the last two I give are correct (as I’ve found both of them, watched your own walkthrough, and found another one outside of this app) but it won’t take them! It is extremely frustrating, I have started another game just to do it in a different order yet it does the same thing! I was thoroughly enjoying the game up until this point, and unless this is fixed I won’t be playing at again.

External Links

Snapbreak Games' Official Website

Free on iTunes

Download for Android

This page was last edited on 2020-01-18.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Escape Logan Estate content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Snapbreak Games or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Snapbreak Games.

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