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XCOM®: Enemy Within is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by 2K. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - 2K, with the latest current version being 1.4.0 which was officially released on 2017-10-27. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 4961 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.3 out of a possible 5 stars.
XCOM®: Enemy Within is a standalone expansion to the 2012 strategy game of the year XCOM: Enemy Unknown and it's now available on iOS devices! Enemy Within features the core gameplay of Enemy Unknown plus more exciting content. Check out the new soldiers, abilities, enemies, maps, missions, and multiplayer mode for the fresh new strategy gaming experience!
• New Soldier Abilities: Build new base facilities to unlock unearthly new capabilities for XCOM’s soldiers. The Genetics Lab will allow soldiers to receive powerful genetic modifications, and the Cybernetics Lab allows soldiers to use devastating mechanized cybersuits in battle.
• New Weapons and Equipment: Give your operatives an extra tactical edge with new projects from your engineering team and the Foundry.
• New Enemy Threats: Adopt new tactics to counter the threats from two new alien types and a deadly new organization known as EXALT.
• New Strategic Resource: A valuable new alien resource, known as Meld, has been discovered. Secure it on the battlefield, research a new technology to unlock its power, and use it carefully back at base to unlock new upgrades and weaponry.
• New Story Elements: Investigate a terrifying threat in an abandoned fishing village, and defend the XCOM headquarters from alien attack in a series of new plot-driven missions.
• New Multiplayer maps, units, and abilities: Create your custom squad from a wider array of options and dominate your opponent in intense, one-on-one, turn-based matches.
NOTE: XCOM: Enemy Within is a graphically rich game with advanced features. To OPTIMIZE your playing experience, you may want to turn off other apps before playing.
The content of this videogame is fictional and is not intended to represent or depict an actual record of the events, persons, locations, or entities in the game’s setting. The makers and publishers of this videogame do not in any way endorse, condone or encourage engaging in any conduct depicted in this videogame.
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Xcom unknown vs xcom within
I originally owned the first version xcom unknown. Great game but had some stuttering bugs that annoyed me when playing. Xcom within has been a night and day difference. I'm playing on iPhone 6s Plus iOS 10.2 and seriously the loading is less than 5 seconds for me between launching the battle and being on the ground. In xcom unknown I'd sit there for 30 seconds or more. Graphics are better, controls are better, I have no issues with going up or down a level (use either two fingers swiping up/down or touch the camera icon and use the up/down icon). I'm more than 8 hours into the game with full power armor, new ships, exalt and weapons. I see the DLC for the game in the options but maps are smaller. To me this is a 9 out of 10. I love strategy and action games, this is fluid gameplay and can get really hard fast if you aren't smart with your strategy. Big difference between the two is the DLC, loading times and bigger battles with more than just aliens, humans too. But I must acknowledge that my experience is likely better because I'm on an iPhone 6s Plus so better processor (dual core) and more ram (2gb ram) than previous devices I've used (iPad 2-3, iPhone 5-6). I recommend but best experience will he with newer devices, with the DLC added this second installment was worth buying again for an experienced adult gamer; supports app switching (love I can take a call and get back into the Frey).
I have loved the X-Com games since the 90s
This game is great. Game system quality and I bought it even though I own it on Xbox and pc. I should have reviewed this long ago but I just don’t review things enough. The one problem I have is I can’t play the game and listen to my podcasts. I know you haven’t done any updates in forever but if you could fix that one thing it would get me to play it more. I like to learn and laugh when I play games. I can’t imagine it would be s hard thing to fix. However that is the only problem I have. It’s just a big one because it keeps me from playing it. I love the game and I end up just playing dumb games because I can listen to stuff while playing them. I know I’m just one person asking for this fix but I myself have payed so much for these games over the years. I think I’ve owned every version of X-Com made. Some I’ve owned more than one copy of. TFTD twice, Apocalypse twice, and enemy unknown for three different systems. Anyone who likes these new ones should go check out the old ones. The graphics aren’t so great but the games are awesome. Anyway thank you for the great games. I’m playing X-Com 2 on PS4 now. Keep up the good work and keep’em coming. Maybe make one more like the old school ones with a whole bunch of solders and time units. Just make it look pretty but other than that just like the old ones. Please. Anyway thanks again.
4000 BC
Ladies and gents. This is the best app out of the best apps you could ever find. I've played Xcom ever since the original game came out in 4000 BC. I'm of course not saying I'm that old. What I'm saying is that much like the great pyramids of Egypt, nothing can match its splendor. Xcom is one of the great wonders of the world. It was amazing then and it is amazing now. Right now! You complain that the controls are weird? What!? Get some better fingers people. The controls in the game are the best you can get from a mobile device machine. This takes some major strategy, some major brain usage. I suggest playing the game on CLASSIC and IRONMAN. The frustration might run slightly high when one of your faves die, but when you conquer the onslaught of alien beauties the feeling of success is like that of taking a shower for the first time after a month long hike through the hot rainforests of South America... I... I've never been... I mean I take showers... I'm just talking about the rainforests... the... you know what I mean!.. Why are you reading this!? Buy the game! What!? It's not free you say!? So what! You were gonna make in game purchases with whatever free game you were thinking about playing anyway! Buy it now and you will be on the golden road to bliss. XOXO, The Aliens
All 5 Stars (EXPLAINED)
1. Going into this game as my first XCOM purchase I was skeptical because of the price of the game. The first star is awarded because of the good tutorials and overall help of the game. 2. While I believe this game may be toned a bit from the original which I understand the second star is awarded for the unlimited amount of content this game offers and will never get boring 3. The third star I believe which is an expectation of any game is the smooth play that it offers. I play from an iPhone 7 and have never experienced so much as a frame skip. 4. On top of all this there is a multiplayer system which is fun as hell and adds to the overall quality of the game. 5. While most people would've stopped at 4 I will not rob this game of it's justice. It has prompted me to buy XCOM 2 on steam for $60. While there is nothing worse than losing a major in battle this is probably the most entertaining game on the App Store. I highly recommend this for anybody. I am not even into strategy games. This is my first XCOM but will certainly not be my last. Thank you for taking the time to read my review.
Nicely done!
When I first played this game on the PC, I thought this would make an awesome Mobile game because all you are doing is just clicking. That is what lead me to this game, and what an amazing job 2K and Firaxis did! It was an audacious step to bring Xcom back from the dead, and to me it paid off. The gameplay is streamlined and dynamic while still maintaining that feel that Xcom is supposed to give you. You always feel hopelessly outmatched, but it does it so that you still feel a sense of accomplishment even when retreating from a botched mission, and even more so in victory. Even in a game where there are no set characters the soldiers develop their own personality through the awesome gameplay. Even the sky ranger developed its own feel to me. However Where this game excels is in the gameplay, and although there are a few bugs here and there, they have mostly been addressed. To the developers I say well done and thanks for having the courage to market a turn based strategy to our FPS generation, but you better not slouch on Xcom 2!
Retains the feel of the PC version
I have an iPhone 6+ w/ 64 GB if that matters. This is the first and only game I've installed. It runs flawlessly. That said, I've only played the tutorial and only have 8 hours of gameplay, so I can't give a detailed review but I did want to offer a counterpoint to the "buggy as hell" reviews. I played the original xcom games on a PC back in the 90s and this retains that same feeling of tenseness and satisfaction. My only complaint is that I wish I had more screen real estate, but of course I'm not sitting in front of my 24" monitor so it's a silly complaint. Nonetheless, it does make situation awareness a challenge. Still, it's the same addictive game I remember so fondly. Best $7 I've spent in awhile. Update: I just completed my 4th full campaign. That's about 2 solid months of playing. I've had all of one (1) crash. When I restarted from the crash I added an action so as not to trigger it again and it worked like a champ. If I could give it an strange star if do it.
Great Mobile Port
I am a huge fan of XCOM: Enemy Unknown and its expansion, Enemy Within, on the PC. When I saw a mobile version for my iPhone 6, I had to give it a shot, especially for $10. While they did have to cut a few of the features due to hardware and storage limitations, the tactical and base building areas of the game are pretty close to the original. Most of the cuts they made were to soldier customization, tactical cinematics, fewer maps(I think), etc. The core game and the majority of its features are still there and, more importantly, they're fun. I was very surprised how well it runs on my iPhone 6. Load times are very short and the interface is very well done for a touch screen game that has this much depth. Despite my large fingers, I'm able to run through missions without any mistakes caused by the UI. If you enjoyed the new XCOM games, you will more than likely have a lot of fun with the mobile version that you can play anywhere and fits in your pocket.
One of the best turned based games period
Pros: •Great combat that never lets you feel too powerful. Even when you’re late in the game and feel like you’ve “got it” there’s always something that can, and does, happen to fix that feeling. Whether it’s a surprise enemy you ran into that’s in overwatch that you didn’t expect or your soldier missed a critical shot, you can expect the game to be unrelentingly smart about causing you problems. •Permadeath. Pretty much if someone dies they’re gone for good. You always have the fear of losing your best soldiers; who have sortied over 15 times with 50 kills that turn missions into your favor when they deploy EVERY time you send them out into harms way. That is real fear so easily built into this game. Those are the two main pros for me about this. Cons: •Glitches, ever so minor. Basically things like changing height differences with the camera to get a better view of things causes issues where you want to see the roof of a building but the game shows you the interior instead. Or when you want to see if your character can climb a drain pipe and move to cover with a single action point but the camera only shows you their path inside the building again. Even with that it’s just so minor it does make the game any less great TLDR: download it if you enjoy turn based permadeath games that never stop being challenging but never stop being satisfying at the same time.
Worth more than $10
I don’t leave reviews unless I’m p*ssed so that makes this mean that much more. This is by far the best and most played game I’ve ever purchased. I was weary about spending $10 since I try to keep my gaming budget on the cheap but after knowing the gameplay, this game is well worth more than $10. There are several new missions that are not in the original computer, or Xbox games, with new enemies. The difficulty of the battles only makes me want to beat it more. The graphics are beautiful in how they go into detail of each turn. The catchphrases of the soldiers are awesome and hilarious. This game will take days to complete even if you were playing non-stop, there is so much gameplay. Please 2K, make more games with this strategy, it is truly the best. I would gladly pay more money for more games like this, where is the donation link??
Great game, better app
I was originally very disappointed by this game. The graphics were sad, the loading times were long, and it was missing some features I wanted to see. However, I recently redownloaded it and am blown away. Both on my iphone 7+ and my 2017 ipad pro (12.9) it runs VERY well. I cannot believe how quick the load times are. Also, there are some features present that I don’t remember them having, like armor tint. I am very happy with it. One thing I would like a lot is if they would incorporate keyboard support. Being able to map hotkeys for overwatch and use WASD to move the map around would be huge, as well as a keyboard interface for troop selection and things like that. I enjoy the game but being able to use my keyboard would make this just phenomenal. I understand that is unlikely but it would be nice and I would really appreciate it as a feature.
Has potential, but be prepared to loose everything....over and over and over
So at first I was very excited about this game, even though the tutorial left a lot to be desired regarding how to move, how to pick up things, how tough the aliens were, what to develop first versus last, and a whole bunch of other things. After playing the second time and investing a whole bunch of time, I had my entire crew wiped out in 15 minutes at the fishing village. Two enhanced heavy combat mecs, a sniper and two other support. I can see losing one or two guys, but to have your entire crew wiped out by insurmountable odds, and creatures that are way tougher than they should (zombies kill you in one hit, crustaceans spider bug thingys impervious to fire and mini cannons) who’d a thought? I don’t know about you, but if I invest 20 hours into a game only to lose all those guys, with their mods, in 15 minutes, I’m not so motivated to keep playing. If you have a life and just want to enjoy a game that you can play, learn, lose a battle and then come back to....then don’t pick this game because you will lose ALL of your hard earned progress in 15 minutes....irrevocably. Poof!! Gone!! Finished! That’s one DEAD parrot! Lol now if they ad a save feature and afford you the ability to refight a battle....then I’m back in....but until then....I’ll pass.
OK port of an excellent game
If I were to review the game itself I would give it 5 stars. It's one of the best and most addictive games I have ever played: well balanced, good graphics, fun gameplay mechanics, and more. I like it so much that I actually bought the game twice: once on iOS for my iPad mini 2 and iPhone 6, and once on my iMac. I do have to say that the iMac version is far superior. First of all, in my opinion the iPhone 6's screen is just too small for the kind of gameplay of selecting precise spots to move units in a tactical game. Secondly, performance-wise the game is just very hard on the Apple devices. In particular my iPad mini 2 (A7 processor) struggles at times to keep up with it. It doesn't affect the gameplay but it's just not smooth. On the iMac it's a very smooth 1080p experience. Third, the game can be a little difficult on a touchscreen because of the way the controls are implemented (not very precisely). Compared with a gamepad or mouse/keyboard it's just a lot less precise. BUT, for a version of the game that I can fit in my pocket I suppose this is an OK tradeoff. I'd say the game itself is 5 stars but this port is 3 stars.
Fun mobile x com but bad controls
I get it’s a phone game but still the controls aren’t the best they don’t really respond or work just right as intended I try and click on a stair case to select upstairs and my character goes to a different location down stairs I try and climb a pip to get on the roof and just walk up to the pip I eventually get what was wrong I needed to click the camera thing and move it up but that’s a small hassle and also buggy along with if I’m moving farther Spaces in the yellow it sometimes jumps me to a different character and doesn’t let me move so yeah but still worth 5$ if your a big x com fan who wants to play it on the move mobile but also as a fan who’s used to better controls on either PC or console especially console just cause that’s what I played it originally on so I was used to that way of playing it feels off and bad but still happy I bought it but that’s why it’s so low rated 3* but could have been higher on console I gave it a 5* and it’s probably best on pc :)
Keeps closing
I never write complaints on these ever, only reason why i am right now is because i want a quick fix soon. I love XCOM EW its my favorite game of all time that ive ever played on PS3. I have always wanted a port to a PS Vita but got mega excited about the iOS port. I downloaded yesterday and turned on, got super excited and after i try to start single player, it immediately for e closed in the loading screen. I had all my other apps closed and it did it so i just restarted it, and tried again, same thing. I uninstalled and reinstalled and same thing again. I am using an iPod Touch 5th Generation with iOS 8s latest update. It says on the compatibility that itll run on iPod Touch. It runs yeah but doesnt play. Im probably gonna have to pick up the PS3 version again and hope for a PS Vita port and im really looking forward for an update to fix the use on iPod Touch 5th generation. I really really love XCOM this doesnt ruin my love for this game but it really got me worried about downloading new games
This page was last edited on 2017-10-27.
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