Toy Defense 2 — Tower Defense Wiki

Toy Defense 2 — Tower Defense Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2020-10-27
  • New version: 2.23
  • File size: 127.52 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 9.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

Toy Defense 2 — Tower Defense


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Toy Defense 2 — Tower Defense is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Melsoft. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Melsoft, with the latest current version being 2.23 which was officially released on 2020-10-27. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 3147 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.4 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the Toy Defense 2 — Tower Defense App

How does it Work?

Playtime’s over, soldier! It’s time for some real fast-paced tower defense action. Lucky for you, Toy Defense 2 has you covered. Forget about castles and clans — jump into epic combat, take command of powerful vehicles, hone your strategic skills and become the ultimate commander.

Think you’re tough enough? Then sharpen your tactics and tackle dynamic PvP battles from across the globe. Still looking for a bigger challenge? Take the next step and compete in tournaments to rise through the ranks to the top of the ratings.

They may be toy soldiers, but this no place for toying around! It’s up to you build an unstoppable army, take on unforgettably awesome battles, conquer your enemies and seize victory!


• Three game modes: PvE missions, tournaments and PvP battles

• 290 action-packed missions

• Famous campaigns like the Battle of Iwo Jima and Operation Overlord

• Vehicles from Great Britain, the U.S.A., the USSR and Germany

• Tournaments with rating system

• Stunning graphics

• Units upgradable by adding commanders

• Several nations’ armies available to use during a battle

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Top Reviews

  • By FleshyHeadedMonkey

    Good game -- I haven't had to pay

    I was pleasantly surprised that this isn't just another "me too" tower defense game. It's got some unique elements that I find truly enjoyable, and requires some tactical decisions like choosing ground vs air defense and figuring out which upgrades are worth your hard-earned cash. About that cash... I agree the later/mid rounds have some ridiculously resilient enemy soldiers or floods of impossible-to-kill aircraft that make things a little frustrating, but I just move on and play a different scenario, earn more cash and come back to it. I have not spent a penny on this game and I'm nowhere near stymied yet. As for the unique features, I particularly like the commanders that you level up and can bring with you regardless of the faction you're currently playing. This allows me to max out Russian gear, assign commanders to them, and use that powerful gear in a British or USA scenario. I recommend you try this game if you like the genre. It's free to try, after all.

  • By SmileyKyleeFace

    Entertained for 2 or 3 years now

    I’ve played this game for a couple of years now. I actually enjoy how challenging some of the higher levels are. I don’t watch ads to earn coins but do everything either through playing the game or the free daily bonuses. I actually had racked up like 40k stars at one point but then I gambled it all away in the arena :(. It was glitchy for me before where if I lost connection or swiped away for half a sec, I wouldn’t be able to reconnect and there goes my bet money. I’m looking forward to the knew arena update!! Will it be available soon?

  • By Boll lox

    Superb game

    I’ve been playing this game, and the other Toy D games in the series, all of which are great, for a while now and I have to say they are some of the best Tower Defence games, period. Lots of levels progressively harder and lots of upgrades to help along the way. These idiots that whine about having to pay to progress are just that, idiots. You don’t have to pay a penny to get through any entire section. The only annoyance I find is the intermittent freezing up of the game for a second or two. I really wish the developers would find a fix for it.

  • By C Smooth Fly

    Endless Challenge

    The perfect Tower Defense game. Progress from battle to battle with more challenging scenarios. But always with a way to win once you discover the appropriate strategy. The key questions are: 1. Where to concentrate fire, 2. How do you grow the strength of your forces for maximum force when the enemy unleashes their full force (hint: Start from the command post and work your way forward once each of your units is at full strength.), 3. What is the proper balance between air and ground defense. Love this game.

  • By BDenslow

    Addictive AF

    If you like tower defense games, I’m not sure there’s a better version out there. Infantry, flamethrower, artillery, aircraft and anti-aircraft are your weapons as the Allied Forces of WWII. Each nation gets their own technology tree: USSR gets an infantry unit capable of attacking aircraft while the US infantry unit can eventually produce tank obstacles. One nation gets a long-range artillery piece while a different nation gets a fighter-bomber. Then consider commanders: these are assigned to units across any of the Allies with a reduced cost and their own individual skill trees. The maps and scenarios are challenging and will keep you playing for hours whether you care to spend money or not. I’ve supported this author on a different platform in the past and am considering doing so on iOS - just to speed things up. ;) You can definitely grind your way through though!

  • By douglas49

    Toy defense.

    Truly enjoying this game. Has become my go to time killer. Haven't had any glitches. I won't buy in game stuff so it's a slower build up for my army but still very fun. It’s been my go to game for over a month. I haven’t spent any money and have gone through most of one campaign and a bit of all others. You don’t need to spend money. Play the easy levels in all campaigns to earn your stars, build up your ten given soldiers then decide on a campaign and build on just that army. I think people want instant rewards instead of building up to or earning them. I haven’t played any of the other modes so can’t speak of them.

  • By Swampwalker

    Like it so far

    Just started playing today and enjoying it so far. Have a few quirks I’m not used to in most tower defense games I’ve played in the past. I don’t understand the tower upgrade mechanics. Why can’t you upgrade any tower you want to? When things get hot and heavy you can’t upgrade a tower close to the exit unless it has the upgrade option lit up. Sometimes that is a downfall to winning a battle. It’s going to be a grind to level up but I have time. I just want to be able to upgrade any tower when I have the resources. That’s my biggest compliant and the reason for 4 stars.

  • By moeandhope

    Good game, needs minor improvements

    I like the game set up, sounds, and detail. It’s tough after the first 20 levels or so to win unless you purchase upgrades - like all other free games. I would like to see titles of the different units deployed, their country and/or potential upgrade level. Perhaps an info option when you click on one. It would make it easier when you want to dismiss a unit and change it out. The ground artillery and anti-aircraft look very similar. Otherwise, I’m still playing, stubborn to get three stars.

  • By Wastintime

    2nd best tower defense game on the App Store

    It’s a really good and entertaining game. I have two huge problems with it. 1. it’s too repetitive with no engaging story at all... recycled maps, etc. 2. You have no ability to target individual targets or even groups, so sometimes the computer’s logic screws you up. However, it’s playable and you don’t have to spend a fortune once you beat a few levels because it becomes impossible to play. Overall a very good time waster.

  • By DJ_Dante


    Once you get rolling with experienced officers and some practice it’s addictive and fun. I took one star away because of three things: 1) I can’t seem to find a guide which would help explain some terms used to help figure out strategies. 2) Once the officers max out at 10 you stop getting skill points to upgrade them. 3) The scenarios aren’t labeled by which nation’a troops are available, except for France. A little frustrating getting slaughtered and not realizing why when I went to the second scenario. Still, haven’t been able to put the game down for days! UPDATE: Had to drop my review a star. This game doesn’t seem like it was play tested well. I’ve maxed the majority of the officers skills and still run into levels that aren’t beatable. Even the ones that say I am over the required skill levels to beat. When an officer’s unit has max HP it shouldn’t be able to be killed in one shot, scrubbing the soecial ops mission. Still a fun free game... until you hit a point where you have to wait a week or more for daily freebies to upgrade to a point where you can beat a mission. Wish they’d add more campaign missions too. I’m 95% toward completion so all I can do is play tournament missions and wait 48 hours for a minimum award of 400 stars. Then do that for a few weeks before I can afford an upgrade.

  • By Kpwweb

    Great Game, but...

    I really like the game. Of course I really liked TD1, also. But this version is way more frustrating. Enemy soldiers that won’t die—really? My artillery sitting there while the tanks roll by—seriously? And I can only put certain towers in certain locations—Argh! Not to mention I spend more $ repairing the towers instead on upgrading them. Keep the new features, let me put whatever tower I want in the designated spots (I don’t need 4 infantry and one flame-thrower at the entrance to my base, I also need an artillery and a anti-aircraft there, but you can’t put them there!), and the toy soldiers should die after being hit 50+ times, then I would give 5 stars and might even spend money in the game. Right now, it just seems like a one-sided money grab.

  • By DOMINAT0R 1

    There is a ceiling

    Fun, yes. But the ceiling seems to come way before the end. You literally have to spend $$ to get past Stalengrad 61 or Crusader 35 etc. TBH I’m still trying to find a way to make it happen. Worst case I log in many days in a row and gather the coin to get the special upgrades. There is a strategy or two that helps. Reassign generals to needed craft types and delete built crafts to swap out. Also, usually, build close to your bases first to level them up prior to building your front lines so the ending levels don’t run you over. Also part 2, blockers save you; land and air. Lots of blockers. Careful with the side buttons. There is no confirmation to using your specials. Overall I love the game.

  • By Scrmn6Guns

    Fun, But

    Game runs well on my iPhone 6P..I like to play But at some point they will start asking for $ to buy stuff for the game.. there r some levels that I can't pass or have not been able to pass yet without spending$ to do so. I'm not going to spend $ so I will stop playing when I run out of games I can win.. I'm just looking for a Tank game that does not want $. Update.. still wants $ to play everyday.. can’t pay everyday without paying $... daily rewards should be greater to help overcome this... I know have to get a weeks worth of daily rewards to improve my army to win next challenge... then wait another week... almost done with the game as I cannot beat anymore levels without paying $ or waiting a week to gather daily rewards to gain enough in game credits to upgrade army

  • By StuffandStuff1

    Skill has little bearing on winning

    I played the game for a little over a week and at first it was fun winning maps with 3 medals (the highest rank you can achieve and gives the most rewards) and upgrading my towers as well as my commanders. Then the game started getting more difficult and I would only get 2 medals on missions. Then only down to 1. I would earn more more stars to upgrade my units and commanders more and try to redo some missions I only got 2 medals on to find out I can still only get 2 medals. That’s when it finally hit me that skill has little to do with this game, it’s all about unlocking upgrades which of course you can do for free, but obviously they heavily steer you towards buying the upgrades. I understand the developers have to make money but this is a bit much. There are 5 campaigns and I have completed at most 20% of each campaign and I have almost hit a brick wall. Sure I can maybe get a small reward here and there grabbing some 1 and 2 medal wins (you can’t earn more upgrades finishing the same map again unless you win with a higher medal count) but now the upgrades are costing absurd amounts of 8000+ stars for one upgrade and I get between 200 and 500 stars for each map. Why can’t they just base the game off skill and slap a price tag on the game?

External Links

Melsoft' Official Website

Free on iTunes

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This page was last edited on 2020-10-27.
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