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Infinite Galaxy is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by CAMEL GAMES LIMITED. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - CAMEL GAMES LIMITED, with the latest current version being 2.6.0 which was officially released on 2021-07-29. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 3648 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.6 out of a possible 5 stars.
Galaxy Year 4649. After the long war, the Old Federation was unfortunately defeated, but the Empire’s cruel reign is also on the verge of collapse. The borders of the burning Galaxy have already been broken. Private merchants and space pirates shuttle back and forth in the universe. Countless rebel groups have risen to fight from the Empire’s outer rim without any time to spare. Rumor has it that someone discovered the mysterious warships of an ancient space race...
In this Galaxy full of fantasy and conflict, you can start by repairing your Spaceport. Then you will build your flagship, defeat space pirates, explore the Galaxy, form an alliance with like-minded Commanders, and come across one moving story after another.
An enormous fleet is waiting for you to lead.
A marvelous Spaceport is waiting for you to develop.
An Infinite Galaxy is waiting for you to explore.
But the Empire is preparing its counterattack in the shadows of the Galaxy. The next time the Empire flashes its teeth, an endless war will once again be ignited in the Infinite Galaxy.
Spaceport & Crew
- Tons of facilities and tech are waiting for you to build and research.
- Upgrade every type of building to transform your Spaceport into a powerful base.
- Recruit mighty crew members in your Spaceport. Make them become your deputies and staff or go on fleet expeditions.
- Every crew member has their own life experiences and stories. Their tales will make you aware of how completely different life in space is.
Fleets & Flagships
- Build up 30 different types of Spaceships and form fleets.
- Every one of your fleets will be led by an extremely powerful flagship. Every flagship has its own unique appearance and skills.
- These flagships are carefully built based on the blueprints handed down from the heyday of the Federation and Empire.
- Collect flagship blueprints from ancient space relics, campaign missions, and the Empire’s fortress stages.
Battle & Glory
- In the Galaxy, compete or work together with millions of Commanders in real-time. An excellent way to survive is to create or join a formidable alliance.
- Call upon your allies to deploy your attack and defense strategies, protect yourself, and battle malicious enemies in the universe.
- Fully display your talents for strategy, leadership, and battle. Join this magnificent space epic.
- Perhaps you will become the leader of the Galaxy and achieve supreme glory in the end.
Space & Secrets
- Space is incredibly imposing and makes you aware of how small we really are. This is especially true in the presence of a gigantic star.
- But as tiny as we may seem, we will go on to conquer that enormous star and explore deep in the universe.
- On your exploration of the universe, you will slowly uncover tons of ancient secrets and learn the unknown past of Federation and Empire.
Much better than most factory build up games out there.
Man, after a few days of playing this game i was hooked. As a few people have already expressed, there is a ton of things you need to learn in the beginning of the game but it is very simple to get good at. In my opinion there is a fair bit of strategy in how you set up your fleets and where to teleport your “spaceport” so you can have access to materials and be closer to fellow alliance members. If you are a person spends money on video games then you can get excellent deals for under 10 USD (but can go higher). For those who care, a specific example is 1.0k khorium (in game advanced currency), 1x 2hr speed up, 4x 1hr speed up, 20x 5min speed up, 3x 1000 core module, 300k titanium steel 300k deuterium and 60k nickel steel. Also, whenever the game is updated or a bug is fixed, the devs are incredibly nice and give the entire nebula a free reward. In conclusion the game is a truly excellent choice for those who want a “factory build up” game.
Excellent take on base building genre
The most common complaint on this type of game is P2W and whaling and these guys have done a great job of staying P2A with little reward for random base wiping. The packs are cheap and offer small bonuses that can be easily overcome by active play. I haven’t reached the end of early game, but no one has ported in to attack a base and we are rank 14 alliance, so there are plenty who could hit us. The structure is based on expanding your area in space through planet acquisition during timed events. My alliance did hit a small alliance that was blocking our expansion and forced them to move, but they were neighbors and it was strategic war. Other large alliances are quite far from us and have to explore space just to see within our borders before they could teleport and teleportation is a series of systems jumps so it would take 30 minutes to an hour for someone from the leading alliance to reach our area. Give this game a shot.
One of few games I regularly play
So I’m not one to write reviews for anything but I felt it was necessary for this one. Really fun game that can actually hold my attention compared to most others. Really good graphics even for a phone and plenty to do in the game. Most games lose me when you have to start something but it’ll take hours to do but it also prevents you from doing anything else until that one thing is completed in the game whereas this one you can upgrade your stuff and still complete missions and or explore so the options are plentiful. Very fun game overall with what seems like plenty of room for growth
Best Mobile Game I’ve ever played
I don’t recommend for kids, because player base is mostly adults, but this is a very fun game. I have played games similar to this such as arise of Kingdoms, but this takes it to a whole new level. With the others I was un satisfied but I have been playing this game for months, and it never gets old. Join a fun alliance and have fun in the game. And this game isn’t necessarily pay to win. I haven't spent a dime yet, and I’m the 38th strongest on my server! Overall 5 stars for the developers. Definitely give this game a shot. (P.S I’m not a bot)
Love it
I love it. It’s like Stellaris only each player is the “planet” and alliances are like factions and you even have the federation aspect of things with the ally part in the alliance tab. 5 stars goes to you beautiful devs that come up with these unique ideas and thoughts. I have a few ideas I would like to throw at you just so I can see them be made. If your willing to chat let me know. Might not answer you right back because of college and my producing job with a friend but I will answer most definitely when I can.
Beautiful with great instrumentals...
This game most have taken forever to create... It is by far one of the most beautiful mobile games that I have ever seen. Game play I am still trying to figure out what I’m doing besides pressing buttons over and over again... The character interface is very cool with actual story line $60 console game... Like I said... I still have no clue what I’m supposed to really do but it’s a good time waster... lol! Great job creators on this one... So far I really enjoy it!
Enjoyable space adventure
After two days I’m overall enjoying the game. There are some translation issues and voice acting is stilted but I’m happy there is voice acting at all. I wish the icons worked better but I’m climbing the learning curve and can tell what is what. I would like for combat to be more interactive other than start combat and wait for the result. I’m here for the story and the jury is still out if it’s good or generic - I’m not sure yet, but it has some good moments.
Nice game
It feels clustered and overwhelming at first as it is so much info to learn but after a day or two it starts to make sense. I can tell there has been a huge load of work before release as I find it quite complex as a whole . I like the slower pace as it gives me time to play when I can and if I can but having moved from a pvp game i think this game will benefit from more live action rather than just upgrading which seems to be the main point of the game as you do this primarily and everything else you do is done so you can upgrade more ... the only live action I got was me defending someone’s base as it got attacked. But after the battle i have learned that i have to spend lots of time and also resources to repair the ships that got destroyed. I don’t think this will encourage people to jump and help mates from their clan. Perhaps for this instance alone repairs should be instant and costs a fixed sum no matter how many ships got destroyed and the amount is pretty much insignificant to any player that wants to help defending. Attacking other spaceports should also be permitted just up and down to a certain difference between spaceport’s level so let’s say that a lvl 14 spaceport can not attack a level 9 and below as it is impossible to defend that much of a difference in power. I have only played for about 5-6 days so far , this is all i can tell but I will rerate the game in the future after getting the bigger picture.
Reeeeaaaally wish they would make more varieties of ships instead of a simple three style with two variations a piece. Each one has something slightly different about it which is frankly depressing. Where are the battle ships, auxiliaries, the carriers, fighters, transports, dreadnaught class ships? Sure, you have a spread of flag ships but they are literally cosmetic in difference. They don’t have variable stats or focus for specialized combat roles. Can we also develop planetary troops and options for alliance soldiers? If the alliance could source their own “United Nations forces” so-to-speak and give greater depth to the importance of holding systems. Give planets a special set of bonuses per planet type that make them strategically desirable or economically desirable. Also, how about developing a trade system for an in game world economy? Have special resources or products that the alliances can manufacture via the resources on their controlled planets and harvested by the alliance personnel on said planets? I feel like the title would be far more fitting with these iterations into the game. I’d also be more than willing to pay more for the hard work that the producers have put into the game if they were to do this stuff. Hopefully this gets the attention of someone important so this game can really take flight.
Won’t let me login
So far this game is great. There’s allot to do and it’s immersive and fun. I’ve enjoyed playing it with my brother and my friends. My only issue is I have to delete the game a few times before it will load. Otherwise it stays stuck at the beginning screen for logging in. I’ve waited multiple times for an upwards of 30+ minutes and it never loaded. I hope y’all fix this bug soon so I (and maybe others) don’t have to delete it several times just to open it up once and play it each time.
Great graphics and gameplay
I was looking for something different to keep me busy, something that gave more depth and had a good storyline. This game is great for graphic presentation and how smooth parts of the game play is. There’s some minor bugs once in a while for screen freezing but will see if it continues. That part doesn’t make the game bad. I would like to see more explanations about certain features in the game such as rally time for alliances and a way to increase your explorer energy. Would also be good to explain the star platform better for beginners.
Fun game, but certain flagships are unbalanced.
I have a lot of fun playing, and while I have sank a decent amount of money in, it hasn’t given me an edge over others. It’s more pay for convenience rather then pay to win. The convenience being time. Whether it’s a gold flagship that does things much faster then non golds, or it’s replenishing energy to do things quicker. Recent update has made the game auto crash upon open however, may change the star rating if Re installing doesn’t fix if. iPhone 11 Pro Max, most recent iOS 14 update
System Rules
one I despise is the leadership of alliance if you don’t login constantly you will lose leadership of your alliance, so if you spend the money to create and alliance you BETTER MAKE SURE you login every 8hrs or at least. Or a random member or next in line with highest promotion will own you’re guild sadly this has happened to me but I luckily had got it back with no help from the support of the game the support is absolutely useless there is no support this game needs a lot of updates and some change in rules, I absolutely love the gameplay but the way the game is ran by system is not even 1 star from me only reason why this review is 3star is for the gameplay it’s self.
Newbie jumper
In every game in this genre a player is gifted one newbie teleport to move to a server of their choosing as long as they are below a certain level so they can decide in which server they wanted to play. After one day of playing this game and seeing the server I was in was full of players who had been playing a week ahead of me I knew I wanted to start in a server that was new with players like me on the opening of the new server. I spent today and last night upgrading my account but making sure my command center never got to level 8, the level where my newbie transport would expire, waiting on a new server to open so I can use my nebula transport to get there. When the new server opened I clicked teleport and it gave me an error, too many resources. I thought to myself, that’s weird. It never warned me that I can’t have resources when I teleport but none the less I will try to use all my resources. I used speed ups and research to use all my available resources down to less than 100k. Still teleport gives me an error. “Resources exceed limit” I bought a few packs and was really gearing up to enjoy this game but after this I just want my money back
This page was last edited on 2021-07-29.
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