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Golf Blitz is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Noodlecake. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Noodlecake, with the latest current version being 2.1.1 which was officially released on 2021-07-22. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 54320 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.7 out of a possible 5 stars.
Play on some of the most wildly creative courses ever imagined. Customize your golfer and pack your bag with all sorts of power-ups like sticky balls, grenades, lasers and more.
Golf Blitz is an entirely new way to play the outrageously fun multiplayer Race Mode from the award-winning Super Stickman Golf series. No cheaters. No slowpokes. ALL BLITZ!
• Compete: Battle in real-time 4-person multiplayer golf races! Earn trophies to get to the top of the global leaderboard.
• Show-off: Over 25,000 combinations of fun golfer avatars and memorable hats!
• Play Together: Invite your friends to compare states and play in customized friendly matches
• Team-Up: Chat with your buds, play friendly matches, get your own team leaderboard and trade cards!
• Power-Up: Golf Blitz includes 16 unique balls all with their own upgradeable level system and special gameplay effects
• Upgrade: Earn XP to level up your golfer's skill set to best suit your play style
• Spectate: Like to watch? Stream live matches from all over the world to learn from the pros.
• Face the Challenge: Golf Blitz features outrageously fun special challenge modes where the rules are changed and exclusive prizes are on the line for the best golfers!
• Stay Fresh: Golf Blitz is always changing with new courses, challenges, and features based on player feedback!
Golf Blitz requires a network connection to play
Amazing game! Just one problem.
This game is amazing, I have no other words to put it. I play this game almost every free time I get and it’s honestly the only game I haven’t deleted within a month. People say it’s a pay to win, and granted, I’m not going to oppose that, but it’s nothing to be mad about. The only thing you can pay for is either skins or upgrades for your power ups, which only just makes the game go faster. Every season your cups reset so it’s not like you have an overpowered guy in the beginning every time someone buys an upgrade. Just play the game and go through the ranks, haha. Only problem I have with the game is that almost every time I launch the game for the first time when I turn on my tablet, it crashes. Then when I get in and I open my free pack, it will load forever, so I have to exit and go back in (it still gives me the stuff, just gets a bit annoying). And every time I complete a game, the game crashes. So, even though it doesn’t affect the gameplay, it still is a bit annoying and time consuming. Once that glitch gets fixed, then this game will be the best on the App Store, by far. :)
One of my all time favorites.
I’ve had Golf Blitz for a while now so I figured I wrote a review. I see a lot of people complaining about things that don’t make any sense, like ball contact or trophies. Trust me when I say this game is amazing, and those things just add to the competitive nature. And the trophy thing is, to me, completely fair and it balances itself out. Anyway, I have been playing this game for a very long time now, months, and I never play games for that long. Definitely give this a game a try, you will not regret it. The replayability (if that’s even a word) makes it constantly fun, with new content being added all the time. 10/10 in my book! ONE thing that I really wish they would add is a new mode, but a more permanent one. I enjoy the weekly challenges, but I really think this game could use a new mode like 2v2 or some team/clan based objective mode. That would really change things up and make it more interesting. Core mode is still fun, I just think long time players could use something new is all. Thanks.
Well Done!!
Golf Blitz is one of the best games I’ve ever found on the App Store! It’s fun, well thought out, and awesomely enjoyable individually, and with friends and family, without having to pay for it!! Instead of a Pay-to-Play, as some have said, it’s a Pay-to-Support. I won’t play any game game that requires you to pay in order to feasibly progress and enjoy it. In the case of Golf Blitz, I won’t be spending any more than the couple of dollars that I already paid. Not because I had to (or even really wanted to), but because I had some leftover cash on my account, and wanted to support them. Sure, one could pour an outrageous amount into it, but in my opinion. that’s stupid, and totally unnecessary. Even without that, it would have still been (and is) a completely enjoyable, fun, and entertaining game!! As with everything, use your time-really everything- wisely as a good steward of what God has given you, and for myself personally, the time that was able to be properly used playing Golf Blitz has been awesome!!
G.ood G.ame -ish
This game is rewarding in the way that requires a lot of playing to get to. Playing at first, this can be laid back, but the higher the trophies, the more difficult the opponents. Because of the constant falling up and down of trophies, plenty of players with elixir advantages usually plague the lower trophies, and while they usually go back up, this is only to fall down once again. After a while, it could get annoying, even rage inducing, trust me I’ve had my moments. The thing that pushes this is the gems. They might seem like a cheap way to get cosmetics, however when you consider unlocking cosmetics is the way you get XP to level up to get upgrades for power ups and bonus elixir, you realize how valuable they are, not to mention the upgrades to power ups available, taking grind and time, unless you have the $ to fast forward. All in all, play well, know what your going up against in terms of varying levels of skill, upgrades to power ups, different elixir amounts and GL.
Waiting time
It’s a great concept and noodlecake ya nailed another beautiful game. This time though they ruined the fun with the waiting time to unlock cards. You can only play a few rounds before all slots are filled up, after that it’s pointless to play more rounds cause you can’t win more cards. So you get to play about 4 rounds a day. I would love to see local play added to play your friend via Bluetooth. That would make it better! Also the ability to choose your maps. You can’t give us a wonderful SSG3 and take most features away that made the game epic. I understand this is a different concept and there is more money to be made from this one but I’d be willing to pay once like your other SSG’s. Noodlecake is absolutely great and listening to the players and providing timely feedback to questions and problems. I highly respect you all for that!!! Thank you for the hard work and dedication put into this game, looking for future improvements...
Best golf experience ever
This is a really fun game and I suggest it to everyone. Although you can rage because you lose trophies, just take a break. When you level up you get different stats, tours, and balls it makes the game so much more unique. The elixir as well is so different than any other golf game. I would love for the developers to reply to this and tell me if they are planning to add more levels so the fun does not just stop when you reach level 50. I am excited to get to level 50 as I am level 43 at this moment but I’m sad that you can’t level up anymore after 50. So I would love to see that. But it’s ok if you don’t because some people don’t want to grind that much and you have to spend a lot of blitz bux to reach level 50 already so I see why not many people want to see levels over level 50. But I hope the developers keep up this good work! Best game EVER!
Missing its potential.
This could have been an awesome game. But the ball contact aspect was not executed well. I understand that they wanted to have a new gameplay element, but it just makes the game more frustrating than fun. Constantly being knocked off of sticky walls and into hazards through no fault of your own is just the worst. Screwing over other players and taking the win can be satisfying, but it doesn’t make up for how bad it feels when you’re the one getting wrecked by bad luck. It would at least be better if there were more tolerance for hazard resets, like if your ball was almost at rest then you could respawn at that point. But no, it sets you all the way back PLUS the shot reload delay. And getting matched up against players 10 levels ahead of you is just unfair. If it can’t find a reasonably fair match with 4 players then it should give me a fair one-on-one or 3-player game. In fact the games with fewer players are much more enjoyable because the ball contact is actually somewhat manageable, but with 4 players it’s just chaos. So I don’t know why 4 player games are always preferred. Some sort of single player or practice mode would also be nice.
Needs Work
The game is really fun when you first start playing. Then you start gaining levels, and reaching higher tiers, and that’s when the game begins to become frustrating. You start getting matched with players 10+ levels above you, making your chances of winning extremely slim. And then it becomes difficult to gain levels to upgrade your ball and be on par with higher level players without spending real money. This portion gets a pass because I do understand this is a business. Furthermore, the connection issues are horrible. At times the game seems to require more bandwidth then a full gaming console which is ridiculous. You start the game late, hit the ball, your ball appears somewhere else, and next thing you know, you’re down 50 trophies. Overall, it is a fun game to play to kill time and get a few laughs in. But once you’re invested in it, be prepared to get frustrated, or spend real money for packs to be on the same level as other players. The matchmaking definitely needs some work. Being placed with players 10+ levels above you is simply not fair. You will win occasionally, but it’s pretty rare. And once the connection issues get fixed, it will be a lot more of an enjoyable experience.
Fun at first, but...
This games fun, addicting whatever you wanna call it. But after you level up to a 7 or 8, all you play against are levels 10 and higher, all of which are much better than you. And its ridiculous. The cool down timer is stupid. Because the levels 10 and higher all have a much quicker cooldown, and leveling up in this game TAKES AGES, because you need the cash to do it, but you get like 8 dollars per pack which takes 2 hours to open. Sometimes you dont even get the cash!! The courses are ridiculous too. Youll find yourself in water or falling off the map constantly because other players with MUCH QUICKER COOLDOWN TIME just hit you off. If your ball lands on top of 2 other players balls, you dont even get a cooldown timer, so you have to WAIT FOR THE TWO OTHER PLAYERS TO HIT THE BALL BEFOREEEE YOU CAN EVEN HIT YOUR BALL, which makes this competitive game STUPID. And dont get me started on the way the ranks play after each hole. They always favor the other person and you will never be favored. I was going to give this a 3 star, but after writing this im giving it a 1. Im still gonna play tho, but i actually HATE this game. 1/10 would not recommend
Fun, but just another pay to win to freemium
Game is pretty fun with the exception of the matching system. It’s based solely on how many trophies you have and not at all on your level. Meaning that if you start doing good, you’ll just be thrown into a game with with other players who are twice your level. They’re power, accuracy, and cool down are double what you’re currently at. I shouldn’t have to explain why that’s a major flaw. So be prepared to be extremely frustrated as you’ll be in a consistent back and forth of losing and gaining trophies. And of course how do you level up? Not by winning games, but by unlocking gear. And how does one unlock gear at a pace that isn’t excruciatingly slow? You guessed it, buying packs and pumping money into the game. In short, it’s just another pay to win to freemium that uses luck and frustration against you by setting up system to do so. The game itself would be pretty great if it wasn’t for the leveling up and matching systems but I guess you can’t blame the devs. It’s sadly just where we are with gaming these days and honestly, who wouldn’t hop on the gravy train if you had the choice? I just wished there were some games out there like this that charged an upfront price and actually left some of the games integrity in tact.
Awful GUI
For starters (quite literally), there is no option to access the menu and turn off the annoying music in the tutorial. I would’ve really appreciated being able to actually hear my phone call while playing through it. Secondly, the GUI is way too unnecessarily bloated and full. There is too much going on in the menu screen, and some of the important menu buttons are poorly placed. The menu is almost incoherent with the placement of the buttons, so once I got out of the tutorial, it took longer than it should have to access the settings. Thirdly, the controls are counterintuitive. The controls may seem simple, but the design of the aim curve is horrible. RNG should not exist in a game like this, especially when you are pitted in a race-style game that’s basically pay-to-win with power-ups. That brings me to my last point. Implementing slow animation times, teeing off, and gravity makes the game nearly impossible to play in short rounds, which when paired with the tutorial with no menu buttons at all, the beginning was an awful experience to just get to the main menu. tl;dr This game is an unintuitive money-grab that preys with its cartoonish looks yet is effectively poorly designed overall.
Great concept, really bad execution. There are a lot of issues with this game. Let’s start off with this: There are powerups in the game that allow you to get an advantage, which is sick in my opinion. However, some of these are good(speed ball) and some are horrendous(sticky ball).This would be fine if you actually got to CHOOSE WHICH POWERUP YOU WANTED, but you don’t. This means that often times you get terrible powerups while your opponents get great ones. Secondly, the wait times. The time you have to wait to open card packs which contain cosmetic items is terrible. It is so bad, that you frequently pace back and forth around your house waiting nervously to open a 12 hour card pack until finally, you cry from waiting so long. When you finally open them what do you get?💩💩💩💩💩💩 that’s what. Lastly,( although the game has more issues but I’ll stop here) the ball contact. I have had so many games in which I have had the lead and then gotten last place because someone knicked my ball with theirs and it completely destroys you. You can be at the top of a structure and someone someone knock your ball all the way back down. this proceedingly makes you want to cut yourself multiple times in unbelief. WOW.
Overall Bad
Like many have said before, the game has a great concept, just executed badly. Golfing competition more fast paced than SSG3. I like it but one aspect ruins it. Ball contact. Many a time I was about to win a round when I get knocked out of place by another player. Yes I have done it to other players but never intentionally. Then of course, there is the usual ‘monetization screws up progress’ issues. I hit the pay-wall at level 8 and the rate at which you earn card packs is insanely slow. The card packs never give a useful amount of money or jewels. TIP: Do NOT use money/jewels on cosmetic items! Use them for power ups and card packs ONLY. On top of all that, the card packs have ridiculous wait times! Not the worst I’ve seen in the mobile game but still pretty bad. So I don’t see the point in playing a game where I am basically restricted to playing two matches the day because if I play anymore, I don’t get anything for it. Another fatal flaw is that who you play against is based on trophies and not their level. I’ve seen people at level 10 get matched up with players at level 34! And, of course, the level 34 player dominates the match! But of course, this is done on purpose to make the low level player accelerate leveling by spending money. What a scam!
Horrible Reliability
The game is fun, I’ve been playing for some time now, and I do enjoy the game.... when it works the way it should. Yes there are little quirks here and there but the biggest downfall is the horrible reliability. When you’re playing online on a game that requires quick reactions, you can’t expect to play over lag on the connection. The way this game tries to resolve the issue is terrible, pretty much penalizing those affected. I know my wifi is above average and yet the game still manages to say that I’m losing connection. And what’s even worse is that I can go from being in first place, all the way to the bottom when it wasn’t even my fault. It honestly takes the fun away from this game entirely which is why I quit a while ago and cane back after some time hoping this was fixed. To my dismay, it persists and it’s purely disappointing that such a good game is tainted with such a huge flaw. I’m just going to leave the game entirely soon if I have to endure that one more time because it actually wastes my time because I don’t even get the enjoyment out of playing the game when this happens. Time is valuable, but so it’s mental health games are a way of alleviating stress which is important, it doesn’t help at all if the game itself is a point of infuriation.
This page was last edited on 2021-07-22.
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