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CYBIRD Co., Ltd.
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イケメン戦国 is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by CYBIRD Co., Ltd.. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - CYBIRD Co., Ltd., with the latest current version being 1.6.0 which was officially released on 2021-08-02. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 10 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.7 out of a possible 5 stars.
◇・*:.。.キャラクター詳細(CV) .。.:*・゚◇
・織田信長 (CV : 杉田智和)
・伊達政宗 (CV : 加藤和樹)
・真田幸村 (CV : 小野賢章)
・豊臣秀吉 (CV : 鳥海浩輔)
・明智光秀 (CV : 武内駿輔)
・徳川家康 (CV : 増田俊樹)
・石田三成 (CV : 山谷祥生)
・上杉謙信 (CV : 三浦祥朗)
・武田信玄 (CV : 梅原裕一郎)
・猿飛佐助 (CV : 赤羽根健治)
・顕如 (CV : 新垣樽助)
・森蘭丸 (CV :蒼井 翔太)
・今川義元 (CV :八代 拓)
・毛利元就 (CV :小西 克幸)
・前田慶次 (CV :沢城 千春)
・直江兼続 (CV :中川 晃教)
・帰蝶 (CV :梶 裕貴)
Crying behind the screen!!!!
honestly this game looks awesome!!!! But sadly I cannot read Japanese and can only understand small phrases!!! 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。 SO PLEASE will you make and ENGLISH translation!!! Agh!!! I love you guys and keep up the good work and also awesome art works!!! Couldn't ask for anything more!!
Hey can you make one in English that way people with get the app and also all the apps that you guys do are amazing so that's why I gave it a 5 star rating but please make one in English
I enjoyed this game but I would like to share with friends. So, please translate into English. Thank you.
Nice game but slow customer service
I love the content of the game, and the music as well. I used to read Japanese history and this one presents characters in an interesting way. It was good and I really enjoyed it. However, I'd like to complain about the inefficient customer service. One day I wrote to the customer support in Japanese about an issue, and they didn't respond. I wrote another one later in English, and it took them two day to respond, basically saying "please write in Japanese" instead of dressing the issue. Based on the fact that there are other ikemen series in English offered by Cybird, I don't believe it's really hard to respond in English. I wish they can mKe improvements.
English please!
The details say it comes in English but sadly doesn't! I loved your other game Midnight Cinderella and wanted to play another game too! Wish there was an English version!
So cool
Am waiting for a legit translation for all of your awesome games!
Not working
Please fix
This page was last edited on 2021-08-02.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
イケメン戦国 content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of CYBIRD Co., Ltd. or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with CYBIRD Co., Ltd..
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