Hollywood U: Rising Stars Wiki

Hollywood U: Rising Stars Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2017-04-21
  • New version: 3.8.0
  • File size: 124.58 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

Hollywood U: Rising Stars


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Hollywood U: Rising Stars is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Pixelberry Studios. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Pixelberry Studios, with the latest current version being 3.8.0 which was officially released on 2017-04-21. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 2172 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.3 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the Hollywood U: Rising Stars App

How does it Work?


Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted to Hollywood University, the school for stars. Pack your bags, because fame, fortune, and romance await!

• CHOOSE YOUR PATH TO FAME: Will you be a Director, Movie Star, or Fashionista?

• DRESS FOR THE RED CARPET in dozens of high-fashion gowns and on-trend outfits!

• DATE CELEBRITIES! Jet set to Vegas, attend red carpet premieres, and more… with ongoing dates that build your relationship!

• MAKE BLOCKBUSTER MOVIES... show Hollywood why you belong on the A-list!

• BUILD YOUR ENTOURAGE by recruiting Celebutantes, Action Heroes, Reality TV Stars… and more!

• IMMERSIVE, ONGOING NARRATIVE penned by the best writing team in mobile gaming!

• YOUR STORY CONTINUES in new quests released every Friday!

Brought to you by Pixelberry Studios, the same small team that created the Top 10 game, High School Story!

Please note that Hollywood U is completely free to play, but you can purchase some in-game items with real money. If you don’t want to use this feature, you can disable in-app purchases in your device’s settings.

Your use of this application is governed by the Terms of Service available at:


Collection and use of your data are subject to the Privacy Policy available at:


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Top Reviews

  • By Bonjoursirehaveagoodday112

    Why no update???

    I love this game. I've played for 3 years alrdy and it's great. The only problem is that the creators are too focused on Choices, and they're completing neglecting Hollywood U. It's halloween time but the update is gone, however, the Halloween quests and A-Listers are still on? so like, there's so zombie classmate you can buy or the monster's dorm, and it's so annoying cause I love the Halloween updates but it's literally not there. I can't get vampires or zombies because simply, it's not in the shop. And that makes no sense to me because why are there A-listers and Halloween quests but not the zombie classmates??? is it just my problem??? can the developers plsss put out the update because I really like it. I understand they're busy with choices and this game might not be as popular but there are still people playing it, so pls, developers. Put out the update :(

  • By mccrazys

    I love the app it’s so much fun

    I like how when you gain more people , you get to choose who dates . And when someone gets done , partying you get more , people and customize them . In you get to choose , what to say , that goes along with it, when you get to the next level, you get more money, and when you put something, that goes along with it, you get more money or diamonds, in also when you buy something, and lose diamonds, you watch an ad or gain more from the story. Ps. When the story keeps going , you get to meet more people.

  • By Hungerkittens

    Offline Gameplay

    I really want you to bring offline gameplay to Hollywood U. because we have slow wifi due to cutting back costs. I'm sure other people are in this situation. Also, I wish that dating didn't cost diamonds. I DO buy diamonds from time to time, and I'm planning to quite soon. But even I (someone who buys diamonds) will NOT stand for the ridiculous amount of diamonds you have to spend. Also, I wish your character dating someone would affect the story line. Last but not least, I would like your character to be able to choose a different major besides Movie Star, Fashionista, and Director. Same in HSS. I would love to change my major because I hate clothes, directing, and acting. But I feel I want to be a chef or something else! I want to have that opportunity. So maybe when you hit a certain level you get a one time opportunity. Thanks! Also, I want there to be more dates for Addi and Ethan! And the quest times take way TOO long!

  • By zoezy6

    Not the same

    I like Hollywood U and High School story but I have a couple of complaints. • In High School story after you level up you get different outfits. It’s not just a recolcration. And I wish that after a certain amount of levels it’s a brand new outfit. I like getting excited and seeing what my characters will be wearing next, but with Hollywood U it’s just a recolcration and it’s not exciting. • The levels are pretty insane. Why 100 levels? It’s tedious to even get 50. I just think 100 is just a bit too much for me. • There isn’t a lot of money coming out of the hangouts I get 300ish for a hangout in Hollywood U but in High School Story I get like 4500. Other than that I like both the games. Even though I’m never going to spend my actual money for more diamonds.

  • By alycatz3444


    I love this game and I even bought the diamond boutique. The problem is that it had now not let me log in for more than a day. Every other app on my phone works perfectly fine. It will give me the loading screen and never load. I’ve watched it for minutes and minutes but it never loads. I’ve tried turning on and off my wifi, deleting and reinstalling the app, etc. but nothing seems to work. If I can’t log in anymore, then that’s fine. I will just stop playing the game. The problem is, I enjoy this game and I have spent money to get gems for 30 days in a row. I have about 25 days left. I want either a refund or for the game to be fixed. Please respond as soon as possible.

  • By BookishGeekGirl

    Love it for the most part

    I love this game I really do. But everything costs so many gems!! And then if you run out you only get more by either buying them(they ain’t cheap!) or you get like 2 a day from the thank you things. I currently have about 1200 gems and I’m scared to use them! I’m afraid if I use them I’ll need more for something else and then won’t have enough. I wish so many things didn’t cost gems, like the time limited quests to add other to the entourage like Dean or Lance, or even Amour. Everything costs like 175 gems or more in Amour and the quests are usually like 400 or higher to do them! I hope they can lower the amount of gems we have to spend to make it more enjoyable


    This app is great!! But I’m a little curious about one thing.

    So I have been using this app for a couple of years now. I use both High School Story and Hollywood U. I love how smoothly it runs, All the choices for character designs, and the extra credit routes that teach new words. But with the character design I wish that it wasn’t only two genders (male and female). I do understand that there are people in the world who don’t believe in other genders but I would love to have the option of making a genderless/gender-fluid character without choosing one gender and still seeing the characteristics that make it the default male or female. Thank you for your time. Keep up the amazing work with this game!!

  • By Gumdrop331

    Unnervingly Addictive!

    I downloaded this game to try out because I was interested in a job with the company and wanted to see what the stories were like. Cut to several days later and I can't put this game down! I like the stories and advancement and it's got a kind of Skinner box appeal that keeps you coming back. My only real complaint is that I wish there were a better way of earning diamonds - for instance, the ability to watch ads in exchange for diamonds so the company is still making money, and all I'm doing is wasting more time :P

  • By human26482538

    Please read

    I love this app, it’s really fun and it has interesting storylines, and unlike a lot of apps, it doesn’t repeat storylines. However, there are a few things I don’t like. First of all, I think you should get more gems from guests and things like that, because they only give you 300 gems in the beginning, which doesn’t last long, since most things that you need to play the game cost a lot of gems. You only get 2 or 3 gems from each quest and some things cost hundreds of gems! Also I wish you could trade money for gems, because you get a lot more money from quests than gems, but the only thing I can really buy with money at this point is outfits. Also, sometimes it tells you that you need to buy a character to continue a quest, which goes back to the gems problem because you need to buy them with gems. One more thing, I wish you could have a different major that’s not movie star, fashionista, or director. At a certain level you unlock pop star, which is just like the ones they let you choose from, it even has its own dorm. I really wanted to have this major, but it won’t let you switch. I just think it should have more options at the start of the game. Aside from this, I love the game. Thank you for reading this far and have a good day.

  • By hoootys

    One Last Update?

    It seems like it was only yesterday when I downloaded this app for the first time, and its really sad to see it come to an end now, but alas just like they say: all good things come to an end. I was wondering if there was maybe going to be a last update for the game since I would like to finish the main quests and events that I have left. The app itself won't let me in to play, It'll freeze and then a pop up appears that says 'whoops: there was an error'. Please have one last update for this app so I (and by the looks of it a couple of other players) can finish playing this wonderful game. (P.S.) Thank you for all the hard work and time you all put into making this a fun game. I truly appreciate you all actually listening to the fans opinions and feedbacks to certain issues. Thank you and good luck to you all! ❤️

  • By Audrey1190

    It's Fine.

    The game has grown to be boring now that there are no more new quests. It really disappointed me that Pixelberry is leaving Hollywood U in the shadows and going to work on their new game, Choices. I mean come on, what next? They'll just make a new game and then trash Choices? It just a rip off of Episode anyways... The thing that breaks me the most about this game is the closing of The Berry Hub. This was the highlight of the game for me...and now, all of my friends on there are gone. All my memories of that place will never fade though. Overall, the game is just going down hill (big time) and I'm actually considering deleting this game. Even though I've had it since I got my iPad mini. (About two years ago) 🙁

  • By Godson bedeck

    It’s okay

    I used to love playing this game and finding out where my choices led me in the quests. But now when I try and get on it just says offline even when I’m fully connected to the internet! I’ve read some of the other reviews and a bunch of them say the game is now dead. I’m really upset about that because I loved this game so much! I would get on every day to play quests and I wanted to see what happened more in the silver circle! But now that the game is dead I can’t play anymore and I’m extremely upset about that, what’s next high school story? Choices isn’t even that good! It’s a rip off version of Episode!

  • By KawaiiAri


    So I guess you guys packed up and left to work on your newer game. I thought something was wrong with the app but it was just that. I wish you guys would've said more about stopping updates in game, because I would've stopped making purchases on a dead game. I'm throughly disappointed. I always looked forward to getting on HollywoodU and High School Story after work or on my breaks. Now that only the Main Quest is available, I probably won't stick around much longer. I'm just gonna hope that high school story doesn't follow this path. And I'm not big on the new game so I guess once I finish the main quest in HollywoodU it'll be deleted from my phone and I'll play HSS. Like I said, disappointed guys.

  • By justhelpingout:)


    i loved the game when i first purchased it but as i continue to play it im noticing some flaws so i would really love if they could change the game play a little bit (love the game just a little bit of constructive criticism) 1). DATING the dating portion in this game is really fun and i love it but it’s so expensive. like an unreasonable amount of gems. to get one date with one person it’s more than 100 gems and that only ONE date. it’s unreasonable to pay so much for a short quest. EMPHASIS ON ONE QUEST. not to mention, i’ve had this game for about a week so i may not have been leveled up high enough but can only ur main character be in a relationship ? or can other characters in ur entourage also be in relationships ? 2). PARTYING ik although the game does provide u with a decent amount of gems, it’s not enough to buy the characters required for quests. so u have to party. but the thing is, i’ve partied with the right combination of people but no matter how many times i try, i can’t get the character i need since they are so rare. not to mention in the store, they are hundreds of gems that i DONT have, so i can’t complete those quests.

External Links

Pixelberry Studios' Official Website

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This page was last edited on 2017-04-21.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Hollywood U: Rising Stars content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Pixelberry Studios or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Pixelberry Studios.

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