High School Story Wiki

High School Story Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2018-06-19
  • New version: 5.4.0
  • File size: 156.15 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 9.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

High School Story


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High School Story is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Pixelberry Studios. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Pixelberry Studios, with the latest current version being 5.4.0 which was officially released on 2018-06-19. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 9847 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.5 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the High School Story App

How does it Work?

Live high school your way!

5/5 "Out of all the iPhone games I've played, High School Story is easily the one with the most heart." - K. Alpert

5/5 "I'm way past my high school years... but this game is hands down one of the best games I have ever played." - Kaytumbear99

Meet All-Star classmates in all-new exclusive stories! Add them to the school of your dreams, filled with all your friends. Throw parties, go on dates, and recruit jocks, nerds, cheerleaders, and MANY MORE classmates to unlock their stories! Go on wild trips, take your team to the next level, and discover hundreds of other adventures!

- ADD SPECIAL CHARACTERS to your school, and unlock exclusive stories!

- THROW PARTIES to unlock over 30 characters!

- DATE your crush and play matchmaker for everyone at your school!

- BATTLE a rival high school in an evolving story, including a showdown at the Homecoming game, a science fair, a prank war, and more!

- PUT YOUR FRIENDS in the game and join them on adventures, dates, and parties!

- MAKE NEW FRIENDS and play their stories!

- BUILD your dream school and decorate it with everything from a half-pipe to a box of puppies!

- CUSTOMIZE your look and choose your clique!

- LEARN new vocabulary in fun mini-games!

- ENJOY tons of new content every week, including more characters, more stories, and more romance!

Please note that High School Story is completely free to play, but you can purchase some game items with real money. If you don’t want to use this feature, you can disable in-app purchases in your device’s settings.


To our players:  Thank you for your passion.  Pixelberry is a firm believer that games can make a difference.  And you’ve proven they can.  

When we partnered with non-profits, like The Cybersmile Foundation, a cyberbullying non-profit, and the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) you responded with great enthusiasm.  Together, we’ve done some amazing things.

* Over 4 million players have learned more about cyberbullying.

* Over 30,000 players have visited NEDA's sites to learn more about eating disorders.

* And thousands of players have reached out to Cybersmile, often for help with bullying.

Thank you!  We really, sincerely appreciate your enthusiasm and support.

- The Pixelberry Team


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Collection and use of your data are subject to the Privacy Policy available at:


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Top Reviews

  • By sprkle gi


    I absolutly adore this game i love it SO much! I love makeing new characters and picking out outfits its SO FUN! I also love having them date and go to partys. I also like that the quests give you rewards but I that they take SOOO long. Also same thing with the pencils, I hate the fact that it takes 8 hours to just get 1 pecil. Anyway, I I'm only on level 8 and I love it so much alredy! I also love that you can unlock new items like characters, decore, and buildings. It may be one of my favourite features of the game Plus I still have SO much more to discover, I'm SO excited! Anyway on to the main reaoson I wrote this reveiw, I love this game SOOOOOO much!!!! Along with HollyWood University, All I am asking is for you to make another game like this. Maybe somthing like a neighbourhood or a beach. So maybe if you do you will come up with better ideas for the game. I love this game SO much, it would make my year SOO much better! Please, Please, Please make another game like this. Thank you SO much for reading this and once again please make another app like this. Bye!

  • By boringboron


    UPDATE: I had deleted this game for a while and redownloaded... but all my progress to level 17 were gone and i was back at the beginning of level 16!! So I guess if you delete the app... it deletes some progress 😞 I love this game! The storyline is great, so are all the quests. It’s interesting and I want to know what happens next! It's so fun to party for classmates & try to get the rarer ones, even though it does take a while to unlock them. I love all the classmates types! It's fun to manage your own school and decorate the campus. and all the characters are so amazing! Like Sakura and Nishan and Payton. The dating is interesting too, it's funny to read how the dates go and the breakups and failed dates! And sure, some things are very expensive or take a long time, but that’s okay because I don’t mind waiting long times, and saving up coins gets easier!!! One thing I wish we could do is that you could break up couples while there is another couple on a date. This is a very fun game, the best (and only) game like this that I love!!!

  • By Abbylinlin

    Awesome game, but needs a lot of improvements

    I want to start off by saying that this game is so cute, and it has a very unique storyline. But I want to make a quick request saying that seriously, the main characters you can buy in store for rings NEED to be a lot cheaper. Reasons are, for starters, each main character is unique, and they each unlock a new path for love, or friendship. However, the 500 rings you receive at the beginning is not nearly enough to buy 2 or 3. That is pretty unfair, and you don’t get time to save up. There is this time limit, and the character vanishes from the market once the time is up, which I don’t like. 🙃🙃🙃 There should be a LOT more ways to earn rings, and everything should be cheaper for the game to be the most fun. However, the story is so unique, and although I have not completed the game, I could tell my story is just the beginning. Thanks so much Pixelberry for bringing this into my life, and please listen to my suggestions!

  • By Pink girl 345

    Why don’t they update anymore?

    I’ve had this game for 6 almost 7 years now. It was one of the first games I downloaded when I first got a phone and I’ve kept it all this time because I just loved it that much. But I’m sad now because the developers haven’t updated the game in YEARS. Yes, the game still functions perfectly but is had none of the fun outfit, quest, extra credit updates and even special events for the Holidays, it has none of those now. I even looked forward to the initial screen when you open the game being updated but now it’s always set to the default one :(. So I’m wondering how come the game was never updated anymore, it was a lot of fun to play and I looked forward to increasing my level in the game and eventually buying the whole plot of land. I could still do that, but it would take forever and it’s not the same anymore. I’m still gonna keep the game but I really wish they would start updating it again soon.

  • By ariana rates stuff

    Love it but I have some suggestions...

    I want to start off with how much I really L-O-V-E this game! It's great and I especially love how it lets you go on dates of the same gender! One thing I've noticed is that you can't change the weight of characters. I would like it if we didn't just have to make our characters skinny and be able to have more diversity and be able to choose to have fat characters too! Also it'd be super cool if there was an option for glasses! Depending on the outfit there'll be glasses but I'd love it if you could wear glasses in any outfit. Also could we have disabled characters too? I'd really like to see people with a wheelchair or a prosthetic limb or something. It'd be cool to have more diversity and celebrate all different kinds of people and see us represented even more. That being said I really would love I you guys would take these ideas into consideration because I love this game and if this was in it I'd love it even more.

  • By Hooter 656

    Best Game Ever

    I’ve played this game off and on since I was in middle school. It’s so much fun and I’m in college now (haha, lame I know). There’s just something about it that’s so addicting and I always find myself going to play this game. I will say, on the dating booth, can we get more Wes or Ezra dates? I know they’ve been on their before, but once you’re done with one, there’s no more. And I know the Julian dates go on for ages, so I would like to see more dates for the other guys. Also, when will there be an update? And more quests? It seems like this app hasn’t been updated in forever. Other than that, I really don’t have any beef with this game. I’m really far into the game, so a lot of quests and upgrading takes sooo long, but I know that’s with just about any game you play, so I can deal with it. But, if you’ve never played this game, you totally should. No matter how old you are. Is addicting.

  • By Melanie4829582

    Love the game, but needs some updates!

    I love the game - the way it's set up (the balance between coins, books, rings, pencils, and tickets and how you earn them is awesome), the quests are interesting and well written, and leveling up, quests, goals are just the right amount of challenging without being unattainable. I've been playing for a very very long time. I buy the prom throne of rings every month because I feel like it's a reasonable price for 900 rings each month, which has allowed me to purchase all of the all stars and helps me go on extra quests. My only suggestion is that in the last few weeks the game seems to be lacking on updates. The goals each week are something I look forward to completing in order to redeem tickets for things I wouldn't normally spend rings on (outfits and decor), and it seems that those haven't been updated in awhile, each Sunday the goals I have already completed in the past come up again, which would not be as big of a deal if they were a clean slate where I could earn them again. I'm also on the last level of the library quests, and although I like the classic quests, I would love some special quests that are new as well. But like I said, overall a great game - and one I hope to continue playing for a long time :)

  • By NoeyTheUnicorn

    So stupid (not the game)

    So, I really like high school story. But detention is friggin stupid! Like what if u get detention for 24 hours? We can’t leave the game running that long. We have things to do! How about you creators put yourselves in other people shoes! See how we feel, would you wanna leave your device running for 30 mins or 60? No you wouldn’t. So why should we have to? Plus I never did anything, I got on and it said my time had been changed which it had never been changed. Your game was just assuming. So I literally got detentions for like 10 minutes. It annoying because I had to turn in my device because electronics went off for me. And guess what? My game was then broken because some reason I HAD to leave it running. THATS SO STUPID?! PUT YOURSELF IN MY SHOES! HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL?! I had to restart on highschool story because my game was broken so I had to delete and redowload it. I WAS ON LEVEL 47 AND NOW IM ON LEVEL 2! ALL BECAUSE OF THIS STUPID GAME DETENTION TIME. High school story now makes me stressed when I get on it, because I know I worked hard for level 47 so that I could go back to level 2. Just put yourself in MY FRIGGIN SHOES! Bye...

  • By Somebody online

    Why the timed quests?

    Now, don’t get me wrong I LOVE the game it just is, although I like the quests, some go away before I finish them because of the parts of them that are timed. I just don’t understand why they were put in because I had some quests that I was close to finishing though because of the timer I couldn’t finish them, because those quests were ones where I had to have a certain all star character, which I couldn’t afford because I didn’t have enough rings, and I couldn’t buy any in the store because I knew my parents would probably say no so by the time I was even close to being halfway there the time would of run out and the quest would be gone, including the reward for that part of the quest. I would hope that for the quests that require all star characters to continue to either not make them timed or increase how long the timer is depending on how many rings somebody has. That’s all though please listen to this review if you read it, thanks!

  • By Shadownerdfan

    Fun, could be less money-hungry tho

    Yeah, they’re a little bit greedy with your $. Rings aren’t cheap and everything in the game seems to require them. However, a lot of these apps that are heavily based on in-app purchases tend to make it near impossible to get currency on your own...not so with HSS. There are a fair amount of ways to gain currency...quests, The Dish, ads, the library. I like that the developers aren’t leaving us dry like so many others, but it would be nice if they were a little less steep with the prices. The plot is pretty fun. It’s nothing ground-breaking, kind of stereotypical in fact, but still engaging, and there’s a lot more layers to the characters than you would assume. Mia and Julian in particular go through some interesting character developments. Also, random side note, but I love Payton, she’s just so endearing, and definitely my favorite. This app also has really good messages for kids. The overall message seems to be “be yourself, stand up to bullies, and surround yourself with good people who support you in times of need,” which is great for its target demo. I like that you can chose which character to be (I always end up being a nerd girl) but it would be nice if we could make ourselves some other type at the start...I would love the opportunity to be a gamer, that would be awesome! Anyway, overall enjoyable, but would be more fun if in-app purchases weren’t so necessary for anything you may want to buy.

  • By Abster😜🍕

    Great game but a few requests...

    I adore this game. It's one of my favorites and I play it every day. The only problem is that there are so many things that only rings can buy and I miss out on quests because I don't have enough rings to buy the classmate for the quests. If you could make more ways to get rings like watching an ad for perhaps five rings and the player can watch maybe five or ten ads a day that would be extremely helpful. Also could you please help with buying hair styles with rings? You can only buy it for one avatar and that's just ridiculous to save over 300 rings for one style. If you could please change it so you can buy the hairstyle once for all he avatars that would be great. Other than that it'd be a five star game. Now I'm having another difficult problem. The goals that you can achieve for tickets which give you gifts are discombobulated. It won't stop shining like it's all new, it won't let me collect the ones I've done in the past, and it won't let me collect most of my tickets. It's getting very annoying and I've waited a week for it to go away but it hasn't. Please help me with this inconvenience as it's really irritating me. I enjoy these goals and do them when I can but when it becomes difficult to accomplish these goals and I don't even get a reward it becomes more upsetting than enjoyable. Please fix this problem soon.

  • By Ariel Lazarus

    It's ok, but too expensive.

    This game is kinda cute with a neat concept, but you guys went seriously overboard with the microtransactions. If you cut the wait time down to no more than a couple hours and made it easier to get rings without buying them it would be way better. Either that or rings should only be for speeding things up and basic cosmetic stuff. Any unlockables shouldn’t cost rings. If I took the time to play the game and level up, I shouldn’t have to still buy whatever I unlocked. It makes me feel like there wasn’t even a point to unlocking it. I’m willing to put money into games (I even put some into this game already.), but I hate it when it gets to the point where I feel like I’m forced to spend a lot of real money to make a game at all enjoyable. You would probably make more money in the long run if you just made it easier to play casually and let people really get hooked. Look at games like fortnite or most of Nintendo’s mobile games. It’s easy to just play it whenever without spending money, but loads of people put tons of money into it anyway to improve their experience. You don’t really need to push people to spend money on mobile games, you need to let them push themselves. I know you guys probably won’t even read this, or if you do you’ll just write me off as some whiny cheapskate, but I wanted to say all this anyway.

  • By distressed subway surfer dude

    A little insulting and stereotypical and too expensive

    My biggest issue is with the rings and books. The quests that give a lot of books costs rings and rings are really hard to get, and the thing that cost rings, like special characters that are always at least 165, or nice decor, cost a lot of rings. And buying the books cost a lot too, 20 coins for one isnt that bad, but then 2000 coins for 100 seems like a lot (even though their equivalent) especially since you have to use a lot to level up people. The game is also very stereotypical with prep jocks and nerds. “Nerds” is generally used as an insulting term and they categorize smart people as nerds, who act like completely stereotypical nerds. Its a little insulting. Same applies to preps and jocks. I also hate in quests when they say “spend money” because generally you ready have to spend money buying land or clothes or a place or character, so you have to spend more on nothing just to continue the quest. Besides those, the game is fun, just doesnt work out that much, and is very stereotypical and in the past.

  • By Game inspector genius

    Really good game but...Edit: plz help

    This is a fun game and I've been playing it for days. My little brother Max uses my phone to play games on. He plays talking Tom coin run or something like that and changed the time on my phone to get coins, when I get back, I have a detention in the game and I'm not even cheating, could you please remove this bc I'm not cheating on this game but my brother changes the time on my phone and this is annoying bc I have a ten minute penelty as I am writing this it's really annoying but otherwise good gsme... Edit: so my little brother Max needed storage to download a game so he deleted my app. When he told me I wasn't worried bc I knew it was linked to Game center and that I could just redownload it and everything would be there. When I opened the app I was like phew everything is still here, but I was wrong it said welcome back Madison and then it only had progress from my first day of playing. I literally just broke down and I'm so upset RN I've put so much time into this and it's not even Max's fault bc my game was linked to Game center yet I didn't save. Plz help I'm so upset RN I've been playing for months and had so much on this and lots of upgrades and now it's all gone I had so many characters and quests and it's gone and I'm so upset please help me😢😢😢😢😢

External Links

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This page was last edited on 2018-06-19.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
High School Story content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Pixelberry Studios or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Pixelberry Studios.

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