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Pixel Malls is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Oriented Games. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Oriented Games, with the latest current version being 1.0 which was officially released on 2012-04-10. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 210 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.3 out of a possible 5 stars.
** Please note that while the app is free, please be aware that it contains paid content for real money that can be purchased upon users' wish to enhance their gaming experience. **
I really really adore this game, it is fun, and entertains for awhile. But my music player it doesn't work when I tap it. Unless I upgrade it then it works for a little while, then stops again when I upgrade it. It's upgraded fully now, and it won't work yet again. I turned my phone off, back on, and it still didn't work. All my other apps I don't have a problem with its just this one (everything is fine just the music player...) so maybe if you can help me out other than that this game is terrific (:
This is a nice game i like how it's set up and everything. There are a few things i would recomend; give more of those "earn pixel coins" like the ones that are wach this prevew and youll get 5 pixel money or just let the special people- the ones that give you mote money than its worth give you those as money instead of that regular money. two as the levels are going higer and higer give more and more costumers
Please update
I really like this game ive been playing it for a long time and i still play it. Can you like up date it alittle more and add other small things?
I love this game it's honestly one of my favorites. It's so catchy to play! I just got it and there's no glitches and nothing wrong with it! If your questioning this game, just get it! There's nothing wrong with it. YOU'LL LOVE IT!!!😘😍
Have to pay to be able to get far
I see a button that says I can watch an ad or something to earn coins that way, but it keeps saying there's no ad. I don't want to have to pay to keep playing without upsetting a lot of my customers. Can that button be fixed?
Great game 😁👌
I've been looking for a game like this and I've finally found it. It's a great game and I'm abit addicted. I'm already happy with the way it is. But if they upgrade it I hope it's better than the last. Unlike other apps that ruin the game when they upgrade it. 😒
An addicting 8-bit
Fun fun! The only part i don't like is that you sometimes have to make in app purchases to kind of keep up with how the game progresses you... Which is counter intuitive as a developer, but w/e, i like it
Great game
Really fun but something's are just to expensive for me to by in an update you should change that
Pretty Nice
Miraculously I managed to grab this as soon as it came out, and thus far I think it's pretty good. However, it is annoying that so many employees are so expensive, and at the point I'm at there seems to be no way of earning the currency to buy them. That being said I could be wrong, but a rather nasty glitch or crash has jumbled up the images and I can't play because everything is all shuffled around, some stuff is missing, it's really annoying. I look forward to an update soon to fix it, but right now it could be better.
Fun but Pricey
Downloaded first day it came out and its been entertaining to play. However, except for the currency they provided in the beginning, there's no other way to earn currency to hire new staff, build new stores or get any new upgrades. The only way to do so is buy the currency. I wouldn't mind so much, but I think they should include currency rewards for passing levels, unlocking achievements, etc. Would be five stars but I don't like how everything revolves around currency.
It's fun but...
It's a cute game and it's really fun since I like these kind of games, and the music is really fun too. I don't like that I can't really earn pixel coins unless you buy them or watch a bunch of trailers for other games. I wish that there would be other ways to earn them...
The game is addicting. After I shut it down and re-opened it the next day everything was mixed up. I had bought one extra store and I had gotten as far as updating all of the stores to level 2. The next day, I only had 3 stores and they weren't in the correct position. Therefore the game I had started is now unplayable. I noticed some other glitches while playing the game the day before, but they didn't interrupt the game play. The customers would walk diagonally through the building rather than taking the elevator and some would even get to the check out area, but then float back diagonally through the building again to get on the elevator and walk to the check out. If your character (the pig) did this, they wouldn't backtrack and the pig even sometimes floated directly up or down to the next level rather than diagonally...but I guess it depended on where you were telling him to go next. Also when I clicked on a customer to check them out of the mall, almost always an "angry" face would flash, but I don't think it took away any points. Just some weird stuff going on...the game really can be fun. It is challenging though, like a lot of people are saying.
Fun game, and you need strategy to win, however the costs are too high an there are few opportunities to get more employees. I have three so far but it's a real struggle with low money rates and barely nothing to get more coins aside from buying it. Also, there are some insane glitches when you actually purchase coins via real money. This problem should be fixed if this is to become a great game to play with the kids. Thanks, and please update soon. This is a great game.
Looks cute and all but..
I was really looking forward in trying out this game. Looked cute and appealing, plus I like time management games. However I was greatly disappointed at the lack of instuctions, as I blindly pressed the power-ups without really knowing what effect they would have. Yes, it's easy to pick up, but if you've accidentally spent all the power-ups in the first few easy levels there really is no way in the player being able to buy more. Also, the 2nd time I played it, the floors came out all jumbly, just as the first commentor pointed out. Glichy, but this game does have potential with a few improvements perhaps.
This page was last edited on 2012-04-10.
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