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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2020-03-05
  • New version: 1.1
  • File size: 114.98 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 11.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later



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SCP 096 MODEST is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Ruslan Visaitov. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Ruslan Visaitov, with the latest current version being 1.1 which was officially released on 2020-03-05. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 139 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.0 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the SCP 096 MODEST App

How does it Work?

Object 96 is an Emotionally disturbed mutant emitting screams, moans and cries. Most of the time he spends sitting against the wall, muttering incoherently in front of him and covering his face with his hands. Threat at the time of the outbursts of aggression caused by in most cases, closely examining his face.

Special containment procedures: modest must be contained in his cell. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There should be absolutely no video surveillance or optical devices inside the modest camera.

But if he escapes.. Will not find it..

modest is a humanoid creature approximately 2.38 meters tall. The subject has a low amount of muscle mass, preliminary body mass tests show mild malnutrition. Hands are disproportionately large in relation to the body of the object, the length of each is approximately 1.5 m. the Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, signs of body hair missing.

Jaws modest can open four times wider than normal for the average person. Other facial features are similar to the average human, except for the eyes, which are also devoid of pigmentation. At the moment, it is unknown whether modest is blind or not. He shows no signs of higher brain function, his intelligence is not confirmed.

As a rule, modest is extremely calm, the pressure sensors in the chamber indicate that it spends most of the day walking along the Eastern wall. However, when someone sees the face of the modest , whether it is directly, on video, or even in a photo - it comes to a state of extreme anger. modest covers his face with his hands and begins to scream, cry and mutter. Approximately one to two (1-2) minutes after the first viewing modest runs to the person who saw his face.

Upon reaching the observer, modest will proceed to kill. 100% of the time, there's no sign of the victim. After that, the modest sits down for a few minutes before regaining its composure and becoming obedient. Then he will try to return to his natural habitat.

Online mode depends on you! We plan to develop and update..

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Top Reviews

  • By scane&check101

    Good game

    It is a fun to play game but has some things to improve on: First of all, the eyes of scp 096 are glitchy: when he moves... The eyes have a mined of there own... he well run to chase me but his eyes are floating. Second: he chases me before I look at him. Third I was exploring an area and then when I stepped on the cage floor I got stuck and had to restart. Other then that it is a really fun game! I think that the best part so far is when the lights turn off and then you hear the alarms to find that all doors are shut on your floor. But I think you should keep working on this game maybe add more scp’s.

  • By HYDR0_Impy


    I really enjoy this game a lot! I love the accuracy you added to him and the overall game is scary and great! I made a video about this game and I was wondering if you could notify me when you add chapter one and two because the prologue is the only one available! I know it’s hard developing a game this good but could you please notify me when your done? Thank you and have a nice day!

  • By Zane Albiy

    He comes out of nowhere

    This game is a really good horror game. It’s fun when he jump scares you. But the only thing that’s not like him , is that he attacks you even if you don’t look at him. When you find the door he comes. I like this game because it’s fun and you just run from him but he will get you. SCP 096 is really fast. You should really play this game if you like horror games and if you like SCP 096.

  • By boison2019

    They should make more

    I loved this game I’m going to make a video on it so if the creator can tell me when theres an update I’ll be happy. But this game is pretty cool and I hope the creator makes more because there are not to much good scary games like this one so I hope that the creator makes more. Ok bye

  • By HorrorGamerG

    Extremely Awsome!🤩

    It’s So Fun! I Finished The Prologue And I Cant Wait For The Next Level To Come Out! Honestly, This Game Was So Good, I Think, And Ask. Maybe You Can Make A Better Fan-made SCP Unity Or Containment Breach. I’m Probably Going Too Far, But Please Read And Answer. I’m Your Biggest Fan.

  • By jbwill2706

    Great game!

    This is a great game but I keep having a bug where SCP-096’s eyes float over his head. Other than that I think you should remake Scp Containment Breach, if you could make a game this good about an SCP than I think you can totally make SCP Containment Breach.

  • By karen ask u a freakin question

    Ok but too many ads

    I like the game and all but while i was playing the prologue i beat it until it reset and a whole bunch of ads popped up please fix bot still good

  • By Mlopez1004


    I rlly love this game the controls are actually good for a mobile game and it acts just like a scp it’s even amazing how you put in the little deatails like the intercom and the lights flickering and the red lights so in my opinion this game is amazing!

  • By szm308

    Best scp game on mobile, but Very difficult

    This is the best scp game on mobile but it’s very difficult but over all great scp game on mobile please make game a little more easier that all I have to say.

  • By henbeck


    Go play site 19 it’s a really good action packed multiplayer survival horror the game works like this you hop into a round you become one of six roles each role has there own task and that’s basically it.

  • By black-hat-hacker. . .

    I didn’t need my sanity anyway.

    Vary fun and horrifying game. This is one of the games amma going to keep on my iPad, unlike so many crappy horror games. Anyway! Really good game, epic scares. Love it. Thanks for the game.

  • By meushsjdnhqbsjdjhsnsjs

    Nice Job 5 STARS!

    It’s Really nice but one thing is that I did not look at him and he killed me so can you change that also make a whole SCP:CB Game

  • By Mon Du


    (Short review) Good but why is SCP-096 Already angered? You never saw his face!

  • By anaajssiisaqqoq


    The game play is pretty good, but the adds constantly popping up made it incredibly hard to use and for the game to function. I wasn’t able to get that far do to them consistently popping up every couple seconds. Other than that it was pretty good i’d say.

External Links

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This page was last edited on 2020-03-05.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
SCP 096 MODEST content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Ruslan Visaitov or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Ruslan Visaitov.

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