SCP Containment Breach Wiki

SCP Containment Breach Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2020-04-02
  • New version: 1.5
  • File size: 139.66 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 11.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

SCP Containment Breach


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SCP Containment Breach is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Ruslan Visaitov. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Ruslan Visaitov, with the latest current version being 1.5 which was officially released on 2020-04-02. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 402 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 2.8 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the SCP Containment Breach App

How does it Work?

Welcome to the SCP universe.

The game is filled with a real story and scary moments.

The game takes place in a laboratory where they conduct experiments on monsters and people, where your task is to survive!

We completely reworked the plot of the first Chapter where the main villain is 173.

To survive, you need to escape, but you need to get the code.

But not everything is so simple, the code is scattered throughout the location, which is generated after each restart of the game, so that you would not be so easy to find it.

Write down the code, otherwise you will lose.

Most importantly, do not look at 173 and do not try to turn away from it otherwise you will lose.

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  3. Our SCP Containment Breach wiki page ranks near the top of the Google results. Help make it as accurate and complete as it can possibly be.
  4. Get the satisfaction of helping the whole world, or at least other SCP Containment Breach gamers like you. Your name will also attached to the Wiki entry.

Top Reviews

  • By zombieki11er711

    SCP game finally

    The reason I give this game five stars is because it is the only SCP containment breach game yes it controls could use some work but other from that it is amazing Edit : i used to look at the other reviews and I thought it was bad it was but the new update makes it hopefully better

  • By 09starfox

    I died to object 173

    So I opened the door I saw him staring at me I did not blink or look away and he still snapped my neck then I had 2 questions: 1 why did he kill me when I did not blink? 2 why does the death scream say you dead? Cause that was funny’s

  • By ay ay ay ay uuuuuu

    Good but hard and stuff

    I like the begin of the game but it’s hard and there are multiple mistakes it says SCP 137 and not 173 and there is a police tag on the guards it would be better if you fixed these also in updates ideas I got one you could add a balcony guard but anyway ignoring this the game is cool and I can’t wait for the other scps also add inventory it would be cool thank you for reading and thank you for this good game :D

  • By StarDrain

    New update

    I really appreciate the new update it looks very cool the fact the 173 moves in ways I could not imagine is fascinating. I would also like to point out that the game is very dark, sometimes too dark, which makes it impossible to play the game in some areas. Other than this I really like the new update.

  • By ben and ed fan

    Has potential

    I downloaded it after being a huge fan and immediately scp 173 is in doorway and no matter what I do he won’t move and at times you can’t see anything. I think you also need to add more scps in cells so you can shut em out or you could have 096 and 173 after you

  • By Greg74hamburger

    Good but needs some work.

    So I notice with the statue you have to be in a radius for it to attack which is slightly concerning to me. I think when you blink it should move closer and closer and even if your in a decent radius not kill you instantly but maybe pop up in front of you. Also could you add more scps and maybe add a mode where all of them attack? Maybe even multiplayer but that’s just an idea that’s not as important. Also echoing effects for the hallways would be nice.

  • By Alakaya Shintero

    SCP-173 is totally incorrect.

    If you would like to stay faithful to Containment Breach, then make 173 like how it was in that game. 173 doesn’t wait for you to turn away so it can scream at you. It snaps your neck, and kills you. As for the brightness, it is extremely low, and makes it nigh on impossible to see anything. Some of the textures are off, such as the one for 173, which makes it look like it is made of polished granite, and not concrete.

  • By dovakin12348

    Good game in theory but in practice here’s what’s wrong

    The main problem for me is lighting. I don’t mind scary lighting but where it’s so dark I have to max out the brightness on my phone and I *still* can’t see the boxes I need to open, and only found out I have to open boxes by stumbling upon them. You need to fix the lighting then you’ll have a 5/5 star game, but until then it’s practically unplayable.

  • By FreshyBerry


    So I was expecting something close to the real SCP containment breech, but instead I got a game the tried, and failed at making SCP’s. Now I would’ve been okay with this if it didn’t have ads, WHENEVER YOU TALK A STEP. I’m not exaggerating. When SCP 173 is first revealed, I got an ad. Then I died the second I came back in. I restarted and expected something different. NOPE.

  • By ROBLOX FAN9999999

    Ehhhhhh... sorta bad

    It’s ok... it’s better then the last version. But there were e is a couple thing off. First 173 is not 137 and I was looking at scp 173 walking backwards and a walked through the door! Also I was in the first part of the game were I was following the guards and I fell trough the floor! Also 173 he does not move his head or breath. But overall it’s sorta good 3 stars.

  • By nonononononnonono


    I will start off with the bad things then the good things. First of all the game feels like there is no lights and I am trying to see the things that are in this game please add more lights many players want to see things not pitch black. Second of all scp 173 is not scp 137 but who would care about that anyway scp 173 is stuck in one position until you blink or look away aka when your line of sight is broken and scp 173 does not follow the person neither does scp 173 breathe but that does not matter right well yes but the thing with scp 173 is that when he does not move and you think you’re ok because he does not move when you blink or look away so you look away thinking you will not die poof the jumpscare appears and then the death screen. Finally I do not like the way the character(you) well you know what who cares about this review no one cares so let’s get to the good parts. I like the game just because it is a little bit similar to scp containment breach. And I do not have time to write the rest.

  • By holdeeny

    Please fix these

    This game is takable I’m sorry to say it but if your going to make a game at least know these things textures: the textures are huge and unrealistic to the main game. Gameplay: the gameplay is good but you can easily glitch through stuff like beds and other things in the game. Map design: the map is good just needs to be smaller. Game thumbnail: the thumbnail is just tarable you lead people in by showing them a good graphics and textured thumbnail but when they download it’s just bad. In all honestly this feels like that scp 173 game were the mechanics are wonky and there’s no peanut. Character designing and scp: the main scp and the only scp in the game doesn’t even act like it suppose to please fix this. Lighting: please fix this it’s to dark and there’s no settings menu to turn up brightness that I could see. Adds: I can get having adds is good but not every 5 or 10 seconds. Adds is a good way to get a possible sponsor but maybe next game you make should not have to many. Thank you: thank you for giving us a good scp game it’s the first person who has tried making it for iPhone or any other platform.

  • By scpgamer1562

    Not what I expected at all

    When I went into this game I thought it was like the real game with good graphics but I have many complaints first of all please make the graphics realistic and make the SCP-173 story like the real one because the doors actually worked and if that’s the case how’d he escape containment!?! Another thing SCP-173 should follow you like the real game and I can glitch through many things like a bed so please fix this and the graphics another thing is in the real game you actually see the people die and you have to escape before he gets you so add that too please

  • By I ❤️🐧

    Needs lots of work

    First of all when you get out of the cell there is a glitch where it says follow the guards even when I was doing it. Second of all it is PITCH BLACK when you get out of the chamber. Third of all I DID NOT blink and SCP-713 still killed me. And fourth of all why does it say you DEAD? I could not even finish the FIRST PART and I tried to look it up but after that I tried like a hundred times but was still stuck. Please fix your game!

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This page was last edited on 2020-04-02.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
SCP Containment Breach content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Ruslan Visaitov or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Ruslan Visaitov.

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