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Appsolute Games LLC
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Slide!t is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Appsolute Games LLC. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Appsolute Games LLC, with the latest current version being 1.0 which was officially released on 2018-10-10. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 810 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.3 out of a possible 5 stars.
Play through 7 worlds with over 100 levels, and 30 different balls to unlock!
Super fun
Quite bright and new idea in crossing the walls to the other side of the screen, haven’t seen this idea before in any other game. Happy to give it a try
Super Awesome 👏 🤩
What a great variation either in levels or the balls. Super polished game. Personally, play it in my every single free time. 🤘
Love it
So fun
Runs great wish there was less ads
Fun. But easy, short, and too many ads
Cool concept. Game play is fun, but there are too few levels and it doesn’t get to a level of difficulty that is challenging enough. Also, SO MANY ADS
Gameplay is sort of fun, but grows old fast. But the real pain is a 10 sec ad every 3 levels you play
Normally I would explore an app a little bit before I post a review. Most often there is banner ad at the bottom no surprise in this one either. When I clicked on the very first level to play, I was expecting some tutorial or walk through. Nope! Straight commercial right in front of you! Seriously? I haven't even touched the game yet! An ad after a few failed levels is acceptable. This? Trash. When do we accept zero stars Apple? Please. We need this kind of crap off the game you love.
Ad before I even start?!
Seriously. I open the first level and I think I’m in the wrong app because Wordscapes is on the screen. Is it a glitch? No!!! Apparently this developer is so out of touch with the consumer that they think we LIKE the ads. Not true! We PUT UP with the ads if the game is good enough. I will never know if this game is fun because in the first three minutes the app was opened I was subjected to two ads. So.....bye Felicia.
Ad before playing?
Seriously? I get ad funded games, but holy crap this is ridiculous. First “level” swipe up. After that exhilarating 1 second there was immediately a 30 second ad. Sorry y’all, but that’s the fastest way to get deleted off my phone. I get you need to get paid, but this is ridiculous.
Too many ads
I can’t even play this game, after every level there is an ad. I would get it if there were a few ads here and there, but not every second
Ads before I even had a chance to play
I was hit with a video ad immediately. Before the first time I had a chance to play. I didn’t bother waiting. Just deleted.
Horrible game
Physics are horrible and everyone loves ads. They should pay me 99 cents to get the lost time back. Another greedy cash grab disguised as a mediocre game.
Very short play w/ looong commercials
It’s worse than the NFL!!!! Two seconds of play followed by 4 minutes of commercials.
Unplayable because of ads
Probably a good game too bad I can play for 5% of the time and watch ads for 95% of the time.
This page was last edited on 2018-10-10.
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