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Creative Destruction is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by NetEase Games. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - NetEase Games, with the latest current version being 2.0.5541 which was officially released on 2021-07-23. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 170227 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.6 out of a possible 5 stars.
Creative Destruction is a sandbox survival game that features the utmost fun of building and firing.
In the mood for a heart-stirring showdown? You will parachute into a vast battlefield where 100-player deathmatch is raging. Outplay your way to be the last one standing.
Build the best, break the rest! Jump straight in this do-or-die battle where you can wield creative weapons, race against snowstorms, and unleash your inner beast.
Varied gameplay modes, weather and time systems bring a new level of hectic fun. Whether you fight like a lone wolf or team up, there are always surprises waiting to be explored!
Come embark on a winner-takes-all slugfest in Creative Destruction today and show’em what you could be.
Gameplay and controls
This game is very fun but at the same time raging. Sure it has a few glitches and a few bugs. But it fixed it. It’s turning into fortnite though be it took out the PSG-1 because it was an over powered semi auto sniper. They have the same game modes. And haven’t added anything new since season 4 besides clothes, nothing has been added. But they should add better game modes and add a barter 50 cal from call of duty like the heavy sniper in fortnite to be 1 tapping builds or a deagle to be making insane plays. And more weapons equals more views and more money coming to this game. They gotta add an item shop. Or add it so that if you get diamonds for the basic pass if you grind to a certain level. Or add it so that you can make pyramid like in fortnite or editing in this game to make really awesome plays. More views and money will be coming to this game if they just listen to the community about weapons and clothes. That’s all but I play this game a lot but haven’t spent a single dime or penny on this game. I grind instead of paying to win.
Has Potential, Headed in Right Direction
Ok, so I feel like when this game first came out, it’s obviously just a plain copy of Fortnite. But I feel like with the recent updates, this game is becoming more of its own thing instead of just a Fortnite clone. The devs are definitely heading in the right direction. I feel like this game has HUGE potential that’s just not really being taken advantage of. Like putting this game on major consoles like xBox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, etc would REALLY help this game take off. As for feedback about the game currently, it’s pretty decent. The servers are mostly not too laggy, good weapon variety, (though some are not very balanced, and the SMGs are basically ARs with a super high fire rate) the cosmetics are decent, and the gameplay is pretty smooth. Adding custom HUDs would be nice, and sometimes the game just doesn’t feel very smooth. Also, I’ve noticed sometimes after you see a hit marker, it takes a bit for the damage to show up. And I’m not sure how damage is determined, but it’s definitely not just head/body shot with drop off. Sometimes with an AK-47 I hit for 6 damage to the head, next shot I hit like 100 to the head. Overall, decent game with huge potential that’s definitely in the right direction.
Amazing but...
I saw this game and I said, woah interesting, but it just fortnite in a nutshell. Then I downloaded it, and I said, WOAH! THIS GAME IS AMAZING! The only problem is that when I try using the mic (I’m a iPhone 6 player), it doesn’t work. I mean, I can hear people well and clear, but when I scream my lungs out so THEY can hear ME, it doesn’t work. You might say to click the mic on the bottom of the lobby, but I’ve already tried to do that and even if I did do that, nobody can still hear me. When I try to chat, everyone ignores it so what I think you should do is either fix the mic for iPhone 6 users (like me) or add chat bubbles above peoples heads for each time they chat with their team (for example when i say HEY I SEE SOMEONE in chat it appears over my head so that anybody in my team that is near me can see it. I really want to communicate with my teammates because when I accidentally get left behind, and there is a team behind me, what do I do? Oh I know! Tell my friends to help me! Only problem is, I can’t. So either fix the mic problem or add chat bubbles or something because I’m really tired of wasting my voice to see if my team can hear me, when they can’t! (Ps: my account name is NightNinja456)
Please read developer
So I have a great idea how about we bring the justice league to creative destruction this will be perfect we can bring the Batman skin the flash super man all the justice league skins we can put them in the game there should also be justice league pick axe like for every justice league hero they should have there own skin pick axe and glider and weapon skin and I also think there should be. Some justice league villains like the joker or bane oh yeah and every hero and villain can have there emote I have a great ideas for this justice league update instead of buying with crystals you do quest to get the skins and the other stuff and i have a another great idea Batman emote can be we’re Batman pulls out a scanner and when he scans himself he turns into a random skin how that would work is if you kill somebody you can do and swap to them or you can scan your self and just turn into a random skin this would be cool oh yeah one more cool idea instead of this update being timed it should be permanent well that’s a All I hope you can put this in the game well bye oh yeah I have something else to say Sence for nite has the avengers meaning marvel you can have this
It’s a good game but my phone has a problem
So today I was just about to play creative destruction and I did solos, then when I just started to get to “the best people who has fashion and stuff.” My iPhone 6 would immediately crash at the last second or when I’m playing a round and it keeps going on the same apps. Over and over again and even Pixel Gun 3D (which this review is supposed to be about this game but I added that game for an example too.) I was getting sick and tired of the same things repeating everyday like a cycle on my phone. I don’t even know how to fix this issue but I’m still having the same thing everyday, every time, and it always crash. I don’t understand how to fix this, do have any advice to fix a issue in a phone cause I’m sick of this iPhone 6 crashing every time. I’m just sick of it, so tired of it that I want to sell it. I’m just wanting you to get my point of view on this and the reason why I’m so done on using this phone. I just wanna play one game but I cant cause it’s going to crash like everyday and I want to sell it so bad. I just want advice on how to fix this phone from crashing.
Fortcraft Came Out?
I’m going to be honest and say that Fortcraft is a better name because that was your goal to make no doubt, but this game is kinda fun....kinda. Taking all the map style of PUBG and combining it with Fortnite’s extra 100 hitpoints and building feature you’ve got a pretty good game. What I do want to say is that it’s too easy. These bastion things are the cause, since you don’t need to be Tfue to build fast, a simple tap and you’re good. Furthermore, you start off with the 100 sheild, which ruins that challenge. The Samsung Phone I played this on, wouldn’t stop lagging, and it’s only one month old and having minimal apps, but I’ll see about my iPad. For the easy part, I won my first ever game in solo here, having 9 kills landing in this game’s Pochinki, when I have yet to win a solo game since Fortnite’s Mobile release. You know why, because in that game there is an actual challenge. Another thing is, I kind of despise the cartoon PUBG you made, idk I’m more used to having it be Fortnite graphics. The thing I do like is that you kept PUBG currency and made it so you can buy clothing without using irl money. Other then that, I can’t wait for Rules Of Survival Fortnite Version
Lots of Potential
I’m going to be honest, this game is super fun, and has lots of potential. But the reason that I’m not giving it a 5 star review is that some things could be better. First of all, you should just make the gameplay smoother. By this I mean make the way that your character moves feel more natural. Right now the way that the character moves feels kind of clunky. Second of all, improve graphics and fix lag issues. As of the time that I’m writing this review, the graphics are decent, but they could and should be better. And the game lags way too much. Sometimes I get into servers and my shots are delayed by seconds. Also it’s infuriating when your connection is fine and then the game just starts lagging out of the blue and it results in you losing a fight. Lastly, I think that you should make this game controller compatible. Try to get this game on PlayStation, Xbox, or the Nintendo game systems. Personally I’m a controller gamer, and I feel like if you brought your game to controller it would result in a huge boost of players. And if you can’t do that, than at least make your game compatible with Bluetooth controllers on mobile.
My Feelings since Update 12/6
I’ve been playing since mid-season 1 and I’ve always had a positive mindset towards all the shifts and changes in the game. This br is fun, it’s not exactly a generic version of any game but it’s own world with its own feeling. Good quality , Not too many Traps and weapons unlike some games, CD will replace the OP. like another comment said the SMGs are just as reliable as an AR, bullet distance is not vertically dropped on any gun but horizontally (running targets), these weren’t really issues to me but I’ve always noticed them in the game, personally I have no problem with these features. HOWEVER, you have a terrible community as far as a battle royale game with This much potential! The biggest mistake was New Classic, this was a huge step forward. You need to set certain times of the day where each Map is available to decrease lobby times, it can match the Daily missions hmm? It’s sad to see a good revamp go to waste , you actually made it viable to go to seldom visited locations on the map, and the nature texture enhanced the combat. The problem was the match times, I feel it should be pushed forward and given a chance duo+.
Very Good, but...
I’ve been play C.D since about the middle of Season 2, and I’ve been very happy with it. I’ve gotten about 70 wins in total and they are increasing by the day. The good things about it is that it has a diverse set of weapons, clean controls, decent graphics and it has an overall good feeling when playing it, but aside from the good things I have issues. 1. The ability to shoot through walls is very unfair. I’ve been shot through walls and I’ve shot people through walls and it’s because of server lag. That’s one major thing. 2. Another is the VERY TOXIC world chat. You have small children asking for dates and I just can’t stand to look at this FILTH while loading into a game. 3. And finally, I think that the lack of an editing system kinda ruins part of building for me. I know it’s kind of a fortnite trademark, but it would be nice being able to exit my builds without completely stoping my gameplay.(Also, MAKE CUSTOMS FREE TO ALL, HOLDING THEM BACK TO GAIN PUBLICITY THROUGH STREAMERS IS CHEAP) Anyways, this game is very fun, but like all games it has its flaws, and fixing them would definitely overall create a better atmosphere for every player.
Good but needs some work
I have been playing this game for about 2 months now and I have to say this game is very well made, maintained but it has 1 major flaw. The game does not have enough weapon locations. They are very spread out and not many anywhere. As soon as you land you have to run for quite some time to find any weapons or armor shards. I do pretty well at the game but there have been instances where I drop into a good area and there is nothing around and as soon as you start going to a point that weapons should be very easy to find you ether get killed or you still don’t find anything. If the creatures of this game put more weapons into each area (not over due it) I believe this game could be better than almost any other BR game out there (besides pubg, sorry but pubg mobile is the #1 BR MOBILE game there is) I hope you head my warning because if you do a lot more people will play this I can garuntee it. I literally just played a game and looted 6 different buildings and not 1 single weapon. Nothing but 1 armor shard and a bunch of building material but absolutely no weapons at all..didn’t die, but I quit the match because that is absolutely ridiculous. Fix this or I will be done and just play pubg and or fortnite....
I love this game so much but I just can’t play it a lot like before because of the hackers and the aim assist its to strong I think if they made the aim assists not that strong people will play more because your build fighting someone then a bot comes and starts shooting and it’s not fun the bots never miss a shot also the campers they always have weapons like a flame thrower that weapon needs to be replaced with a better one something not that powerful also because of aim assist you cannot play you just go against someone and they kill you that fast they don’t even need to aim in their screen of how strong it is even the character moves following the other character by itself cause of the aim assist also of how much hackers their is you don’t even now who is or who isn’t a hacker but it’s obvious you’ll only want the money I been opening chest almost every single day and you know what I get a freaking gun skin only for 3 days what is wrong with this game I even tried opening some chest with diamonds and nothing only gold coins and that’s it also many people get glitched in the game by other players some get their account hacked I just want you’ll to fix the game why won’t you’ll for the first time listen to the players sometimes we get confused because if you see someone not missing shots you don’t know if you should report them because you don’t know if their using aim assist or hacking.
Watch out for this one!
This game is good, I will give it that, but I have noticed it is a cheaters paradise. I have never played a game period with as much cheating from other players like I have experienced with this game. And it would appear to me that nothing is being done about it, I encounter a pathetic little cheating loser at least once a match. Which is really sad cause this game is good overall but I can also see why many people give up on this game so quickly. So if you are a pathetic little douche bag who can’t play a game without cheating, then this is your game. Funny how you little cheating pricks can’t get any other action cause you can’t please a woman with your 2 inch pecker, so you get off on cheating and ruining the game for others who actually play legitimately without hacks. Thanks to all the pathetic losers who are unable to play a game without cheating, for ruining yet another game that has the potential to be good. My advice to the devs of this game, get rid of your little plague of cheating losers and you might actually experience some success. Because honestly I don’t hear about anybody talking this game up and recommending people to play it and that’s obviously for a good reason. Take care, oh ya I am deleting this game when I’m done with this review.
Banned from matching for no reason.
Got the game soon as it came out to try it out I thought it was just another knock off game trying to be Fortnite but where I feel Fortnite failed I think creative destruction succeed which was in controls. Anyways I’m not that high in rank or anything I’m level 13 and silver rank. It’s been about a week so, but I logged on that evening and spent $10 I didn’t spend the jems yet though wanted to save them to get one of the new permanent costumes from this last update. Well right after that I qued myself for a match and it didn’t work I kept trying I thought it was my signal maybe so I closed the app and tried again and I noticed after I tried starting any match it gave a super brief text saying “you are banned from starting a match.” So my question is, first of all why was I banned for no reason? Secondly, why wasn’t I notified that I was banned and lastly why wasn’t I given a reason for the ban ? I want a refund of my $10 (jems still unused) because I can’t even play that’s unacceptable. I’ve already put in several reports and haven’t gotten any replies in a week. As for anyone reading this don’t spend any more what so ever in this game, there is no “RESTORE PURCHASES” option in this game, don’t get me wrong the game is fun but don’t spend any money it’s not worth it people are getting banned left and right for no reasons just poor programming and it isn’t fair to the player.
Could be good but right now it’s terrible
So this game definitely has potential but they decided to add things like autofire and terrible guns. The guns can shoot through walls and can deal damage without shooting anywhere near someone. Sometimes you don’t even deal damage when you actually hit them. It feels like the game decides if your going to hit before you even shoot. Couple that with insanely op autofire and you’ve got a problem. Autofire in this game lets you automatically shoot with zero delay and the shots don’t even hit to still kill. This ruins the game completely because there is really nothing to do against someone using autofire (there is a lot of people that use it). The only way to combat it is to use it yourself which in the higher ranks is just a way to get you bullied as the community is so toxic, think fortnite X10. Also, the map causes problems to some people so you might need a good device to run it. Anyways that’s it, hope to see some improvements by s5. Edit: ok so the devs lie about things too so that people don’t quit this dying game. They talk about how they are going to nerf autofire and do nothing but add a .15 delay to shotguns making them still op. They also hype up things like snowboard which do nothing as no one uses them because they are so bad. Cd if your going to rip off fortnite at least do it right.
This page was last edited on 2021-07-23.
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