WorldCraft: mini sandbox world Wiki

WorldCraft: mini sandbox world Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2018-01-06
  • New version: 1.633
  • File size: 63.02 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

WorldCraft: mini sandbox world


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WorldCraft: mini sandbox world is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by 推军 冯. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - 推军 冯, with the latest current version being 1.633 which was officially released on 2018-01-06. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 2343 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.1 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the WorldCraft: mini sandbox world App

How does it Work?

#Want to try the shooting game in a pixel world? Try our newest "Pixel Block Gun 3D" for free now

Come and join the explore, mine, craft, build and survival in WorldCraft! Build on the move, Dig blocks, Mine resources, Craft hundreds of items, Travel day and Survive at night! Go to the underworld to find amazing things! remember to eat or drink, dont fall down from high place or stay in the water for a long time, or you'll be kill! check some multiplayer worlds when you connect to Wifi.

This game is inspired by Minecraft.


Very realistic gameplay;

The research and travel, construction and mining resources in a square world.

Craft items from raw materials, farming and development.


Fly and speeding;

Single player, Multiplayer for dozens of players, using servers located users;

Many monsters and animals;

Very realistic light;

Almost infinite peace and beautiful map generator.

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  3. Our WorldCraft: mini sandbox world wiki page ranks near the top of the Google results. Help make it as accurate and complete as it can possibly be.
  4. Get the satisfaction of helping the whole world, or at least other WorldCraft: mini sandbox world gamers like you. Your name will also attached to the Wiki entry.

Top Reviews

  • By jocelyn170

    Freezes a lot

    Every time I go in the game nothing seems to be bad so far. Then,I play on a server on the game EVERY time I kill someone, chat, and mine a block, it freezes. How I know because I don’t get any blocks, a part of the map goes blank and everyone in the game stays still but walking. I had this for just two years, and that was just last year, this year is worse every time I get in a server in the game it FREEZES that’s crazy, I have no idea what it is, like I have good network so please PLEASE fix it!!!!!

  • By sschjang

    Loving the game

    I love this game because guess what you can make yourself a new character and time you want to eat and you can make yourself anything to me so that’s why I like this game that’s why I’m giving it a five star rating.

  • By flamlisssss

    Good but needs work

    It’s a good game and is real fun and all, but I can’t even protect my territory and adds pop up a lot. I mean, it is nice how you get a coin for watching an add... but still. It needs work. I like this game and hope you will too!

  • By NailahJRios

    Only developer read

    (This is to the developer of the app) It’s fun🤩and a waste of time because it crashes every 10min🤬you need to fix that or I’m never playing again😒

  • By BigBossZogBot

    The best game ever 🙀 and also it needs to load faster and I’m playing on the new phone out

    It needs to load faster because I got the new phone and great internet ☝🏻

  • By Maydown2

    Fun but needs a lot of work

    I love this game but it needs so much work! I keep trying to go into the gam wand then it clicks out. Also when I turn it to day on home tree it looks like might if a turn

  • By Bria_cutie16

    Fun/waste of time

    I love it but is keeps crashing and I hate it ever time I build some it just goes away and I have you rebuild it so if you have a lot of time I think you should download it but if you don’t have that kind of time DONT DOWNLOAD IT!!!!

  • By ErickNery

    This kinda Scared me....

    I remember when I was a little girl before I had the real Minecraft game. I was minding me own business playing this game and then I heard something scary like... A reaper voice or something..... I got really scared and logged out of the game and then I thought it was from the game that was added new so I went to my mother and told here about it and showed here but it was gone and I didn’t see anyone around when it made that noise. All of my Mother heard was Chickens so far and I thought I made up something like a noises. So I deleted the game and never played it again and until now... I’m playing it again so I can know that I didn’t made it up.... Oh! And also this is a really good game but it’s kinda slow ( this game is kinda freaking me out ngl )

  • By ann😛😍🐶🐶🐶🐶

    Okay👌/don’t get this game to many bugs👿😡🤬😠

    Its ok .but it needs a little more work with to many users!!!like there cannot be a total amount of players playing on serdent worlds.😡the problem is that there are so much bugs! Like I try getting on sometimes and It would say cannot connect or to many users👿👿👿😡🤬!!!!!!wich makes me really mad 😡 like I can’t stand it!i have a brother and I try to connect to it it’s ether cannot connect or to many users!so I suggest do not get this app!!and at first it was so hard to get a different skin and the world dissapers and my building

  • By Brook12120

    Just got it

    I just got this game and it seems preterm good, but I don’t really get the controls. I also noticed that there is no creative mode it is all just survival. After a while the worlds kind of get boring so I might just delete the game. I have also read the other reviews and it seems like they have a lot of problems with the game, similar to mine. Please try to fix the game to make it more like the real Minecraft .

  • By Hdjfjfjtjf

    Alright but kind of a ripoff of Minecraft

    Well the game is very nicely put together but a few problems I had was that I could not fight the zombies. It was very laggy too and graphics were not good. But my biggest problem is that they ripped off my favorite game ever. And this mad me very mad because they were not doing something original. And for all these problems I had to delete the game.

  • By makennah reviews

    Good but tons of bugs

    I love it so much but if I don’t protect my land people go and claim my stuff that I built like really and I got hacked and couldn’t play my game instead I was someone else I also don’t know how to protect my game from hacking so I had to reset my phone and it deleted everything and I could not go onto most games cause some one would be waiting on me or a monster would and it would kill me if I escaped it it would still follow me🤦🏻‍♀️I need help!?. Oh and also every single freaking time I try to go onto multiplayer it say ur iPhone is not supported do not download this game if ur life supported on it

  • By Aubbie 11


    Okay. I just started playing this game, well, because I don’t really want to pay seven fricking dollars for Minecraft. First, all of the skins are for boys and I’m a little disappointed in that. Second, ADS. After I place a block, an ad pops up. Third, there are no animals, and I have no clue what they mean by “Survival Game” because it isn’t. Minecraft on the other hand is. Fourth, umm, you only have a small amount of room to build. Fifth, you can’t break anything. Sixth, I can’t unlock more blocks. Seventh (I promise this is the last one.) THE DESCRIPTION IS FOR MINECRAFT NOT THE GAME I JUST PLAYED IT IS A RIPOFF!!!!!

  • By Galaxy wolf pup

    sorry but i don’t like the game

    i honestly don’t like the game and i don’t recommend this game if you don’t like adds every time i exit the game there is always an add i just got the game and you need VIP like really?!?!?! that’s not nesarry at all the main thing i would change is not only the VIP thing but also there should be a walk through because i payed with this game for about an hour and i was looking for the charter skin and couldn’t find it but the VIP really?!?!? ~Galaxy

External Links

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This page was last edited on 2018-01-06.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
WorldCraft: mini sandbox world content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of 推军 冯 or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with 推军 冯.

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