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Classic Logic Problems is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Egghead Games LLC. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Egghead Games LLC, with the latest current version being 4.4.4 which was officially released on 2021-03-11. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 1232 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.7 out of a possible 5 stars.
"Easy to use. I enjoy these more than the books."
"I've always loved Dell's logic problems and this app is just like the classics."
"I found it to be incredibly intuitive and user friendly. Def worth 5 stars!!!"
"Always enjoyed the puzzle books before...But this app is great...Very challenging and fun to solve."
Keep your mind sharp with these stimulating logic problems that will exercise your brain muscles — a great introduction to deductive reasoning! Enjoy a range of problems at multiple difficulty levels.
No more erasing. Multi-level undo and Auto-X let you focus on the logic. If you get stuck, you can choose to erase errors or get a hint. Zoom the grid to fit your screen - from phone size to the largest tablet.
The app supports iOS accessibility features, including VoiceOver, Larger Text and Dark Mode.
Quality software by Egghead Games. Contact us with questions at
All puzzles Copyright © 2018-2020
Updated updated review: Found that if you sit in a quiet room with no distractions, the puzzles are easier to solve. These definitely are challenging puzzles, but helps to keep our brains actively thinking! Updated review: Great customer support. Like that this version doesn’t “time shame” you. Glad to be reminded of where check your answer icon is. Like the note section. It’s the way I would work solutions when solving the magazine versions. Would like a variety of challenges available in purchased puzzle packs (4x4, 4x5, etc.) or know what is being purchased. Sometimes the wording is not always clear whether the statement is true or should be eliminated. That is brain frustrating and my only real complaint now that developer has responded. Previous review: Hard to follow. Not easy to check whether answers are right or wrong and erase wrong answers because no buttons to check that as with previous version. Not as much fun. Guess I will stick with my Quick Logic version and erase & replay and/or work daily puzzles. 👎
So fun!
This is comically challenging for me. I’m constantly saying to myself “it’s ok, you’re good at other things in life” ... but that’s part of the fun in learning new things. Once I read the answer I feel better and excited to try to think through the clues differently. I think it would be cool if some of the answers had another layer of hand holding to help guide me through solutions a little more, and how I can think differently through areas where I probably got stuck.
Oops! This is a great item!!!
The last part of this is my original review. My personal preference is to fill the whole thing in myself-psychological problem, I’m sure. Now, I make sure to not finish the top part first. Problem solved. The answer was only incomplete because I didn’t scroll to the side. Learning curve. Sorry. Thank you for the opportunity to rewrite this review. Old review: Puzzle stopped before I finished. Answer listed by you was incomplete. Sort of a buzz kill. Puzzelus interrupts.
I’ve been looking for this!
Ive always loved logic puzzles and I’ve been looking for some that make me think. I’ve downloaded different apps but never liked the layout and features, however this one is very user friendly and is my new and only go to. I love that i can check my answers as i go and the clues were just enough to get your board started but i had to use a lot of actual logic to really solve it. I’ve enjoyed it so far!
They’re not so much for those who’ve never done logic puzzles before, but those who have, will love these. Some of them are extremely challenging, and some you will definitely need a pen and paper to figure out, but that’s what makes them so great. And if you don’t feel like doing one that hard, there’s plenty of others for you to do. So much better than the other logic puzzle apps I’ve downloaded!!
Great Puzzles, Great Customer Service!
The puzzles are challenging and fun, but most importantly, they are meticulously well-reasoned. When I thought I had encountered a flaw, and sent an inquiring email, I received a personal response almost immediately (on a Sunday, no less), followed quickly by an explication of the issue I encountered. Really pleased by the whole experience - and I don’t usually like being wrong! Five Stars, happily.
Need more options
I prefer the puzzles with more than 4 categories and after buying 3 packages I still haven’t seen any. I would rather choose which packages I pay for. It would also be great if we could make notes right on the puzzle to help solve it (ie, M or F and numbers to keep track of who’s who).
I MISSED doing these!
Penny Press used to print magazines that ONLY had Logic Problems. When they stopped, I was VERY sad. I had not done any Logic Problems for DECADES! They came to mind the other day, & I decided, on a whim, to search Logic Puzzles to see if anyone had made them for the IPAD! THANK You, Lord, that they are now available for the IPad!
Notes would help
Overall a great app. I have solved almost every puzzle, and would love to have more. The puzzles I haven’t solved all use hints that aren’t categories in the grid. They can be useful, but not without drawing pictures or making notes somehow. I often resort to taking a screenshot and printing it to figure these out. It would be VERY helpful to be able to write these notes on the screen. Examples: 1) some puzzles have times, but many clues are in # of minutes. I'd like to write the elapsed time above each category 2) some clues require figuring out the sex of the characters; the ability to write M or F next to the name would eliminate having to re-do clues if I forget who’s who.
Quality uneven, but good app!
I love logic problems! Had the books for years, so it’s nice to have them on my phone. The puzzles seem to vary quite a bit in quality. I don’t particularly care for those with a million variables because it’s hard to do trial and error electronically. I like those with clues that are concise and require one to make connections and realize implications beyond what’s stated. Anyway, the app works well, the price point is reasonable. I recommend it to those who love logic puzzles.
Short and Sweet
Glad I got this. Nice interface. Finished the freebies and will delete. Would have given a fifth star for a few more free puzzles and better assignment to categories of difficulty level. That last one, for example, with the warning about being hard but do-able... is actually pretty easy if you find yourself a spot to take notes on the arrival order and draw a little map of the parking spaces :)
Great Puzzles but Don’t Sync Across Devices
I love that Dell Puzzles finally have an app for their logic problems. The only thing missing from the app is the ability to sync amongst multiple devices. I have the app on both my iPhone and iPad but I have to skip over puzzles because the completed puzzle does not show up as completed on both devices. Likewise, it will also be great if you will also add your Logic Math problems to the app as well.
This was my favorite logics puzzle to play. The old way was way better and more user friendly a 4.8 star rating in my opinion. (-.2 for font size of some puzzles which was the only problem)I’ve bought a good few packs that i reuse constantly and would have purchased more but now I'm feeling my money was wasted, i don't wanna use it anymore and no other apps that I've tried even compared to the previous version. Would be nice if we had the option to keep the update or restore to previous version, until then.... so long 😩
Poorly written puzzles
Deleting this. Would be fun if the Logic puzzles were, well, logical! These types of puzzles have to be carefully written and double checked to provide clues and make sense with each other and the story. That is literally the basis for it. So why on one game where you have to figure out where all the cats nap in their owners home, how old they are and how long he’s had them does the story say he hasn’t owned any cats for longer than they’ve been alive, but the age of starts at 3yrs old while the categories in the grid allow for him to have owned some of the cats for only 1 or 2 years? This is just an exercise in frustration when the information being provided has not been double and triple checked for accuracy! You’re supposed to be able to rely on the information being provided, not have to wonder if it’s wrong. The point isn’t to trick people into failing with half-truths. Anyone who’s ever taken the LSAT knows how well properly and infallibly written these games can and need to be to solve them.
Egghead Games LLC' Official Website
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This page was last edited on 2021-03-11.
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This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Egghead Games LLC.