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Jeep Jump N Jam 4x4 Racing 3D is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by DevelopmentSquared. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - DevelopmentSquared, with the latest current version being 1.0 which was officially released on 2014-01-28. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 14 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 3.1 out of a possible 5 stars.
The goal is to get the most airtime possible per round. Airtime is the time the car is off the ground. You get more airtime by racing over the off road jumps or by jumping into tress and over rocks. You are given 60 seconds to jump as many times as you can. Avoid the rocks - or use them to get in a last second jump. You will advance to the next level for every minute of airtime's gained. Race to get the most airtime per track. The Bonus track will appear after you have achieved just 3 minutes of airtime. The first bonus off-road 4x4 truck will appear after the 5th level is passed. ( Here's a hint: its a car no longer legal in America) The second super rally car will appear after the 10th level.
Great 3D racing action. This racing simulator gives you the feeling that you are driving. Exciting interactive graphics. Obstacles such as animals, rocks, trees, and mud pits - you will be thankful you are in a 4x4 racing. 75 Tracks included + Bonus Tracks. Collect a star for each level passed.
Try all the tracks - you might find some fun surprises.
Off Road Racing has never been more exciting. Download this fun free app and start jumping!
Please fix
I agree with Burton0220 it looks like a fun game but I have the same problem as Burton0220 where when I open it it says powered by unity for a while and then it crashes please fix this.
Good app best app I ever download
Yo unity
this game is the WORST. I mean I don't want to say bad words but C.R.A.P. when you get on it it says unity, then it freezes and logs off. I may download in the beginning of 2015 and see if it does the same thing, if it does I will write another bad revu and delete the game.
All ways crashes fix
Looks fun
But it crashes every time
This page was last edited on 2014-01-28.
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Jeep Jump N Jam 4x4 Racing 3D content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of DevelopmentSquared or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with DevelopmentSquared.
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