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Trivia Crack (No Ads) is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Etermax. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Etermax, with the latest current version being 3.125.0 which was officially released on 2021-07-27. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 87041 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.6 out of a possible 5 stars.
Let our friendly spinner wheel, Willy, select which questions you’ll answer from six different categories. Be the first to get the six crowns to win, but watch out for the rematch!
Reasons you should be playing Trivia Crack right this second:
-Hundreds of thousands of exciting questions
-You can create your own questions in the Factory
-Over 20 game languages
-Chat with your opponents
-Collectable card collection
Need more? No problem:
-Prove how smart you are
-Learn something new while having fun
-Make your mother proud
So what are you waiting for? Let’s go! Download the game!
Warning: this game may cause an excess of fun. Please consult a professional if you notice your knowledge growing at an unusual rate.
Visit for more information.
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Twitter: @triviacrack
Some ideas?
I love this game, so much i was tired of ads & bought the ad free version ! I wanted to suggest a couple ideas that I feel, & hopefully others, would improve the reward system ! You all know that free spin you get after getting a wrong answer ? That wheel should definitely be updated ! Considering there are minor text bugs for whenever you get gems, etc., it’ll read &format/3 instead of “3 gems”. & I definitely feel like one heart should be removed from the wheel simply because eventually you’ll receive hearts on top of hearts & there really isn’t much to do with them other than play more games. But let’s be real, 52 hearts on top of the 15 games you’re already playing is just a waste of hearts. & COINS ! Definitely feel like there should be other ways to earn coins much faster. Perhaps a reward system, or something that mocks a “battle pass” as seen in other popular games. I feel that would really draw much more attention to users & definitely keep them more entertained. Especially with this pandemic!
Love this game! Five Years a Winner!
This game is the best! No time wasted here! It entertains and gives the mind information and brain exercise in a super fun way! Who knew that you could have so much fun while doing something good for you?! The variety of ways to play especially “Survivor” when pitted against 10 random players with 10 seconds to read and respond helps the ability to focus and process. The original game that permits 20 seconds to answer if needed is also great fun with special hints such as 50-50 or second chance on more difficult questions. The variety of ways to play and the various rewards keep things interesting. I look forward to the daily question and blind random choice award each morning! This game is a healthy diversion from the stress of life that also promotes respectful friendships. On occasion, when a question is miss-worded, spelled incorrectly, or simply wrong the ability to report it is appreciated. No complaints!
Thought i would update my review. They decided they were not making enough money on the coins. They change the game without any warning and instead of being able to continue a game with coins. They want you to buy some new credit they have made up to be able to get the second chance. Total RIP OFF !!!! I think that The way you just went from having the second chance you could purchase on a turn with coins to some new type of thing where you have to purchase credits is absolutely horrible I think it’s a very poor business decision. You get people to buy the coins and then you make them obsolete basically for using them for everything. And you find a new way to have to make people spend money. My personal opinion is ITunes should re-evaluate your company selling games through iTunes.
Like- But
I really like the game and it's very challenging for me. I am an older person and it's hard for me to remember things. I think this game is a good challenge for me. I have two people that I play with my daughter and my husband and it's really fun. The big BUT for me is that when the answer is not correct you don't leave the correct answer up there long enough for me to get it! You took care of that. Thank you!!! But now I notice that when it’s fun and a challenge to get the cards and e’s I really work to get them. Not any more because you upped what it takes to get them. Not I’m disappointed and think you have jacked it up to much! It’s not fun anymore! If I weren’t playing with my best friend and my cousin, I would stop playing all together now!
Amazing app BUT
Even tho this game (and after a small payment) has no ads anymore but there are still pop ups (not about advertising) which show up when I tap the wrong answer, the first pop up says "NEED ANOTHER CHANCE?" (and of course That 1000 gold I have to pay and that paying button I clicked it several times by fault and my gold got wasted), and the second time (which is not that logic) you tell me to spin for free while waiting my turn. But who said in these 10 seconds it's going to be my turn?? It's annoying trust me because when I play this game I play it for two hours nonstop I know these pop ups are made for helping people to get a second chance etc but I personally don't care if I lose my turn or not because I always have turns waiting for me... So plrase fix this time wasting thing... I suggest you to put a toggle in the settings of the game if you want to ask for a second chance or a free spin... please because it's so annoying that I feel I paid for nothing considering these two pop ups as ads!!
Free version has benefits
I LOVE this game and I’ve played it a lot lately with friends. One problem I have come across however is that in the free version, you can opt to watch a video to get an extra spin before you lose your turn, whereas in the paid one, there is no option to try again unless you have enough tickets or coins. This has allowed my friend who didn’t pay for the no ad version to have more chances each time he plays than me who paid for the app. This has allowed him to win the past few games as he opts to watch the video for an extra turn every time(as I would). I know it’s the no ad version but I wish I could pay to get the rest of the ads to go away but still get the chance to watch a video for a free extra spin. Hope this is changed in the paid version soon. Love the game though and how well it’s done.
Great game, but there are some annoying features
If you’re looking for a fun trivia game, you found it, the add free feature definitely is worth it for a better experience, (you can even play with multiple people) but.... I’m going to go ahead and start with the most annoying thing, every time I get a question wrong, this sign pops up for 1000 coins or 120 tickets to redo your turn and continue playing, but the button is right where you would press, so I’ve lost many many coins because of this clearly money grabbing feature (so you buy more coins) The second annoying thing is that some of the questions are inaccurate (the questions that were wrong were due to the year) Either way, I still enjoy this trivia game, I just watch out for that annoying button (already lost several thousand coins 👏)
Worth the $2
I love trivia! I enjoy playing this game a lot & it’s nice playing it without ads. I’m definitely hooked. If I could change anything about it, it would be for them to spell check their trivia questions & use capitol letters when necessary & use correct punctuation. No trivia questions should have 6 question marks in it & I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people’s names in all lowercase letters. It’s Jane Doe, not “jane doe”. Also, some of the questions in this game are just straight up stupid, I’m assuming it’s people who do not work for the app creating them, but I wish they would be pickier about which ones actually get put in the game. Or perhaps fix the trivia question & answers up a bit to look professional. Not all of the questions are that bad, but a good majority of them are. Enough to slightly get on my nerves, but that could just be me. I do think the app is worth the $2. It’s fun & addicting. It’s a rare occasion I don’t play it at least once a day. Hopefully the quality of questions improves in the future! Oh & one more thing. Don’t exit out in the middle of a pic duel or any part of the game where you continuously answer questions otherwise you will have to delete the game and reinstall it. I’ve had to do it 3 times because of it. Just exiting out of the app & restarting your phone does not help it. Until you delete & reinstall the app it will not stop claiming there’s a problem with your internet connection.
Still Not Completely Accessible
I am a VoiceOver user, and not all of the elements are displayed on the screen with VoiceOver enabled. You can't go back if you accidentally get into a place where you didn't mean to go, there's just random different things on the homescreen, and creating new games with people isn't the most accessible. The in-game experience could be better, but it works...half the time. Creating questions in the question factory is less than pleasant. I have to enable the screen recognition feature to find the buttons to input my answers. I have to use screen recognition pretty much everywhere except for when I'm actually in a game with someone. This game would be more enjoyable, if these accessibility problems could be improved. When I get to the create new game screen, I can select the game mode that I want, but when it shows the list of suggested friends that I could play, none of the elements in that section are read buy voiceover. I can flick to an element, but it won't read. Please fix. “crack”...but annoying
The game is enjoyable, but the fact that there is no real formal review of questions makes it annoying...many repeated questions, questions that are worded poorly, questions with errors and stupid questions: I realize it’s a “trivia” game, but the level of trivial facts is just ridiculous at all the questions regarding the periodic table (atomic weights of elements? Sorry...graduated from high school 35 years ago...don’t know, don’t care... and the number of questions of where some podunk town is that no one ever heard of...who cares?! What I don’t get is how these questions passed the 85% approval rating. Which leads me to one other annoying thing about this game. I have suggested 20 questions...several that have that 85% approval rating that are still waiting for approval...not sure when that happens...and, sure it’s my opinion, but several that are much better than many “approved” questions that don’t have the 85%... ok, done with the rant.
Quite fun but a little lacking
I downloaded this app because the top review displayed to me speaks highly of its voiceover accessibility. Unfortunately, the app falls rather short of such a glowing review on that front -- there are elements that are poorly labeled as to not let you know what you're tapping, the card machine is a jumbled confusion, many questions that contain images e.g. "Who painted this?" appear despite there being a setting to not display questions with images, and the cursor jumps around wildly (you can't simply flick from the top of the screen to the bottom without repeatedly returning to the top). I appreciate that they tried, a bit, to make it accessible, but it feels like they gave up somewhere in the middle of the project. Other than that, the game itself is really fun, the questions are interesting and varied, and the system for adding and removing them seems to work very well
All About Money
I used to thoroughly enjoy this game. Now everything is about money grabbing tactics. I paid for the ad-free version because I do believe in supporting the products I enjoy. But now they stick a piggy bank on your main screen and make you believe that if you’re patient enough, answer 200 questions correctly, you’ll be rewarded. But alas, you can only crack it if you pay. Pay pay pay. Additionally, many of the questions are littered with spelling and grammatical errors. There is no real variety to the questions either. For sports, you’re definitely getting a football question. For history, you’re definitely getting something about one the King George’s. Science, just know the periodic table. Pop, just know Marvel and DC comics. Geography, learn the Great Lakes or what podunk cities are/aren’t in which state. And art... apparently the only thing to Art is colors. You don’t need to know anything past rudimentary art class, like which colors mixed together make orange. So exciting! I will finish my current games with folks and then find another trivia app. This makes me sad, as it was such a simple pleasure after a long work day. But the developers also don’t seem to care about the complaints of the customers supporting their product.
Ad free is terrible
Every time I think I can give a better review Trivia crack does something else to make me give a bad one. I felt there was no too many ads before. I decided to get the ad free app. Now I have to use my coins to get a second chance when before I got to watch a video. I have limited coins. Those coins we have to use to use the power ups. Now I’ve paid money for no ads and have to use MORE coins. No, don’t think so. I tried to go and I to the free version, and now I can’t connect my account and lost all my progress. So I have no choice but to do the ads free version where I have to spend all my coins. So if you’re going to make us use coins for everything after paying for an app then make it easier to earn coins. Update: ok I’ve now given this 1 star because now I can’t connect my account to trivia crack at all. It keeps saying my Facebook is linked to a different email, but the email that’s displayed isn’t one I’ve ever used. If this doesn’t get fixed I’m done with this game and will want a refund for paying for no ads
Same Old Crap
This game is so tedious. I’m so tired of all the repeated questions, the horrific spelling and grammatical mistakes, religious questions in the history section instead of art, and the length of time I have to take my turn. I spend most of my time within the app reporting questions rather than playing. There is nothing new in the app anymore. I have 3 million in coins and over 5k in diamonds. I have all of the cards for my album. I literally have nothing to spend the diamonds and coins on within the app. Having less than 24 hours to play each game gets really frustrating. Sometimes you literally have to stop whatever it is that you’re doing to go and play your games. That’s not a fun thing to do. And games are supposed to be fun but this app has lost a lot of its fun. And the new form of greed. I open the app and I’m asked for money. I end my turn, do my free spin, then I’m asked for money. After every single game. I answer the daily question then I’m asked for money. It’s gotten very old very fast.
This page was last edited on 2021-07-27.
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Trivia Crack (No Ads) content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Etermax or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Etermax.
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