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Scary Piggy Outpost Chapter 11 is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Yousra BOUKIAOU. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Yousra BOUKIAOU, with the latest current version being 1.0 which was officially released on 2021-01-20. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 2043 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.5 out of a possible 5 stars.
The map is like a military training area with a floor level, a small second floor, and also some watchtowers and walls, containing the following facilities: sleeping quarters, a cafeteria, a meeting room, a workout area, a Medibay, Mr. P's base (the escape room), a strategy room, and even a tank. There are also spawn holes from where Soldiers climb out, and they do kill you if touched.
- 3 game modes:
* Mode 1: Play against both the Torcher and Soldiers. (with the help of Zizzy and Pony)
* Mode 2: Play against Torcher only. (with the help of Pony)
* Mode 3: Play against Soldiers only. (with the help of Zizzy)
- Possibility to choose camera type: First person or Third person.
- Fuild gameplay.
- You habe 5 chances to win the game.
Enjoy playing, and don't hesitate to leave your feedback to improve the game.
Good game
If you want to play outpost from piggy this is the game to get I beat it first time and it was so much fun
Best game ever
Bro I haven’t beat this game yet but it’s osum and I’m very far into the game
This game is so cool I have never seen this game before
Scary outspot
I love this game is so much fun
Love it
I love it so much
I like the way u made the piggy and pony and zizzy
This game is great
I love this game!!!
Piggy remake awesome
This may be the best remake of piggy EVER! 😁😁😁😁😁
You are Best
Get if but…
Not gonna lie it is really good but when I wanted to try again it didn’t t let me open doors idk what was happing I hope they fix this because it isn’t really good for me
Not that good but yea
I mean just record Roblox it has a million games on it including piggy but not a bad game to those who think I’m hating just my opinion/suggestion.
This is so dumb, because literary every time I press the menu button I get an ad. Though it is instantly skippable, I’m right here being annoyed trying to speedrun this game but every time I open the door with the key I get an ad popup, atleast make it a few minutes to get an ad. But I still like the game.
It’s laggy and too many ads
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This page was last edited on 2021-01-20.
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