Hide My Test! - Escape game Wiki

Hide My Test! - Escape game Wiki

Written by

  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2021-06-29
  • New version: 1.4.1
  • File size: 404.70 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 10.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

Hide My Test! - Escape game


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Hide My Test! - Escape game is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Eureka Studio. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Eureka Studio, with the latest current version being 1.4.1 which was officially released on 2021-06-29. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 26435 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.6 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the Hide My Test! - Escape game App

How does it Work?

Oh Crap! Another 0 for the test result, if my mom find out...

NO! Gonna hide it from her!

Find a safe place to HIDE the test result from mom!

Maybe hide it in the toilet? or the bathtub!

Come on and hide your test from mom!

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Top Reviews

  • By ceer leader

    Best game in the world 🤪😌💅🏻🥴

    So at first it was hard Bc I did not know what to do but this game if you wanna download it is really when you are bored it makes you mad laugh and it is just the best but one bug Here is way to many adds I had just got this game and in already in level 30 but every time I fail There is another add like what but there is just so many adds or out of know where this a add

  • By BisforBasic

    The ads are worth it and the pictures are hilarious

    I love this game and I beat it in one day it didn’t take me long to beat it, but there was too many ads at the start but they were worth it I love the clever way the mom pops out of the toilet it is hilarious I love the ‘you win’ pictures they are also hilarious please add more funny levels but if you see this rating, please install the game

  • By R A M E N 🍜

    So entertaining!

    This is the best game I have on my iPad. It is so fun to try and help the little boy hide his test, and it makes me think harder and find more ways to solve a problem. I love the pictures when he gets spanked or something else. This is so entertaining and keeps me entertained and it makes me more “creative” when it comes to solving problems. This is an amazing app!

  • By speakingTruth

    So fun :D

    It has a lot of ads but i simply play at night and turn on airplane mode and the ads stop. I wish it had more levels since i really enjoy playing this game. Some levels are easy while some make you think but overall this is a really good game and i can’t wait for the next update because it needs more levels!!!

  • By yungbruh1

    Add more levels

    So, I love the game. The storyline is entertaining and the jokes are actually funny. I think the art/animation is cool and some levels are tricky. I finished the game so I wish there were more levels. I could also see the family used in ‘hide my test’ used in another game? This definitely has the potential to expand, I hope to play more in the future.

  • By cookie ave

    THIS GAME IS AMAZING but I have a problem with the bad word situation...

    I love how the kid has to hide the test in a BUNCH of different places and how he gets in trouble in a lot of funny ways but I only have a problem of how it’s says a bad word in it. That’s the only problem. I would like this game to be changed from that situation but besides that, I still give this 5 stars.

  • By potatoe cakes

    Please read

    This is a really fun game I completed all of it, but there’s some people writing reviews saying it’s promoting child abuse. It is not. All it is, is the mother spanking the child for a bad grade, a lot of people would be spanked if they did something wrong (including me as a child) but in all seriousness I really did enjoy the game all tho I wish there where more levels. But to al the people who said they are promoting child abuse, either your a Karen or you’ve never been disciplined before. And to those reviews it hurts my brain reading them. But I def give this game a 9/10 just cuz every time u loose you get an ad, but other than that again, it’s a really fun game!


    Pretty decent game! 😛

    This game is pretty decent and I like it a lot. I played skip school and I thought I’d try this one out too. But i only have one problem. On stage one you cant even move the test once you follow the directions. Why is that? I haven’t played the full game but I highly recommend to whoever is reading this to play skip school. Its really fun, but this game i cant even get past level one because of this glitch. If someone could inform me on how to fix this that would be great. But over all its a pretty decent game!

  • By TopReviewer08

    Really fun and challenging, but has a few tweaks

    This is a pretty nice game if you want a challenge and a laugh all together. The first day I downloaded it, I couldn’t even stop playing! But here’s somethings that kind of bothers me. Once I got to level 40, the game started moving slow, and every time I would tap a object, it wouldn’t be as fast as all the other rounds. I would keep taping but nothing would happen. That frustrates me. Overall it’s a fun game, just need a lot of adjustments.

  • By Music&Art YAY

    Fun! Has problems though.

    I’m not gonna lie. This game is fun! It’s real challanging and I love this game. It’s very good. What gets on my nerves though is the ads after every stage. And how they play the same one. Like no! I’m not gonna get cash app after seeing the guy rapping 4 times already 😂 also some of the ads aren’t really kid friendly like this game is. So a kid doesn’t know what to expect. But overall, great game!! Please write back. P.S make a ad after 5 stages :)

  • By xygcfyugugug

    It’s ok.. it needs a fix tho

    So this game is very entertaining and enjoying but I can’t get the level 46 it’s says it has a razer but I looked everywhere and I can’t find it!!!!! I don’t know Thai is a glitch on my phone or on the actual game, but I need it to be fixed either way. And if the “glitch wasn’t there I love this it’s such a nice app and also the things when you win or lose it’s really funny!!! Thanks, Please Fix It.

  • By niah poohs

    Ok look

    This game seemed fun in all the adds and when you lose the kids but gets spanked and he is naked and the game is kind of weird to me and also it has a bad word and his buts red!!!! You need to fix this or something because this is not appropriate for anybody not even me!!!!! This game needs more to it for a better rateing this game even has not stars and I have seen reviews and they say under aged and this should be fixed as well and this is not right this is not good for a game to have this in it and I get he got a bad grade but still not this and all so I did this one level and it was weird and it is a little and it all so said in one review and it said he gets naked when he wins and he yells the bad word like why!!!!! THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED!!!!!!!

  • By aquajude09

    This is ok but here’s the problem....

    So I was just playing and I had a great idea, so on level 6 I put the test in which i thought was a amazing spot. And the mom found it really fast, so I think most of the game is meant for you to lose. And another thing is the ADDS, ever time I lose and mom finds it is a add, ad after add after add. But why it’s not a 1 star is because there is some good things about the game, it makes you dig deep to see we’re you can put the test, and there’s really unique spots to put it where mom can’t see it. So that’s why it’s not a 1.

  • By Maddy Katty

    Has Potential I Guess...

    Funny game and it’s a challenge. This is where the praise ends. This game IS inappropriate for kids of any age. Every time you mess up it says the “D” word at the top of the screen. Also, the baby is naked in one level so you have to use the homework for a diaper. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!!?? Hello!? If the nudity and language were cut off then maybe I would give a higher rating but for now this is all I can say. Thanks for reading and please consider.

External Links

Eureka Studio' Official Website

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This page was last edited on 2021-06-29.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Hide My Test! - Escape game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Eureka Studio or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Eureka Studio.

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