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HR Master is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Mynet. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Mynet, with the latest current version being 1.5 which was officially released on 2020-10-12. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 3206 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.6 out of a possible 5 stars.
Hold all recruitment process of your company. Try to hire the most suitable candidates among applicants and increase efficiency of the company.
You will have various departments to run the company and have to prioritize hiring process according to core functions of the business and employees’ happiness.
Game Features:
1. Simple but addicting mechanics
Swipe left or right in order to choose right employee. The decisions are yours!
2. Feel the power of authority!
Do not worry if you hire an under-qualified employee, you will have right to fire them anytime.
3. Cool Graphics
Overview your company departments and decide for which one you are going to hire at first. Do not underestimate applicants’ appearances during recruitment process. Here is a vital tip: watch out some freak applicants!
4. Constant updates
New applicants, new departments, new requirements and much more!
Just one problem...
I LOVE this game! However, to the people who don’t have the no ads purchase, they need to watch an ad to fire. Idk why this should be removed. Because I play this game on road trips and I have no service at all, and there is always someone I need to fire but I can’t because I need to watch an ad. But other than that, this game is way more fun than other tycoon games.
I love this game
I love this game and I gotta say the whole building aspect of the game would have to be my favorite, if it’s not too much to ask I would love to build on to the first office more of just build new ones when you want to. Like adding parking lots to the offices or some other stuff like that outside the building would be awesome! But overall this game is fun to play.
Developers that listen, thank you!!!!!
Yay looks like the ad problem has been fixed, if you look at the entire ad you should get the reward. Thanks for fixing the problem. Now I can go back to playing this game nonstop until I have to charge my phone of course.🙂
Like it
Reminds me of The Office, love that show, maybe there’s a way to allow players to change the name of the business they’re running? Also, why have the No Ad but still need to watch an ad to fire someone or get a overqualified person? Other than that, great game.
Really good game.
I wasn’t expecting much from this game but I was surprised that it actually makes you feel like you are a HR master lol And how the business grows little by little. And you don’t need to spend real money since you gain your own money because of your employees.
The game is awesome
The game is awesome and I definitely enjoy it, but I wish you guys can create levels for the game. Like able to run more than one Business location and hire thousands of employees. I hop you guys are working on this 🤗
Needs work- love it
I love this game!!! I just wish there was more. I would like to hire a cleaning staff to keep the place tip top shape. It would also be cool if items broke and I had to hire repair men or electricians. I also wish you could discuss and negotiate wages with employees like maybe see if they’d be willing to take less. It would also be cool to be able to give people raises and evaluations! This game could be sooo much cooler!! I have faith in the developers because it’s pretty great already. This would definitely be a game I’d pay for if it had more content, not worth just removing ads at this point. Keep up the good work guys.
I like it but I do have a problem
So I do like the game but one I didn’t get any ads like at all I didn’t even pay for the no ads thing but since I didn’t get any ads I couldn’t watch ads to get rewards plus which might be normal it’s like I couldn’t hire anyone because they had a different specialty and I couldn’t hire anyone for a few minutes can you try to do something about I will understand if you can’t
It's pretty good.
I enjoyed playing this game, but can you make it so less ads keep popping up? Also, why do you need to watch an ad just to fire someone? Also, there is this bug where it says “Failed to load reward ad” when you try to do something that requires watching an ad, even though I am connected to Wi-Fi. Please fix it. Otherwise, the game is pretty enjoyable.
Love this game, but needs more
Love this game it is addicting, but once you unlock all departments and rooms it’s just repeating. It would be cool if we can fire people who were efficient workers but turn out to be less efficient after being hired. Like write ups too. Choosing the kinda of company would be cool. Also maybe we can choose the position that we’re interviewing for.
A bit of a rip off. But still fun.
I LOVE this game!!! I’m usually not much one for playing games on my phone but I enjoy this one and play often. Only complaint is I hit the button that said “no ads” and paid the $2.99 so that I wouldn’t have to watch all the ads. But that didn’t do anything. They took my $2.99 and I’m still stuck watching a load of ads.
Ad pops every 5 seconds 🙄 and paying for No Ads is not worth it.
I finished the game in two days. I would not recommend until the “No ads” purchased is clarified before purchase and this over-hire nonsense is resolved. You pay for no ads and the “option” to watch an ad for extra money pops up, you have to reject first, and then you can continue the game. The ad for the money multiplier IS optional, that makes sense. However, you watching ads for over-hires defeats the purpose of paying for No ads; Especially when over hires are one of the accomplishments in the game.
Decent game but No Ad buy is a scam
Played the game for about 10 minutes. It is different and interesting enough for the genre, an interactive idle game riddled with ad bonuses. I thought the game was unique and fun enough I might play for a few weeks so I bought the No Ads transaction. Most games will still give you ad bonus opportunities but you never have to watch an ad again, to get the bonuses instantly. This game does NOT. All ad bonuses still require you to watch ad. I think it just eliminated the occasional, skippable ad between interview rounds. This purchases is a complete scam and waste of money.
Don’t buy “Remove Ads” total rip-off
I bought the “remove ads” thing and I’m still seeing ads. Like what’s the point of selling us the option if we still see ads? Yea it got rid of the little ads between playing, but why do I still see them when I want to fire someone or in general just play the game? If you’re gonna give us the option to remove ads, remove them all. Guys don’t waste your $3 buying remove ads. It only remove the ads you could have skipped in 5secs🙄. I understand having to use ads to unlock furniture, but to hire someone? Fire someone?
This page was last edited on 2020-10-12.
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