Parkour Race - Freerun Game Wiki

Parkour Race - Freerun Game Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2021-05-31
  • New version: 1.9.2
  • File size: 244.53 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 10.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

Parkour Race - Freerun Game


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Parkour Race - Freerun Game is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by MADBOX. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - MADBOX, with the latest current version being 1.9.2 which was officially released on 2021-05-31. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 159634 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.6 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the Parkour Race - Freerun Game App

How does it Work?

Take your running game to the next level as you race against the crowd in this clash to earn first place! Become the first to cross the finish line among all!

Dash from rooftop to rooftop. Flip, jump, fall and vault over obstacles to set all new records.

Join other guys and compete to win the daily race for special rewards!

Scale buildings around the city and land tricks to gain extra speed. Leave your opponents to rage as you take home the win!

Test your ultimate skills as your race in famous cities like New York, Paris, Tokyo and more! But don't Fall Guys!

Customize your guys by earning epic outfits, unique back bling and special effects by winning races!

Perform tricks to escape the crowd and set records. Become the best among us!""

We make casual moments turn into mad adventures!

We’re a gaming studio composed of ‘Casually Mad’ game makers. We produce all of our games internally. We live to tell unique stories and express those in the games we create for players around the world. This passion is echoed by millions that enjoy playing our games like Stickman Hook, Parkour Race and Sausage Flip. Play with us and see what’s next!

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Top Reviews

  • By meow meister

    Fun game but, it’s missing something

    I really like this game. The controls are nice, the cosmetics are great, and i love the daily race areas. But there are a few things that i think you should implement to the game. First off, i think the classic game map should be a bit more interesting instead of the plain white and boosters. Secondly, i think that the bots are a bit too easy. Maybe you could make an online mode if possible or you can change the bots difficulty. Thirdly, i think you should add more gimmicks like perks or abilities. This would be very cool if there was a multiplayer option. Finally, i think there should be more customization options. I’m gonna be honest i don’t really like the red when you choose a skin like the ninja or the default. Overall a great game from MadBox i really think this game could be very, very good.

  • By Loo hop

    Really fun and addicting game but....!

    I do really like this game, but I think there are a few things that should be fixed, the main issue I honestly have is the sound fx, I also think it would pretty cool that when you passed a bot up and touch them that you trip them or slow them down somehow lol, but also bot difficulty or online play would be really great too, and I don’t see why you couldn’t put the daily race maps on the classic race, but I do like how challenging the daily races are, so it makes sense. Anyways great game I’m still addicted and I want to collect all the skins, oh and by the way if you all are sick of ads just turn your WiFi off and you’re chilling! That’s the good thing about bots, thank you for this awesome game!

  • By abcd bsb

    Amazing Game! Option to Buy Disabled Ads?

    Overall, this is the perfect game for when your waiting somewhere and just wanna play a quick round! The controls are responsive, the graphics and visuals are quite appealing, and the system of unlocking customizable things for your character is very satisfying! This is no doubt a 5 Star game, but I suggest that there be added an option to pay to disable ads. Just about every free game I’ve played has an option to spend $2.99 or $3.99 to disable ads, and I think it would be beneficial to have that option for this game too! Other than that small request, this is a quality game that is innovative and unique!

  • By ghghjvgtjbffh

    A complaint of the update

    The game is great but when I updated it a lot of weird things started happening for some reason now my character isn’t the character I selected and is also now the opposite color originally he was red because all the other characters were blue but now he’s blue just like the others also every time I go into the character screen to try and change my character back and my affects back it doesn’t show anything and the game now takes place in a Blue void The only way for me to play is to refresh the game if this problem is solved I will be happy

  • By itspennywise

    Great game to play on the go

    I really like this game and I think it can be better as far as customization options. For example, I think you the developers can continuously add more cosmetics to the game. Like Maddox did a great job, but y’all need to create better better texture to the plan levels and more color maybe some more tricks. My favorite trail to use is the lightning trail. But as far customization goes y’all can do better. You guys should add customization for every trail like being able to change the color of the trail, like I want you guys to add the flash to the game, the suit and the emblem and the yellow lightning. Like you guys just need to keep adding more cosmetics and new awesome levels and sound. Whenever I play the game I have my sound all the way up but the game don’t have sound for some reason. Finally you guys need to stop with the constant adds, like I know that’s you make money but please, have less adds

  • By Galaxy Stikbot 7000

    A little disappointed but it is ok

    So... I tried to get to level 100 thinking it would do something like the city would change night time or we would change areas like worlds. But I was a bit disappointed when nothing happened all it did was add 100 more levels to do making it 200 I like the game it is a good concept it is just it feels to bland and there is no real Multiplayer it is just ai bots that do the same as other players would and the bots have names like John or something to make it seem like a real player when it is not. there is no real soundtrack it is just muted like you can’t hear any sound effects or nothing it is just a big disappointment to me and some other reviewers. overall this game is ok I guess it is just these things that make it not a pretty good game for me. The game has a good concept so I rate it at a 4 star rating mainly because of these problems.

  • By TheRockWarrior

    Good game, though missing a few features

    Like everyone the game is good, but I wish a few things. 1. The climbing. When you climb it cancels all speed that was gained, it’s annoying to keep getting more speed and then poof all gone because off the buildings height or not enough jump momentum so I hope you can implement maybe a vertical wall run? 2. Difficulty. The bots are very easy no challenge. Please add a difficulty change because you can finish a race 1st place in like 25 seconds depending on how much speed you get. 3. In my opinion the auto controls. There is no manual control which is pretty good considering not pressing buttons all over the place but at least the jumping you can tap when to jump as an option. 4. Last but not least the map. Maybe add more designs for maps instead of repeating the same map.

  • By Veryrare737

    Awesome but ...

    Love the game but make the maps more fun and challenging, make it to where if other AI are in the way that you could knock them out the way and they can do the same to you just make it more challenging I am on level 900 and it’s just the same ole stuff make the maps a bit harder and obstacles that could mess you or something do it really feels like your racing to get first but better yet you have earned it or maybe the effects we could use then like powers to knock enemies out the way light I have the lightning effect maybe I could use a powerful ground shock to mess up other players and they could do the same depending on what effect they have also maybe add melee weapons to that you could use some characters have some pre equipped anyway, and please please chill with the adds 😭

  • By Slxndnsksjdh

    Honestly the best free run game I’ve ever played

    The controls are very intuitive, and the move set you have to traverse the levels are great. I’ve honestly never found a parkour game that was this easy to master and get used to. The only problem I have is one of the daily race levels, it was one for Paris, and there was no way I could reach the 99% score. I tried every path I could think of for that course, and even my fastest one only got me up to 98.5%. No other path came close to that score, yet the fastest path wasn’t fast enough apparently? Also I’d just like to suggest two things: maybe adding grapple hook and hang glider power ups or gear drops in the levels, because I think adding those would make the gameplay even more varied and dynamic. Plus they would offer more ways of running each level

  • By addie POP 12

    Good game to many ads

    I love this game guys, but I think that it just has to many ads. After every parkour map I complete there is a stupid ad. And speaking of maps, we need some new ones for the classic race. I love this game but I’m really good at all the maps so it’s kinda boring to play them. Plus, can we not play with computer players?? I know their computer players because I am always in last place to start a race but always end up in first when I finish! Plus, for the zip line, if these were real players they would know that is the key to winning the game and EVERYBODY would go for it. Not to mention the odd colors that the other characters are that we can’t get. Put us with real players, not computer plays please and thank you! Still, love the game to many ads and needs more maps. Bye now!! I notice that you didn’t get to all my requests. I asked for more maps on the classic race but there are no new maps! But then there is a new map on the daily race. WHAT GIVES?! The daily race is hard enough on its own with enough of maps, but maybe you could be nice to the classic race and add more maps to that race. Also, we are still playing with computer players! If you guys are to lazy to make us race real people then I will just delete the game. It is not fun anymore! Moved rating down to 3 stars

  • By Dinosaur geek


    First of all, I just want to say this game is very unquie and fun. However, while the game is really fun it can be really boring. One problem I have is the AI, the AI are extremely slow and stupid and if you could make them more challenging that would be great. On top of adding harder AI for offline players it be awesome if you add a multiplayer mode. It be really fun and tons of people, myself included, would have a blast. Now for the cosmetics it’s cool how you have tons of skins just one problem is that most of them are just other characters. I think you should start adding more unquie skins to the skin menu. And I’m final suggestion is maps. It’s cool and all how you have different maps for the challenge stuff but it be better if you had more maps for classic. I’m almost on level 100 and I noticed it’s the same map every 2-3 levels. In my opinion I prioritize the AI first and then more classic maps. Overall, this game is fun but boring and has ton of potential and just keep up the good work!

  • By P_Aaron02

    Boring, but has potential

    Honestly this game has a great concept, it’s easy to pick up, fun to play, and getting skins is not hard. But the challenge is absolutely inexistent. The boys prove to be non competitive and jump off into the abyss for seemingly no reason. I’ve gone through 200 stages and i expected it to get challenging EVENTUALLY, but no. It’s the same boring coming in first time after time. Also there is no extras the farther you get through the levels, Just a number that says your progressing, but nothing of substance. No terrain changes, no new environments, no new tricks or obstacles, bots stay the same(mediocre really). Honestly the game could be better with just the addition of challenge. And not one that you need gold or to watch a video to enjoy. If Classic mode got progressively harder and more advanced the game would be much more solid, and I would rate higher. I only write this because it does have potential and I do want to enjoy it.

  • By Ratrixly

    Ad filled, not fun. way too easy.

    This game could be good but there are a lot of things missing. There are way too many ads in this game and at the end it just gives you more ads. This game is just some kind of cash grab that isn't fun and way too easy. Talking about it being too easy, there are way too many glitches and mediocre bots. They can easily get stuck in dumb places and and you can easily beat them. Sometimes bots even spawn right in front of you. Sometimes the game just crashes for no reason right as you're in the middle of playing it. This game is no where near being fun. It is just one of those bad voodoo game ripoffs. It tries to do what they do but the final product is horrible just like the voodoo games. This app is not good, It has way too many ads, to the point that it sometimes even crashes, and it is super easy to where you barely even have to try. I would not recommend anyone to play this.

  • By Stuck.

    A couple of bad points

    No point in having an option to watch ads for reward just to force us to watch them if we deny, just give us the reward anyway then. If not then take away the forced ads, the shop is poorly made, no explanation about it or how to get coins until you actual find that you’re getting them. Tutorial made no sense, just literally tapped the screen and the level was going on it’s own without any context, just labeling it tutorial at the top of the screen doesn’t make it a tutorial. And putting “auto run jump/slide” by obstacles make no sense. Just pause or slow down the time and have a text saying “your character will automatically jump and slide obstacles” and add that our character will jump off wall running by sliding away from the wall. I get this app is a cash grab but Jesus the amount of low effort work is so blatant, played this game for 5 minutes to notice it.

External Links

MADBOX' Official Website

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This page was last edited on 2021-05-31.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Parkour Race - Freerun Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of MADBOX or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with MADBOX.

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