Top War: Battle Game Wiki

Top War: Battle Game Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2021-07-28
  • New version: 1.201.0
  • File size: 513.06 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 9.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

Top War: Battle Game


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Top War: Battle Game is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Topwar Studio. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Topwar Studio, with the latest current version being 1.201.0 which was officially released on 2021-07-28. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 23313 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.3 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the Top War: Battle Game App

How does it Work?

The Dark Legion is coming! The Tyrant rules the world!

Wars continue and people are homeless. Who can save the world?

Join the Liberty Alliance and step forward fearlessly and become the strongest Commander!

Merge to Upgrade

Whether it's a building or units, you can upgrade as long as it is merged! Top War is an innovative strategy game featuring merge to upgrade gameplay, no more long upgrade waiting times, just merge two together and the upgrade will finish instantly!

Recruit Legendary Heroes

Land, Navy and Air Force army troops have gathered! Hire and upgrade heroes with unique skills and lead the three armies to become invincible!

Various Class Options

Want to become a warrior like a Combat Elite on the battlefield, or a professional who makes various kinds of magic weapons? There are Tactical Masters, Grand Marshals, Legendary Craftsmen, and Great Scientists for you to choose from. Use intelligent combinations of Classes to win!

Build an Idyllic Island Base

Starting with a deserted island, build a base to train armies and then make the base more stylish with variety of buildings and decorations. Come and show-off your unique style!

Online Battle with Players from all over the World

A variety of battle modes, Battle of Kingdoms, Wild Monsters, War Robots,Throne Showdowns and experience real battles with your alliances, fight for glory, dominate the World!

Eternal Land, Cross-Server Battle for Domination

After a long period of construction and development, make way to the Eternal Land. A new large-scale cross-server gameplay with unbelievable battles, the experience will fulfill the desire in your heart: Conquer the World!

Gather your alliance friends and go to unveil the mystery of the Eternal Land!

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Top Reviews

  • By zbkoontz

    Needs a change

    I’m just going to say this game is amazing, it’s really addicting and fun however I created my alliance and have 14 members and am trying to be able to build a fort for territory however we need to do challenges to level up our alliance and the only challenge that we can do is beat warhammers 4K however when I rally against them the time is too short for my members to get to the warhammer 4K and so the party dismembers which I hate happening and so that is the reason we can’t do that challenge so my suggestion for that would to either lengthen the time for people to use their troops to March to the warhammer or to automatically be joined and ready to rally because we can’t do this at this rate it’s just near impossible same thing goes for my members if they start a rally against the warhammer 4K it’s too short of a time for me or other members troops to March to the warhammer. So please I ask if you to solve this or make a solution to this.

  • By Auliya

    Vintage feel, interface a mess, fun anyway

    Pay attention. The slick ads they show you have nothing to do with the game. This is an old school grid-based turn game, glorified rock-paper-scissors, with tons of little gacha machines and roulette games and blind boxes to keep you gambling for tiny little prizes that help you along. You can spend real money, but if you do, you’ll quickly realize it’s the same game play at every level. You can’t buy your way up because it scales with your spending. The game is not gorgeous and the user interface is chaotic. But the little red badges that mean “there is something to do here” Kees you tapping your way through 50 levels in 5 days and the simplicity is fun. Mostly an idle game. A level 46 airplane takes 10 hours to train up. Lots of chat and plenty to do as long as you accept the premise. Old school, legacy graphics, rock-paper-scissors mechanics, and slot machines.

  • By Georgetheslayr

    It’s good, just needs some quality of life changes

    The game it’s pretty good, my main problem is how annoying merging buildings can get at later levels, especially gold mines. When you need 20 current level gold mines to get good money from your taxes, it can just be a nightmare having merge so many buildings together it seems less like a game and more like a chore. Two other smaller notes, monetization is terrible. How much you need to spend to get anything of real value is just insane. And I wish you could set units to “auto-expedition”, meaning you could make the units automatically set out and get you resources either based off of how much of each type you want or how much stamina you want to spend. All in all the games good it but some quality of life changes could make a big difference.

  • By That socially awkward gamer

    Like GOW, but with a twist

    It is a lot like Game Of War: Fire age. But, it has the small twist in the game’s world leveling system, with the merging factor for the player’s bases, and a scaling factor with the world bosses, enemies, opponent bases, and more. The one issue i find with the game is how slow it can get with the leveling, feeling like you’re trapped down by the minimal stamina bar, with a slow recharge time. With the use of a RnD system, random outcomes are easily possible. But, with this game, it feels you can never get the item you want when you need it. I’ve been stuck trying to collect the little puzzle pieces to upgrade my troop training speed, all to further upgrade my main units. But overall, it’s a well rounded game and has great potential to be a time-killing, RTS, mobile game.

  • By Andrewfaytown

    Save Yourself

    Do yourself a favor and save your wallet cause this game preys on you at every second. The game seems fun at first. I had lots of fun and got my base to level 60 over 3 months. What I can say is as you progress everything is on a visual cycle. So your lvl 1 troops will look the same as your lvl 10, 20,30,40,50 etc. Your buildings do the same thing. There are countless things only available if you pay money. So if you plan on being good I hope you have a few grand or it’s impossible through simple gameplay. The in app purchases are set up in a lottery style as well so you are constantly pulled into spending money to get a lottery ticket yes a literal lottery ticket is in the game and you usually get nothing. Not to mention as you are getting better since the game is based off combining; you will finally achieve something and then the next upgrade will require significant more components. Eventually the amount gets to be so high it’s just like a tunnel with no light in sight. I never write reviews but I felt like I had to save people. Good luck.

  • By jgvhgghj

    Not what I though

    I got to rank 40 in the game and after that gameplay got repetitive I like the new stuff like commander types but the games unbalanced to the point where the in game groups make rule for fighting each other because commanders of all ranks can attack each other all it takes for an entire group to go up in flames is some rank 80 who decided to attack everyone below there rank and the battle reports are awful like really just a name and the battle footage I understand that this game was ported to english from the fact that the text glitches out sometimes and displays other languages and the menus are hard to understand and also get repetitive also the game is completely pay to win you can basically get to rank 60 in a single day if your willing to drop a few hundreds and if you buy vip you can buy any item in the game I was in a top group for a while the the 3 rank 80s in our group were constantly buying packs and had the power to wipe out entire clans by themselves

  • By caber gaming

    It’s fun but few kinks here and there

    So when I first started playing this it was soo easy to progress but not that I’m higher level it’s very slow meaning you have to buy stuff to upgrade your tech to get the sufficient exp to level up to upgrade even more, having good hero’s and units are also a problem as units get soo hard to make and it’s supper slow meaning 1 or 2 attacks can destroy my unit count and units I’ve been working on 3 days to make because when you get attacked too much the units get “destroyed” and we need be to salvage it taking it down a level when it takes half a day to even make unit 3 levels under it. Sadly my last thing I’m disappointed about is the shield mechanism, when you use two different shields it should stack. But I used an 8 hour shield then an 4 hour shield and it canceled the 8 hour. Sadly I got attacked at 5 am without knowing thinking I was gonna be safe when I went to sleep. All in all it would be a great game if top war fixed their problems which I know they won’t

  • By jlwiilis

    Enjoyable could be better

    This is an enjoyable game, have been playing for a few months now. Lots of content with rotating events. I have a couple recommendations though. 1) should be able to zoom out further, hard to navigate your base so zoomed in. 2) should support landscape mode and larger resolution for tablets, everything is much too large on an iPad screen. 3) around level 50-55 should be able to research a third deployment spot. This is when things really slow down and you should be able to send troops to collect all 3 types of resources at the same time rather than picking 2 of the 3. 4) would prefer more models for units, seen the same ones repeated over and over and over as I upgrade. 5) email system should allow more characters per email, to share info with my Alliance members on some of the more complex events in game I have to split the message between 5-12 emails for one topic. This is painfully archaic. 6) when viewing another Alliance roster I should be able to tell who is online so as a leader I can contact someone that is online as issues arise. 7) we should be able to share and send resources with members while an Alliance, this is a common ability in most similar games. This is a fun game and I will continue to play it, however the above listed items would enhance game play and remove some frustration with some of its short falls.

  • By Kon8302


    Imagine working hard to get as far as you can in a game for 10+ months, only to log in one day and have it all gone. That is what Top war offered me and you can be apart of it. Just download and enjoy. I logged in yesterday to what was a lvl 71 of a possible lvl 80 game that I have played for almost a year and it continued to send me to my little account. I tried all I knew to do and got no where, so I contacted their support team. Approx 8 hrs later I got my response sign in through your Facebook. I responded back with the fact that my FB account was disbanded and uploaded pics that showed me trying that and it not working. 16 hrs. later I still have no response and they don’t seem to care. So as I promised in my last message to them I’m telling my story of how they stole everything I have worked for. I have many from my server that will back this story. You will see more 1 star posts, if I could I’d give them none. So the ones from my server that back this story will just give them 1 star more than they deserve, which is 1, and in the Title put “😈” as that is my lost account. You will know by that symbol they agree, that my story is true. By all means it is a fun game. If you have time and money, if you are so inclined, to just throw away to the top war game makers to steal please join. But if you like to be able to continually enjoy what you invest in, I’d pick a different game😁😈

  • By Sasquatch45

    Pay to play issues

    I love this type of game. Like most games of this type everything costs money to grown fast and strong. My major issue I have is a big one for me. The events are not properly explained and often misrepresent. You spend money to reach a goal only to find out that the rules were not properly worded and explained. Example: recently there was an Easter Basket Event the goal was for your alliance to complete tasks to reach your basket to level 7. In the event page it stated if your basket reached level 7 you would obtain extra items via the in-game mail system. I spent money to obtain extra items to go with the items I would be getting via mail. My alliance reached level 7 but the mail never came. A rival alliance had attacked our basket at the last minute causing our basket to lose points. No where in the rules did it state you could lose points nor did it say you had to maintain level 7 to get the extra items. To me this is a theft of services. Do to the poor wording and full explanation of the event the money spent on the event was lost. I contacted the development team showing screen shots and their own rules and explanation of the event. I received a 1 sentence reply of our alliance had to maintain level 7 to obtain the reward. If you play this game beware of no explanation on how events work and hidden rules that will cost you money in the long term.

  • By Reup556765

    Spend money...have fun😢

    Decent game at first meet semi decent people throughout whatever server you are placed in. This quickly changes when you find out the amount of money you will need to spend to stay competitive is easily $$$$. Free to play features are extremely lacking. Server alliances are formed and it becomes a game for BIG spenders who destroys your hard earned grinding rewards. Ex. (Everyone starts out the same lvl great job developers on this). Your free to play everyday earnings will get you to lvl 20 in one week. —-big spenders are easily lvl 50 in the same amount of time. Battling players that high in levels will cost you every troop you had. You can be attacked at any level any given time. There are protective features but you have to earn them. Today you’ve purchased a 4 hour shield with all the grinding you’ve achieved. In four hours it’s all gone because the shield you grinder for expired. Players constantly quit this game. So if you don’t plan on spending thousands of dollars monthly. I do not recommend this game to you. I’ve tested this out thinking maybe unlucky server placement...nope. New account later (as well as two other friends) It’s the same outcome for free to play players. You will quit sadly.

  • By jammiesnugges

    Top war got bugs that need to be fixed

    Whenever I play or load the game, the land, water and air troops I train and merge disappear as if I never merged or built my units. It happened again after I got rid of the game and got it the second time, I tried to give this app a second chance. I had 2 level22 planes made and stored in the airport which holds air troops. When I checked the airport storage, it shows one level21 plane as if I never had a level22 plane. I’m done giving this game a chance, the suggestion that game producers or creators wasn’t helpful at all and I hope others delete this app. I didn’t spend to much money on this app, but I spent just a little bit to help boost me in upgrading my units so I can do my attacks on claiming new land. Anyways, I’m done with this app, if the creators or producers can’t fix several bugs this app is facing or glitches, then what’s the point of keeping this app? Nothing about this is like clash of clans either and believe me, Supercell who runs Clash of Clans doesn’t have issues like this app does. Honestly if Supercell was in charge of this game, I’d keep it.

  • By %')7$

    Don't bother playing. RIGGED.

    This gaming app is its a waist of time. A bunch of implied adhesion contracts in the game that you won't know about or understand unless you read every single thing possible that comes up in the game (which is ALOT) or if someone explains it to you. If you paid money for this game I feel bad for you because that is pretty much the SCAM that is going on in the game where you have to follow their "rules" like some minor and you have to do what they say "or else" as they put it. Fact is you can't possibly level up to participate in battle days unless you pay to level up; you can't attack bases that are achievable to attack, you have to attack who they say your are allowed to attack (again like your some minor); and they conspire against you if you don't like their fruity rules and adhesion contracts, they basically force you to agree to their rules and if you don't like it they try to destroy you and the alliance you are with. Sounds like FRAUD to me. This game is a NULLITY and not worth the time. Teach is own.

  • By Bdubsworld

    Unnecessarily complicated

    I have been playing for a couple of weeks and was super addicted. There’s so much random stuff, heroes, components, army, navy, Air Force. Nothing really tells you what’s better for you or not. There’s a crazy amount of ways to make attacks and no matter what kind of attack I make the hero’s and army, navy, or af are NEVER the ones I’ve picked as my default so what’s the point. I had been thinking of making a purchase but there is no continuity between the defaults I’ve set and what really happens when I send out troops. I’ve expanded my base a quick as you can without making a purchase but if you made a purchase from $1-$100 there will always be something else you would need to buy down the road. It’s trash and I’m deleting the app cause none of the attacks I make in several different scenarios have nothing to do with what I’ve picked as my defaults and some don’t even let you use the level of weapons or hero’s you’ve achieved. Stupid waste of time

External Links

Topwar Studio' Official Website

Free on iTunes

Download for Android

This page was last edited on 2021-07-28.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Top War: Battle Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Topwar Studio or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Topwar Studio.

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