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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2021-07-28
  • New version: 1.7.2
  • File size: 311.39 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 10.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later



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TAP! DIG! MY MUSEUM! is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by takuya ori. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - takuya ori, with the latest current version being 1.7.2 which was officially released on 2021-07-28. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 11584 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.8 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the TAP! DIG! MY MUSEUM! App

How does it Work?

Create an exhibition stand to display your fossils.

Gradually restore and develop the run down museum.

-Set out to excavate fossils.

Discover fossils to display in the exhibition stand. You can choose your dig site from the map. Enjoy wondering about what kind of dinosaur fossil you will unearth!

Please the visitors to the museum by collecting and assembling every part of the fossils.

-Raise your level.

Raise the level of your museum. Eventually you will receive many visitors.

Raise the level of your character. You can increase the number of excavations.

Raise the level of your pickaxe. This widens the range of rocks that you can destroy.

-Collect fossils.

You can collect your fossils in the storehouse and install your preferred fossils wherever you like.

(However, some fossils cannot be displayed depending on the type of exhibition stand.)

-Earn money.

Visitors will pay to come and see your fossils.

The amount of money they spend will vary depending on the type of customer and their satisfaction level (based on the state of your fossil collection.)

With the money you earn you can fund excavations, make exhibition stands, and level up.

Enjoy a fun museum management game with puzzle-like fossil excavations and simple controls! You will always be excitedly anticipating your next fossil discovery!

Collect many fossils, and aim to create your own wonderful museum with cute pixel art characters that move around!

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Top Reviews

  • By SpaceGameLover

    So far, so good, hopeful for an update!

    UPDATE: I’ve paid for the ad removal now because not only has the developer delivered on updating the app, but they’ve done more than I expected, adding not only new dinosaurs, but also expanding to non-dinosaur fossils. I hope there is more in store. I’ll buy a diamond pack with every future update. If you read these and are open to suggestions: Please consider adding crocodilians as a new clade, and add more options to the exhibit placement menu. Allow us to move the tiers up and down without having to remove and replace all of the stands. Old review: Just finished the game, and I must say that I’m pleasantly surprised by this app. The ads are fair and your progress isn’t held back by any time unlocks or anything like that. I love paleontology and all things dinosaurs so this has become my new pass-time app when I’m in-between chores, errands and work. This app isn’t particularly educational, so don’t get it for that reason. I’m currently holding off on purchasing the “no-ads” option for a few reasons. Firstly, money is tight all around right now—thanks Corona Virus. Secondly, while the game has been very fun, I beat it in a fairly short time. That said, supposedly there is an update planned soon. If this actually happens, I’ll gladly support this app monetarily.

  • By Goblincleaver01

    Fantastic Game

    This game is great for if you want to play it every now and again, and if you want to play it and get to the end in a fairly short amount of time- i like that you can organize the dinosaurs as you please and also that you have differences in the sizes of each spot for dinosaurs. I would like of you could arrange each dinosaur to a location as you please so you could maybe have a Quetzalcoatlus at the entrance for example in place if where the second “medium stand” is. I also think the Ads are fantastic in the way they are used in the game. I believe it is balanced perfectly so you aren't gaining too much or too little from watching one. I think that maybe adding a way to change out a medium area for two smaller places, or a large for medium or two small spaces, etc., would be nice as well in order to, say, remove one dinosaur because you like another one more? Over all though, i love the game, and think it’s going great, and i can’t wait for further updates! (Also a personal little request I’d like to add, could you have a Suchomimus, and/or Allosaurus added in to the game in the following update please? They’re my two favorite dinosaurs!) Great work on the game!

  • By abood ot

    Developers did amazing 😜

    So I downloaded this game last week cuz I was bored. It’s so fun to search for fossils!! The dinosaurs look amazing with that pixely look, but not too pixely to make them look bad. The ads are perfect, you don’t get an ad after every time you dig. But you can voluntarily watch ads to get rewards. The prices are expensive, but not so expensive that you completely give up. This game inspired me to start making games of my own. I do have a few suggestions though. 1/ There are lots of dinosaurs that you can get, but you can’t display all of them. More rooms would be great! 2/ Gems are a bit too hard to get. Maybe if they were a bit more common in digs. 3/ I don’t know if you are working on this, but a Christmas event would be pretty cool. Like snowy dig sites, and the dinosaurs have Christmas decorations on them. It would be so funny! Also maybe a Halloween event, and more holidays. 4/ You see people walking around your museum, and then you spot six people that look the exact same. More people designs would be perfect. Anyways, those were all my thoughts on the game. This game is the best, hope it gets more amazing updates!!

  • By Superrnova

    One of the Best Games I Own

    This is such an amazing game. It is very simple and as a simple goal to go with it. It bypasses many of the most popular games in the AppStore. It isn't loaded with ads at every corner and it lets you set your own pace - no waiting for a timer to progress nor any rush to keep playing. Despite the games simplicity, it keeps interest with having a constant goal as opposed to other games where you collect points for nothing (I'm talking about the games from the constant ads you get on Instagram or other games that seem interesting but you get bored of in ten minutes). I've unlocked everything I can in this version of the game but it took me a good amount of time. I can't wait for the next update so I can keep playing my favorite game! Edit: Now that there are four levels, I have one suggestion. It takes a long time to navigate the museum with only the arrows so a helpful feature that could be added would be a map of the museum where one can open the map and simply click on the room they want to go to. That would make navigating faster.

  • By StealthyChicken

    Awesome game!

    I love this game and only have two Dino's left to find. I was reading the comments and people were complaining about there being no offline component. I feel like the game would be not fun anymore if there was offline earnings enabled. For example, the way I was able to get to the level I am at was by leaving my game running while the device was charging. I left it like that overnight with two full rooms and the vacuums at max for both. Then when I woke up, the game had crashed (probably in the middle of the night) but when I opened it, the vacuums had been able to gather 950,000 in cash meaning that I could be able to buy every upgrade and play the game without worrying about money. This made the game not as enjoyable as it was before. So I'd recommend fixing that (putting a timer or max amount a vacuum could gather before it stops gathering) for the next update. But the point I'm trying to get to is that the game is fine how it is without offline earnings.

  • By WhiteKatsu


    Sorry for the horrible pun. I love this game and I’ve not even had it for a week. It’s cute, digging is fun, watching the fossil get completed is super satisfying, and the best part is as free really means ad free! There’s only the roulette that still plays ads, unlike many other games where they offer a bonus but you have to watch an ad to get the bonus (pocket world 3D bonus event chances and extra time in fast and furious challenge, merge dragons extra chalice chances, for example) but here they offer a bonus bus ticket or bonus stamina and if you’ve purchased ad free, you actually get the bonuses without ads! My only wish was maybe a small “manual” you could access that explains things such as the ? extra fossils I got or explaining how to store the fossils. (I sold a few to uncover others before I realized the cyclical arrows weren’t a “share” link but a “store” option.) other than that, it’s marvelous. Keep up the great work!

  • By HeadmasterSnape

    Fun game but not quite an “idle game”

    I’m surprised at how fun this game turned out to be. The detail, the music, the variety of fossils, and the upgrades and tools are all brilliant. My only criticism — which is based on the fact that The App Store suggested this as an idle game — is that it’s not really an idle game. While you do earn some money offline, an idle game is supposed to earn MORE, the longer you’re offline, and should only require you to play for a few minutes to invest your offline earnings in upgrades. Idle games also offer the ability to prestige, which allows you to restart the game from scratch but with boosts to your earnings. I was offline for 10 hours and only earned 3,600 coins, but I can make that same amount in 10 minutes of active play. I still gave this game 5 stars because I don’t actually see anything on the game page that claims it’s an idle game, so I won’t hold The App Store’s mistake against the developer!

  • By Atdc21

    Great Game!!!

    I am a dinosaur fanatic and I am very impressed with the detail of the pixel skeletons, they capture enough detail to be accurate but not too much is to look awkward or take up too much real estate on the screen. Gameplay is simple and fun and I was pleasantly surprised that it is not one of those games where you must constantly have to stop and wait a few hours for money to build up. It’s a game that anyone can play and have fun with even if your not Dino crazy like me. I had fun trying to guess the dinosaur as the new parts unlock more letters in the name. Velociraptor was easy to identify but I thought I had a Psittacosaurus that instead turned out to be a Pachycephalosaurus, I should have looked more closely at the letters but I was just having fun guessing rather than Really digging in and trying to be right. All in all it’s a great game I would highly recommend it. It’s easy to pick up and put down and I like coming back to it.

  • By Draftcrazy

    Wonderful time waster

    I downloaded this on one of my game-grabbing binges, and it was the only one I didn’t delete. I honestly expected it to get boring quick, but it’s actually really fun. It’s easy enough to keep you from getting angry with it, but not so easy that it’s boring. I had also expected it to have just the regular bunch, but nope! I’m a Dino nerd yet I’m learning about new species from this game! It stays away from the normal bunch and gives you lots of underrated dinosaurs. I haven’t even seen T-Rex yet, and that’s a good thing in my book. Going back to how it’s not hard, I love the rate at which you earn money. Usually tycoon-type games like these require you to not pay attention for long periods of time to farm money, making it boring. This game lets you keep on playing. I have yet to run out of money, though that may be me being overly cautious. Again, amazing game, must recommend for anyone who wants to waste some time.

  • By chasingsheep

    Fun but Short

    This is a fun little game, with simple mechanics and without real obstacles to completion. You're not forced to wait hours upon hours for the next fossil to be available and your equipment can be easily upgraded, without spending real-world money. There are some forced ads, but there are also plenty of opportunities for perks by opting to watch one yourself. On the other hand, the game does feel a bit too easy at times. Accidentally leave your game open for a while and you'll gain enough money to plow through a good number of upgrades. Digging for fossils lacks finesse. By the time you've upgraded your pickaxe and number of taps, you can basically demolish the site without paying much attention. Overall, the game is definitely enjoyable: I recommend it, but it does feel a bit empty. I personally wouldn't mind a slightly higher level of difficulty, some fossils other than dinosaurs, perhaps some information on the completed ones?, and something to do with the museum other than digging them up and rearranging things. Plus, I'm still not quite sure what the point of the bonus fossils is. That's the one thing I found more-or-less challenging, but when I finally completed one, the payoff was pretty underwhelming. I'm looking forward to future updates and seeing where they take the game!

  • By xtechnickx

    Lots of potential

    This game is a fairly fun time waster. I completed what is available in about 4 hours total. I’ve collected every dinosaur fossil set and upgraded every power up to the max capability. It’s an idle game however not how most idle games are. You don’t get anything by not playing. You have to have the game open in order to have guest spending money to view your museum. They spend fairly quickly though so it’s not that bad. I am disappointed that the T-rex fossil wasn’t one of the first available sets though. I’d like to see more power ups in the future, like a pickaxe upgrade that eventually mines through multi layered tiles in one hit. And maybe once you’ve completed the first museum, have the ability to open another museum with new fossils while still collecting money from Guest at the previous museum. I rated as a 4 star because while it is a pretty enjoyable game, it’s not ready for release as it’s so quickly beaten in its current state and lacks any progress. Hopefully a future update will include some good changes that will change this to a 5 star. I will be keep the app to look for future updates!

  • By Jeff the Starr

    Great Game, but needs more content

    I am obsessed with this game. I play it on my breaks, walking, riding the bus. Its an awesome game with a lot of content and it has quickly became one of my favorites. That being said, I wish that the game could get an expansion such as another fool or more rooms. I really would like to have all of my fossils on display but for right now, I have to keep some in storage. Knowing that there will be an addition to fossils, I think this is a must. Another thing is that finding the same fossil over and over gets annoying. If you have already found the fossil for that specific dinosaur, it shouldn’t be have to be found again. Its already hard enough searching for them and leveling up. Also right now where I am in the game, i have 24/26 of the possible dinosaurs but there are no more spots to dig. Ive gone back trying to find hidden bones that would unlock another dig-spot but I haven't found any. So for now I’ve stopped playing the game because of frustration. Other than those few things, this is a great game and I would recommend to anybody.

  • By Kristycollie

    Cute game with passion behind it! But crashes often.

    It’s nice to see an app like this on the store that isn’t gimmicky or a knock off of different games! As a dinosaur kid grown up I appreciate the detail and effort the developers made into making this an enjoyable game! The only reason I don’t give it five stars is because the game crashes and you sometimes lose the progress you made during your session. I’ve updated and restarted my phone so many times and deleted and reinstalled the app but the problems persist. It’s usually when a playable ad pops up but sometimes it’s a little after an ad and you’re picking up the piles of coins on the floor. You’ll collect the coins, the game will crash and you’ll lose all the coins you collected, and the coins that were on the floor will be lost. Even investing in the little vacuum robots doesn’t help with this because they’re not fast enough in picking up the coins before the game crashes. Aside from that, I love all the customization and freedom you have in the game, along with a huge variety of dinos to dig up and showcase!

  • By the.one.who.watches

    no “restore purchases” button and no way to contact the devs

    So first off I really do enjoy this game. That being said, I recently purchased a pack of gems and they never arrived. I tried everything short of deleting and reinstalling (because consumables are finicky about it). Usually, I would then look to message the people in charge of the app. However, upon going to their twitter I couldn’t message them. Now, dude? You know there’s an “App Support” button right? You can find them there, duh! So naturally, I tapped it and guess where it went? Their twitter. So then, I did some more digging to find their website, because oh they DO have one, but nothing! Just some “look at these updates” and I had to translate it too which made it more bitter. So here I am, $5 in the hole, which yeah, it’s not a lot but it still matters. This actually happens to me a lot. I still have the whole “ask for approval” thing which, in every game I’ve ever played (except one), I don’t get my purchase until as little as a day passes, if even that! But really, the main problem is the lack of the “restore purchases” button AND having no way to contact them. I have been charged, and have nothing to show for it.

External Links

takuya ori' Official Website

Free on iTunes

Download for Android

This page was last edited on 2021-07-28.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
TAP! DIG! MY MUSEUM! content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of takuya ori or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with takuya ori.

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