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Ship Sim 2019 is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Alexandru Marusac. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Alexandru Marusac, with the latest current version being 1.9.0 which was officially released on 2019-06-29. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 685 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 3.8 out of a possible 5 stars.
Ship Sim 2019 has everything you ever wanted in a ship simulator game. There are over a dozen ships to start with, each detailed and realistic, with many outside, interior and deck cameras. And the best part is: you basically get 3 different boat simulator games in one:
Cruise ship simulator - there are many tourism hot-spots on the Mediterranean sea and it's your job to ferry thousands of passengers to their destinations. And no boat simulator game would be complete without some of the most impressive and luxurious cruise ships in the world - check them out!
Cargo ship simulator - as the commander of a giant cargo ship it's your job to transport hundreds of thousands of tons of goods from one port to another. As you complete missions and earn money you will be able to afford some of the largest cargo ships that travel the seas.
Oil tanker simulator - start with a regular-sized oil tanker ship and work your way up to the giant tankers that dwarf any other ship around them. You missions will take you in city-ports as well as oil rigs set in the middle of the sea.
Here are some more features of our latest ship simulator game:
• 3 different ship classes: passenger, cargo and oil tanker
• many ships to choose from (with even more coming soon)
• free roam the open world map of the Mediterranean Sea
• amazing weather and day-night cycle
• groundbreaking graphics for a mobile ship simulator
• realistic water reflections
• multiple control choices (arrows, tilt or rudder)
• challenging docking scenarios
• realistic environment sounds and actual ship engine sounds
• multiple customization options: change the text, color and even flag on your ship
• request new ships or features on our Social Pages!
Have fun playing our new realistic ship simulator and please make sure to share it with your friends and to send us your feedback!
Great game but needs improvements
This game is awesome but the ships need to be faster and may be ad a different boat for the starter one and for each one cruise And the cargo boat give people that one to and why does the ships shake its weird and i only have the starter ship so can you ad that to mine please this game is amazing please respond by March sixth please and do the stuff a asked don’t for get to do my server oh and have boats that move it gets lonely and ad crew members please this game is awesome five stars and a wish that every single ship in this game had auto pilot and you can move around the ship and a wish there was hurricanes and bigger storms and best game ever five stars I want big I mean big waves and could there be crew members please I outdoor like some help and do auto pilot please and can you walk around the ship and go in rooms and you can sleep please do all of this in the next update please do this read this message bye March 6th five stars all the way
Absolutely fun ship sim
This is a awesome ship sim, but I would recommend to make this game to where u can hire other captains and it would be awesome if there was more than just the Mediterranean Sea. It would also b nice if there were hurricanes and more waves and other ship and boat traffic, but other than that it’s a fun game! Also I would like it if the ship ur driving would make waves! It would be awesome if there were more boats to buy!! Could y’all put hiring captains in the next update?? Also it would be nice if there wuz auto pilot and u can walk around the ship!!! I would also like if there was more of a variety of ships to buy and it would be nice if u could add ships that take oil rig material to build a rig!!!
Great game but here is a few ideas
This game is one of the best ship simulator games but to make this game better you could add waves that get intense during storms and maybe auto pilot and interior so you can walk around in it and maybe sinking physics to make it even more realistic and you could maybe add multiplayer and servers and only in multiplayer or in servers people can get on other peoples ships or our on your own and maybe 3 of the closest people to someone who is sinking will get distress calls to save the person sinking but any way this is a great game.
Great prices
If you rate it for money 💵 it’s grate to get enough money for the most expensive ship it only costs about 8$ and you still will have enough money to buy another ship! 🔟0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ million star game 🆒 1 thing why not you make it so whatever Country you live in the flag will be the country’s flag and you can still change it to to the ovilex flag to be like a second choice
Amazing game, just two things
This game is exactly what I have been waiting for. The graphics are spot on and the open world map is useful. But the two things that get to me are the waves and the fact that the ships look like they go as fast as a Donzi when they are moving, I wish that there were waves even without there being a storm. Overall the many pros outweigh the cons like 50:2. Great job.
Great Game.. Slight Problems
I spent many days looking for a realistic ship sim and I found this one and let me tell you this is AMAZING! This game gives us amazing ships and ports to dock at, but I’m saving up for the 1,800 credits passenger ship but it’s taking me a long time. I have some recommendations, have some AI ships sailing in the sea too and expand the map to maybe the Atlantic Ocean traveling to Europe to East coast America. Also provide more ships to use because I have a lot of coins and I want to spend them but I have nothing to spend it on. It’s been 8 months in March 2020 and still no update. It would be nice if you have small update every month or two because small things change a lot. Thanks and I hope you take this into consideration!
Great Game, Needs Some Improvement
All around great game. I haven’t seen a better ship driving sim on Apple devices. I see that you’ve looked at other comments and made the cities different, allowed us to navigate ports to the dock (although we drop the anchor instead of moor), etc. The only reason I didn’t give the game 5 stars is because I don’t know where the channels are. I get alerts saying I’m entering shallow water, but there’s no guidance as to where the navigable waters are. It’s very challenging trying to figure out, by trial and error, how to get to ports like Istanbul. Add a fathometer (depth finder) and/or depths onto a chart and this game will be 5 stars.
Great game, but...
Well first thing I would like to see changed is the visibility from the pilot house it is impossible to drive from that level and even the ones You can kind of see uncle have a big screen blocking the way. The next thing is I purchase and removal but the ads are still there and they are quite annoying they block half the screen and you can’t even see were your going. Also whenever you’re passing islands it looks like the islands are moving they speed up for some reason it’s very weird please fix that.
Very good, with one issue
This is a very good game, but what gets me annoyed is in order to fast-forward, customize your ship or rescue it, you must pay 30-50 gold credits. The credits are practically impossible to get without paying real money or watching ads (from which you get just 5), and you only start out with 50. I would like it to be easier to get them, or make customizing and such cost regular coins like in Flight Sim. Thanks for reading.
Amazing but this would make me a lot happier
So there are adds blocking how many coins I have and now it blocks the turning arrows and it drives me crazy (get it drives? Hehe) anyways if you fixed that and made it so we could walk in our ships like the cruise ship class so we can see the interior and people having fun then this would be worth 100,000,000 stars out of 5!
Not bad
Not a bad start. Could stand to have major improvements. Make the entry to and exit from port a little more difficult / lengthy. Some ports are located up canals or behind shore break walls. Something other than pulling right up to a port with only 3 or 4 ships to maneuver around. Or maybe a docking slip that requires you to back into. Also, give us some tasks of some kind to perform while underway. Once you get going the game is pretty boring with the occasional land mass to move around. Maybe some emergencies that need to be tended to or routine tasks. Also, the map needs work, the port names block what you can see sometimes. Maybe have the weather show up on the radar but make some weather bad enough that you have to go around it otherwise you get damages or lose your cargo. Just a few suggestions for a game that’s cool but could be way cooler.
It needs a few improvements
The game is fun yet a lot of the view points are useless. Most large ships use a side view from the furthest point side of the bridge, can you give that view? Just a a suggestion.. Also what good are the points of I can use them? It seems I can only improve or do things to the boat with gold coins? And shone ships can only be purchased with gold coins? What good is the money then?? The game owns connect to facebook so cant save the game? The LPG Ship doesn’t dock or cannot be docked, something isn’t right..
Needs some work. 🚢⚓️🛳🙂 🤬🤬
If there was a way that you could sink in bad storms or tsunami. The game gets really boring just sailing to one port and have a very small area to sail in is boring if there was the hole world and could go everywhere in a ship would really be cool. If there could be a way to walk around the ship and have an actual interior and have ports for cruise ships instead of a cargo port everywhere that’s the same and I hate having to navigate around other ships it is super annoying. When I first played the game I ran into an island because the map does not show places to turn at it just shows a strait line. Too be honest I am thinking about deleting the app cause the game has gotten boring and there is starting to be nothing to make the game cool I basically want the game to be like stormworks cause in that game you can make ships and have a variety of islands to sail to and this game does not have that. If you want good game to be realistic make it a game that is good to suggest to your friends not bad. Please do this and I won’t delete the app. Thank you.
Cool Game, to many issues.
This game is pretty cool the graphics are great and the variety of ships offered to play with are cool. Although it is a cool game to play, it could be a hell of a lot better than it is. You can’t purchase a new ship with the money from any missions and keep it, you have to play and save again just to go back and purchase that same ship for a new game. The side controls on the ship are had to use and not much of a tutorial is given on how to use them. Ended up buying coins to purchase a ship I wanted just to only use it that one game. Once I exited out I was no longer able to use the ship and would have had to buy more coins to do so. If time was taken to actually develop this game properly it could definitely be a 4 or 5 star, just not now.
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This page was last edited on 2019-06-29.
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