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Islands of Battle Royale is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Mateusz Grabowski. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Mateusz Grabowski, with the latest current version being 1.0 which was officially released on 2018-07-30. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 112 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.0 out of a possible 5 stars.
Next Generation Photorealistic Graphics!
Battle Royale!
Sci-Fi Planets!
First & Third person mode!
Good but improves needed
I think this game can be a bestseller but it is kinda boring not because it’s bad but because of how when I played a game I spent 20 minutes going around the map looking for the last guy so yah also I think that this would be great if you put in a pvp mode. Gg mon
Just like epic battle Royale sim
I love this!!! It’s awesome but it would be cool if you could change the look of your suit and the color. It’s like epic battle royale simulator but you can make your team follow you. It’s very useful for battle. Thanks for making this ^_^
New things to add
Great game although can we have binoculars and like a summoning thing to call teammates and zombies and a air strike gun or something and like auto follow auto stay and auto dismiss
This is a pretty descent game, I have to give p it starts. It is a nice survival game...but needs a few improvements ~First, the controls need to be fixed, they are in an awkward position and so are it’s walking ~Second, make it more intense because when it is the last three, it’s REALLY HARD to find them! Love the game, keep up the good work!
This is one of my favorite games
This game is so good but I wish I had multiplayer
When is the next Update Any way Nice game what’s so ever just add Multiplayer or New weapons or Misc
To my favorite company
You should put tanks in the game so as helicopters jeeps with packages for guns you should make armies bases.
I love this game!
I like it because the aim assist is overpowered. Just use it once.
This game is really fun and it’s cool how it works and I hope this can go farther places cause it’s cool☺️🤙🏽
Missing multiplayer and friends adding
It is good but it needs more than just the normal stuff
This game is great get this game
Maybe one day
Ok, good graphics but I ran around for about 20 minutes and killed a few people but finding other players/bots is random. There is no objective, or zone to head to or defend. I left the game with 5 players remaining because I was bored just walking around hoping to bump into to someone...
It’s an okay game.
It’s somewhat entertaining. It isn’t very fluidly put together, if that makes any sense. Production value just seems low. Online play would be nice. Overall, decent game. Could easily be better, but it’s not terrible.
Okay Now
This game needs new maps! There is no one in a game too! It gets really boring after your first game and the game is just way to easy...
Mateusz Grabowski' Official Website
Free on iTunesDisclaimers:
This page was last edited on 2018-07-30.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Islands of Battle Royale content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Mateusz Grabowski or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Mateusz Grabowski.
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