Grab Lab Wiki

Grab Lab Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2018-07-11
  • New version: 1.0.4
  • File size: 326.52 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

Grab Lab


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Grab Lab is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by DIGITAL MELODY GAMES KITAJEWSKI I STALEWSKI SPOLKA JAWNA. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - DIGITAL MELODY GAMES KITAJEWSKI I STALEWSKI SPOLKA JAWNA, with the latest current version being 1.0.4 which was officially released on 2018-07-11. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 1246 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.6 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the Grab Lab App

How does it Work?

Time travel is a piece of cake - let’s try it with my time machine!

3, 2, 1, and... BOOM! Oops, my time machine exploded!

Something’s wrong with the gravity, something’s wrong with the laboratory and the whole world.

Magnetic anomaly, weather anomaly, gravity anomaly - oh, I’ve done a mess.

Let’s fix it. Help me in collecting all vials and all parts of my time machine to save the world.

Rescue my lost friends - scientists and celebrities.

Grab Lab is a crazy mix of puzzle and arcade game. Use only one finger - tap to fly. Complete all unique levels - from simple to extremely advanced and demanding. Save the world - fix the gravity and rules of physics.

Spikes, saws, lifts, jellys, levers, launchers - it won’t be easy. It will be the hardest task ever.

Grab Lab gets hard, it’s a demanding puzzle game which also requires speed and perfect timing.


- Brand new gameplay mixing puzzle and perfect timing

- 100+ levels, including extremely hard ones

- 7 different worlds with unique obstacles

- Mixing of characters - discover all recipes and unlock 30+ heroes.

- Game Center leaderboards and achievements

- iPhone X fully supported

- iCloud support

- Fun, frustration & huge satisfaction

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  2. Let people know your love and commitment to this game by helping build out its body of knowledge.
  3. Our Grab Lab wiki page ranks near the top of the Google results. Help make it as accurate and complete as it can possibly be.
  4. Get the satisfaction of helping the whole world, or at least other Grab Lab gamers like you. Your name will also attached to the Wiki entry.

Top Reviews

  • By Red732

    So fun

    I was skeptical about this game at first, but when I started playing it I feel in love with it. I like how challenging it is. It makes you think strategically and most puzzle games I get so frustrated with I end up getting rid of them, but this doesn’t get me frustrated. This is definitely my favorite puzzle game by far.

  • By ListenUp55

    Pac-Man meets Dig-Gug

    Some might not agree with the title of my review but the simplicity and flawless graphics of this game are spectacular! It’s very challenging as you progress throughout different worlds and I’ve become addicted within a day! Give it a try! Would recommend to anyone who likes arcade/puzzle/strategy games.

  • By kevinschilli

    It’s An amazing game!!

    So I’ve reached level 105 and it won’t let me advance to the next world. The game crashes and it won’t let me click the button to move on. Again, I really like this game and I’d hate to delete it, please, if possible, fix it :)

  • By dreamistar

    Crashing Bug

    Cannot open the app without it immediately crashing. Very excited to play so I can't wait till this gets fixed! Looks very fun.

  • By BrendanM5

    Fix Avatars

    This is a super fun and interesting puzzle game that introduces new game mechanics in each world . But I feel as though i need to rant about the Avatar system. You’re given two characters in the beginning and 1 in each world (I’ve only played through 4 so far so it could change afterwards). With the breeding system there are very limited combinations, though. Each newly unlocked character can be bred with one other already unlocked character and is then incompatible with the rest. And I don’t know if I was the only one, but the breeding slots seem as though they’re gender specific, but that is completely not the case. Also a minor annoyance is the avatar selections unresponsiveness to scrolling. Seriously though really fun.

  • By Darin S

    Fun game, too many ads

    The game itself is pretty fun, though there's some room for improvement. The main issue is that you're forced to sit through a 30-second ad every 3-4 turns or so. So if you happen to be on a difficult level and die a few times in a row quickly, you're essentially watching ads for the same amount of time (or longer) than you're playing the game. It gets unbearable. I purposely did not purchase the ad-free version out of spite since it seems like they're trying to agitate you into doing so. I have no issue with the developer including ads, but they're out of control. An ad every five minutes or so is more fair.

  • By Dina0408

    Fun Game but Some Features Need to be Fixed

    I like the game itself, but for some reason every time I close the app and go back in I have to turn sound effects back off. For example, if I have SFX turned off and then turn the ringer on on my phone, SFX come back on. The same thing happens if I plug my headphones in. It's very annoying and doesn't make any sense. Also at some point the feature that shows you a new element disappeared. I had to skip level 88 because it made absolutely no sense. My player would just get stuck in a loop and I wasn't able to move through the level. Hopefully that issue doesn't continue in future levels.

  • By Zelev0421

    Good game, but too many bugs

    The game is great and really addictive. But, it’s starting to get annoying the more I advance in the levels. Glitches happen in level 80 and on. I get stuck in pipes, or I can’t enter one. I walk over it. On level 104 every time I die the game exits me out and I have to reopen to game all over again. Once I passed 105 it does not allow me to go to the next world. If this was fixed I’d give 5 stars

  • By Awesomer69

    Bug after Level 105

    Normally I would give the game 5 stars, great, amazing games. Although for the past few weeks, there has been a bug after level 105(although the update says fixed) every time I hit next world after completing 105, the game crashes. If I try to click next world in the map it does not click. Please fix

  • By Still_Sleepy

    Needs Small Adjustments

    1.Game closes unexpectedly 2. The music and sfx setting don’t stay in whatever setting you have them in and need to be reset every time you open the game 3. Levels like 81 for example are way to strenuous. No one wants watch the “hero” go through tubes for three straight minutes. It’s agitating. Reminded me of Flappy Bird tbh because it’s thoroughly annoying

  • By Dachkaah

    Ends at level 105???

    This game has been fun to play but then i hit level 105. It just kept kicking me out of the game. It looks like it's now fixed except that after passing the level now, you still can't move on into the next world. Maybe that's the end but if not, please fix asap or let us know if its the end of the game

  • By SolveThisNeedUpdate

    Perfect Game but It has Some Bugs

    Update2: Level 105 is fixed however I still cannot open the next world. When I pass the level, game still crashes if I click the “next world”. When I restart the game again, “next world” is not clickable. Update: downgrade 4 stars to 2 stars. These bugs are start to annoy me. I’m in level 105 right now and whenever I die, game crashes I have to start game again and again!! I really like the game but there are some bugs in the world that we use pipes for transformation. Bug exist in the pipes. Sometimes it stuck inside the pipe, not going anywhere and sometimes it never enters inside the pipe. Just walk over the entrance like a wall. Therefore I need to kill myself, or restart the game to start again. For example level 80 has both issues. My phone is 7s and I have latest IOS (11.4). Please fix the bugs and then I’ll give 5 stars.

  • By platibabo

    Level 105: end of the line?

    I love this game!!! Great mix between action and puzzling...could play forever. I’m giving the game 2 stars because, like a lot of people, I can’t click “next world” after beating level 105. If the developers indicated that they were still working on the next level & that I need to wait for an update, I’d understand. As it is currently it is too tantalizing to see the “next world” button but not be able to click :—(

  • By Just some regular guy

    Fun game up to level 105

    This is a fun game overall; a little buggy, especially when dealing with the tubes, but nothing too bad until you beat level 105. The game refuses to go beyond level 105 and crashes, despite the developers saying it was fixed a year ago. I reinstalled it and played through the whole thing again just to make sure, and yep, still crashes when I beat 105. Sigh.

External Links


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This page was last edited on 2018-07-11.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Grab Lab content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of DIGITAL MELODY GAMES KITAJEWSKI I STALEWSKI SPOLKA JAWNA or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with DIGITAL MELODY GAMES KITAJEWSKI I STALEWSKI SPOLKA JAWNA.