Food Evolution - Clicker Game Wiki

Food Evolution - Clicker Game Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2017-05-05
  • New version: 44.0.0
  • File size: 34.56 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

Food Evolution - Clicker Game


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Food Evolution - Clicker Game is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Diced Pixel, LLC. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Diced Pixel, LLC, with the latest current version being 44.0.0 which was officially released on 2017-05-05. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 4305 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.8 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the Food Evolution - Clicker Game App

How does it Work?

Combine foods to mutate them, discover their bizarre and exotic forms, and become rich!


◉ No pop up ads! We hate them as much as you do

◉ The ultimate incremental clicker game

◉ Tons of upgrades to get more foods faster

◉ Earn coins from your foods while offline

◉ Four different areas to discover

◉ Tons of crazy evolutions


Create tons of amazing foods in this cute evolution game. As you create more foods, you will discover new worlds and eventually capture the entire planet!


Your foods will generate coins while you are away, that you can use to evolve even more foods! You can even feed them cats!


Drag similar foods together to combine them and create new mysterious creatures

Foods automatically earn coins but you can tap them to earn coins faster

Use food coins to buy new foods and make even more money


As you create more and more evolutions and mutations, your foods will generate even more coins for you!


What are you waiting for? Unlike many other evolution games, Food Evolution has no pop up ads! Download this game now and witness the best evolution ever!

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Top Reviews

  • By lucybird4

    I need more stories please

    I hope whoever or whatever made this game rains this comment and every single other five star comment I think that for the ice cream you could be like hey I want ice cream and then for the dialogue you could be like cool I’m at or I’m a human that’s cool do you want to be friends and then for the answer they couldn’t be sure or now please add my stories also something buggy is going on with my stories I don’t get any other stores I have watermelon have the cheese wheel I have the egg I should have every story and this is the third day I’m back on evolution food evolution sense maybe three years ago and I love it and my brother already finished the game but please add more stories and add more dialogs I love them I Fred every single dialogue there is open till the point where the ice cream and said I’m literally speechless the developers have not written the dialogue for me and that made me so sad so maybe you could be like hey you wanna be friends for the mega cold and heat you want to be BFFs for the miracle and the second time and I also love the gingerbread game where you have to guess a number I absolutely positively love it it is so cool I have a record of two point something it’s so awesome I hope you’re right more dialogue stories soon thank you

  • By A-bay2012

    I love this game, just some ideas!

    Hey, what if there’s, like, I don’t know, maybe more foods like cherries, or strawberries, or apples, or broccoli, or spinach, oh, and hey! I got a conversation! It is: Cup of Water: “Ughhhhh I’m so bored!” You: “Water you doing?”Cup of Water: “I dunno water you doing?” Your options are: 1) “I am talking to you...” 2) “We will get sucked into a time vortex of all eternity if we keep doing this.” If you did option 1, Cup of Water says: “...” and then end conversation. If you did option 2, Cup of Water says: “OMG PLEASE DO NOT SAY WATER YOU DOING AGAIN” You: “Ok, ok. I’ll make it up. Wanna hear a joke?” Cup of Water: “Oh sure” You: “Umm, lemme think. What did the wave say to the other wave?” Cup of Water: “I dunno, did it just wave?” End conversation. I love this game, just maybe you could make there be a billion (exaggeration) more foods? Because I’m already on like, the third food group. I’m getting through fast! Just a review of what I’ve said, I really like this game, but I think there should just be more foods. Also, I forgot, I LOVE the chats with the foods! Please make more! I’m sorry if I’ve said this twice or whatever, but it’s true! I truly do like the stories and conversations with them. Taco said to tell you that I would like some more! Please read and respond.

  • By Ezran102

    Love this!

    Please please please please please really really soon write some more stories I love listening to them, tacos was my favorite, I mean that’s the only one I read but so far it’s amazing! I just finish the story I feel really bad for taco 🌮 and cheese wheel. I just hope whatever made this game reads this review and makes more stories really really soon because I love them. My favorite part about the game is the re-Carnation it’s so fun to start all over with different foods. At first I was like, after you type the reincarnation button until it starts all over I thought it made me start over over from the very beginning beginning but I hope you read this very soon because I can’t for more stories they are awesome if you if somebody else is reading this or can you get this game it is awesome and so satisfying it releases all your stress I had so much stress today because never mind about that but I just had so much stress today and after I downloaded this game because the reviews are really good so I’m like oh this game looks fun I’ll download it so I did and now I’m addicted to it I don’t love it so much download this game if you’re reading it!

  • By sofifi1020

    I have some ideas

    This game is sooooo amazing. My friends told me to get it, so I did. And for the past few days I’ve been looking at this screen playin this game. It’s just so addicting and amazing. The characters are cute and the dialogue for the characters are entertaining to listen to while I’m waiting for my boxes. I have (well I think I have) gone pretty far in this game and I came to the part where none of the characters are really saying much. They all said the same this. For example: Write a review for the developer. And that gave me some ideas to talk to you, developer. Maybe for the three pancakes you could make them ALL talk? And they could all be brothers cousins sisters, you name it. Maybe for the waffle you could make him a little sick? And for the croissant make him tuff but soft on the inside. Get it? Soft on the inside, literally. Anyway I really wanted the pancakes waffle croissant and ice cream truck and ice cream and everybody else to talk. Thank you!!

  • By Danikajaye

    Fun Clicker Game With Adorable Art Work! Well Done!

    This game feels very low pressure and low stakes with a constant ability to progress forward if so desired. I like that all ads are optional and also like that I can watch multiple ads in a row to stack bonuses. In my version of iPhone (6S iOS 11.2.6) all pop up windows (i.e. the upgrade windows, purchasing, mini game, dialogue screen) are partially cut off. I don’t know if I just can’t see the button for this, but I would also like a feature where I can see the introduction dialogue for previous unlocked characters as I think it’s very clever and forgot to read all of them. I also feel the upgrades should have more spacing between buying them. I bought all upgrades I could before reincarnating the first time and since then have unlocked all food types but have not breached the billion mark for funds and thusly have not upgraded again. I feel like it’s stagnated and it doesn’t make me excited to continue. However, my fiancé who plays this game and is not as good at resource management didn’t have that problem so it won’t bother everyone! All in, I really like this game. It has a fun personality and is adorable to play. Very calming, but also interesting enough that I don’t want to put it down. Thank you for your time reading this and DEV thank you for the game.

  • By Kawaii_Cat33


    If you've searched the App Store, you've probably seen a bunch of merge games like this and I've played then all. This is by far my favorite! You merge little happy foods into more little happy foods. I would say enough said because it's already great with just this but there's much more! You can upgrade how fast boxes are delivered and how much money the food makes. There's a little cat that comes every 2 minutes, you can drag it onto a piece of food and it makes money like a mad man! Then all the little pieces of food have personalities and story lines! You can talk to them and depending on what you say, they'll always reply differently. This may not sound like much (mainly because you can't hear me) but, it's great for passing time! Especially when reading and interacting with the characters! Anyways this game is fantastic and..... I want some more stories 😁

  • By reibambam

    I’m still playing you’re awesome game

    I loved all the effort you put into them this game and all the characters in merging I don’t honestly don’t like clicker games and I didn’t expect this one to be so good I really like this a lot and please make more stories I can’t wait for more dialogue and I’m still playing this game so I guess I will be playing it after this I’ve only installed it for a day and this is so Obsessing also can you add like when you rebirth or whatever it’s called you can go more than 10% because I want to remind you I’ve only had it for a day so I don’t know it’s if you can go above that but this game is epic and I would like to see the sequel wait I think there’s a sequel on download that but yeah this is an awesome game and keep up the good work

  • By Bianca 🥑

    This game is great!

    I love this game a lot! It’s so addictive and fun! I really enjoy the stories and I wish there could be a lot more of them soon. They give me a little laugh of the day😄. I really like how once you get the food gods you get to start over and the game doesn’t just end. Although you do lose almost all the money you had. I wish you got to keep the money you already had, so you can kind of pick up where you left off with your money. I also enjoy the little side games that it has, but I think it would be more fun if you could tap a button on the sidebar or something and you would be able to have a list of games to pick from. I am not asking for 10 or 15 games, but 2 or 3 more would be nice.🙂

  • By Jbird2600

    Love the game, but need some more stories!!

    This game is really fun, and I love talking to all the different foods. It’s a great game, and it’s funny, but the foods need more dialogue. Usually there’s only one option of what to say to the foods, and some of the foods like the ice cream set, can’t say anything. Please make more dialogue!!! Also, I have an idea for the next taco storyline: So taco and cheese are looking for the lost piece, and the player helps suggest where to look. They look behind trash cans and buildings and stuff, and then cheese finds a cake slice, thinking it’s the piece. (There are also other foods they meet at the dumpster). The slice is actually the talking cake piece, and then explains that he is not cheese, but he saw a human eating cheese at the restaurant taco had visited earlier. They get to the restaurant, and see a human eating a slice of cheese, so the cheese wheel wants to go into the restaurant, but taco stops him, and cheese accepts his fate, and taco decides to do stand up comedy in the alley way with all of the foods that people threw away in the dumpsters. Just an idea, hope you like it!!! Got some new food ideas: Noodles, pepperoni, lettuce, cabbage, salt, pepper, chocolate chip, barbecue sauce, sausage, chips, mustard, ranch, just some ideas!! TY THE GAME IS GREAT THOUGH

  • By Chrisnia y

    I love this game!!! But

    The only things I'd change is maybe that you could downgrade things like the cat s or the package speed because I've got mine at the fastest speed and it's no longer relaxing but stressful. I got this game because clicker games help with my anxiety but when the boxes come faster they stress me out. Also could you not put boxes under the side bar they are hard to get to same thing with the relic you end up hitting it instead of the box. Also more dialogue I like to look at it while I'm waiting for my boxes. And also could you make them move a bit less when you get to the last page before the food gods and you can no longer combine them it's hard to get to the last ones to combine because for example the peas are covered by pickles so I try to move a pea but I have so many pickles that move when I put them in the corner of my screen I can't get to it. Or maybe have something like pickle x10 so you just. Have one of them win an x10 X11 instead of having 10 or 11 pickles on the screen. Other than that I adore the game and dialogue so much

  • By groovysu

    I love this game

    Dear people that work for good evolution, I don't think you look at other people's opinion on your game. It is peer obvious that you people don't care about their opinions. I love the game but some things need work and need to be focused on. It would be great if you actually added more dialogue to some of the foods that don't have any. Also creat more stories for the food. And when we talk good wise, where do you get Swiss cheese from Cotten candy. And you should probably make something to let us interact with each food and make a typing bar and we can type what we want to say. You should take pride in your game and actually listen to what the people have to say, because this is your game and you don't want people to think of it as the game were it's fun for the first 3 sets of foods and after 3 sets of food it has no point. Do you want people to think of you game that way. Do you? Anyway your probably not going to read this but if you do please write back. From, Lily

  • By chiken_nugget

    It’s pretty good

    This is a really good game and I love it so much, but one of the most enjoyable parts of it for me, the talking food isn’t in the game. Only a few sets of foods can talk and I really wish more of them could talk. Also, I really want to find out what happens to Taco, so please give him more lines. Also, you used to need 4 food gods to reincarnate, and I would say that is definitely to many. But, now you only need one, which makes you be able to reincarnate waayyyyyy too fast, and I got to the last set of foods in like half an hour, so I think you should need 3. Or, you should make there be more foods in a set. Other than those things, this game is really fun. I especially like the “Fast Food” and “Jump” mini games, and if these few things I said could be made better, this would be a much better game. :)

  • By Truth is always right. derrrr

    Truth 101

    On the next sets, here is a few ideas 1. Start with pudding cup 2. Then make pudding bowl 3. Then make pudding cake 4. Sushi 5. Maki roll 7. egg roll 8. Biscuit 9. Egg sandwich 10. Bacon sandwich Now for the real review....... So far, the game is fun. I mean, all you do is Merge foods, get coins, and upgrade the tractors and cats. There are two mini games. One is the jump, which is practically like ice cream jump, or any of those type games. (If you don’t know what ice cream jump is, just look it up) If you fall, you die. But, what is annoying is that they always reset your score on the jump. The second mini game is Fast food. You basically just collect gems and doge cars. Pretty easy, right? If you get hit by a car you die. Also, the ads For those of you who complain about “the dreaded ads!” This is for you. There is one thing that gives you double coins. It looks like a tiki. You tap that, and it says “watch an short ad and get double coins”. You can make the tiki as high as you want it, but you just have to watch ads. Overall, there aren’t any ads. Thank you for reading. This is a little preview of the game, so hope you might get it. Bye! P.S. The food talks and also give really bad jokes. The carrot thinks he is a horse.

  • By Wolfplayz100000..

    New dialogue idea!!

    So- ima start from the start.. Mega cone or whatever- the first thing it could say is - “Hello-! :3 “ and the first option could be- “Hi-?” And the second is “What flavor are you-?” And the first reply would be “How are you-?” And the second reply would be “I’m (whatever flavor it is-) and The first reply options could be “Good-!” Or “Disturbed..” and the second options are “Cool-!” And “I like (a different flavor) Better...” and then the Ice-cream would say “Oh :C” to option 2 and the chat would end but if you chose “Cool-!” The ice-cream would say - “Thanks-!” And the chat ends. And if you pick "Good-!” the ice-cream would reply - “Well that’s good, Ttyl-!” And ur choice would be “Bye-!” And it would end and if you chose “Disturbed “ the ice-cream would ask “Why?” And your options would be “Your face..” or “Because ur too cute-!” And If you chose “Your face..” it would reply . . “Oh . . Sorry “ and it would end but if you chose . . “Because your too cute-!” It would say “Ty-!” And the chat would end. Pls use this it took a hour to type ;D Bai-!!!

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This page was last edited on 2017-05-05.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
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