Vector 2 Premium Wiki

Vector 2 Premium Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2017-07-10
  • New version: 1.1.1
  • File size: 235.85 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

Vector 2 Premium


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Vector 2 Premium is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Nekki Limited. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Nekki Limited, with the latest current version being 1.1.1 which was officially released on 2017-07-10. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 189 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.5 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the Vector 2 Premium App

How does it Work?

Vector 2 features intense gameplay with procedurally generated environment and lifelike animations in a dystopian world.


Descend through a huge and complex research facility and try to get out alive – over and over again.


There’s no good run without good equipment! Try out experimental high-tech gear that will help you survive a little longer and discover ways to empower it.


Learn stunts to dodge deadly traps – and do it in the most badass way ever possible.

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Top Reviews

  • By Ya boy Elly

    Greater than before

    So far it’s better on a higher level

  • By K80summer


    What’s the actual difference between vector 2 and vector 2 premium version

  • By Freddy mastered

    5 stars

    The game is amazing but the audio needs to be fixed

  • By ThemGamerz

    Can’t continue story

    So I was paying the game and was doing the Reagents quest?/mission? I don’t know what you call anyway I finished it and the curator said go to floor 35 for the cure, so I went to the floor but the decontamination device didn’t pop up, but this type of issue popped up before with other missions so i shrugged it off as that, so reset or died so I could start back at floor 30 and ran all the way back to floor 35, yet it still didn’t pop up, so either A. It’s broken (or the more logical reason) B. The story has not made it that far so it’s still in development, I don’t know which one it is but besides that this is great game 4/5 reason it’s quite difficult like you have to have good reaction time and know when to jump, slide, or any other thing like that at the right moment, also the Swarm things need some slowing down there like too fast, I run by were they spawn at, not slowing down on anything and as soon as I pass it they come out and instantly hit me, like there just a little too fast, if you could slow them down by like 5% ish or 5%+ percent that would be great for all us fans, anyway good game keep it up.

  • By Brilliant Brian

    Good, but has bugs and Quality of Life issues

    The gameplay itself is very good, an improvement on the original in every way. However, everytime I want to play I cannot skip the opening cutscene and all the achievements I have earned pop back up on top of the screen. This just makes it harder to get to the game at its best, which is just jumping straight into the action. I also have encountered a bug at Level 29 of Labs where after loading the level, I will be shown a blue screen with my charges at the top and all I can do is pause and unpause the game; there is no sound and I don’t move or at least don’t take damage so I can’t die and reset. Please fix

  • By Natedog42O


    Great game, an ending would be desirable. But the game has some issues, like when the drones are chasing you. Even if you do everything right and get over every obstacle perfectly they still damage you and it is inevitable. This frustrates me especially when I’m so close to an objective and the game ends my run because the drones A.I. is messed up; or is it apart of the game to be killed for doing everything correct?

  • By Wombaticus

    This was one hay of a ride...

    When I saw this game getting a sequel I was very excited. Two minutes into “Vector 2” I was very confused. Apparently, they imprisoned the main character in a sleeping pod cell and now he’s awake and running around a facility? Most of the apps and games Nekki has are great, but this was just confusing and weird. But still, it was an okay game.

  • By Enso1

    It’s Based On Luck, Not Skill

    This is a great game in theory, but the problem is that if you don’t have some unbelievable luck, you won’t make it through all the levels. It’s barely based on skill because there are locks on doors, and if you weren’t lucky enough to have a key (which are rarely found) or a charge to break the door (which you need to level up to recharge and you can’t level up unless you get super lucky and get the right upgrades) and if you don’t have either of those, then you are guaranteed to lose at least one charge off some piece of armor. There is no way to avoid this. It isn’t based on skill, just dumb luck. I would get it if when you miss the lock it makes it very difficult to get through the area, but still possible.

  • By Lewdtoons

    Disappointing sequel

    This game could be so much more. The original Vector was awesome. It was so awesome that I shelled out money for Vector 2 Premium because I thought it was either going to be better than Vector or more of the same (which I would have been fine with). Instead Vector 2 turns into a freemium endless runner with an incomplete story. The gameplay is much of the same and even improves from the first game in a lot of areas, but the added content (and glitches) really kills the game for me. The darkness mechanic is stupid and only designed to kill you unfairly. The SWARM is kind of stupid but can be fixed by making it slightly slower so that with perfect play you can still escape. The key and lock mechanic is annoying, I don’t understand why you would do that unless it was for monetary gain. Finally, this game is glitchy. So many of them, and they come in a variety of effects. Some kill you when you don’t deserve it, others slightly bug the playing experience. All in all, I was really looking forward to a worthy Vector sequel, and instead I got this game. A far cry from what made the first game so good.

  • By Drortego316

    Finally get an update... Ruined game

    Edit: they fixed some things. There is a small distance added to the bugs chasing it seems. And it isn't so dark when the lights go out. Finally they add a new maintenance chapter. Only problem is 90% of the obstacles are double blocked making it impossible to clear without using a gear charge. Also they have bug things chasing you tiny misstep...another gear charge gone. And if that wasn't enough now the lights go out and you can't see anything and guess what...more charges spent. This used to be one of my favorite games. Now I can barely pass 1 floor at time. Need to remember first rule of games. They should be fun!!!


    So disappointed

    I loved the original Vector. It was the best. But now this crap came out. First of all you just have to be lucky to survive. The lock and key thing is pure bull crap. I absolutely hate it. It takes all the fun out of the game. And the missions are just way too hard and frustrating. I expected so much more Nekki. So much more. Edit: I just “finished” the game. And I put quotes because THE GAME IS UNFINISHED!! I mean like what?!! I’m on the maintenance floor and I just completed the reagents level and there is no MORE MISSIONS!! I’m so confused. Why would you sell an unfinished game?! Just don’t buy.

  • By brett.hatfield39


    I can not believe they went this route and completely destroyed Vector by making it a level up, micro transaction, confusing, buggy mess. I loved the first one but this is a total step back. I hate the leveling up and gear system, especially the fact that whenever you die it restarts everything. All you’re progress is lost. It doesn’t work for this game at all. It doesn’t work for this type of game, and there better leveling up and rpg games out there. Do not waste you’re money on this.

  • By Daniel zaph

    If it ain’t broke don’t fix it

    As a person who enjoyed the first vector and wanted to know what happens next, I feel sort of let down. It felt good to have the simple stuff goin but now there’s armor, and u can’t buy tricks in advance. U have to get them from crates and micro transactions. Like you can’t enjoy the game without draining your bank account. But... it’s still an ok game tho

  • By Jasonx765

    Terrible controls

    The game would be really fun to play , if you could actually move. I shouldn’t have to press and swipe so hard I nearly break the screen just to jump up to a high level or wall vault. On top of that, floor 25 is literally impossible. There’s no way to make it to the reactor before it explodes.

External Links

$1.99 on iTunes

Download for Android

This page was last edited on 2017-07-10.
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This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Nekki Limited.

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