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Geometry Dash Meltdown is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by RobTop Games AB. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - RobTop Games AB, with the latest current version being 1.01 which was officially released on 2017-12-26. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 160786 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.7 out of a possible 5 stars.
Flex your clicky finger as you jump, fly and flip your way through dark caverns and spiky obstacles.
Game Features
• Rhythm-based Action Platforming!
• Three unique levels with music from F-777!
• Unlock unique Meltdown icons and colors to customize your character!
• Fly rockets, flip gravity and much more!
• Use practice mode to sharpen your skills!
• Challenge yourself with the near impossible!
Geometry Dash answers the age old question: "What do you get when you mix techno, dubstep, spikes and a rainbow?" Download and find out...
Approved by RubRub \ (•◡•) /
Awesome, but I'd like an update
I love this version of geometry dash. The F-777 music makes the game seem more fun than challenging (at least on some levels). I got through the three levels so fast though! There are only three, and it would be so much more fun if they made more levels. Although I really love this game now, I bought the full version of Geometry Dash first. Whenever you try to buy the full version of Geometry Dash Meltdown it brings you back to Geometry Dash! I know that's how it's supposed to work, but Meltdown is different from the original. It has different music, different styled levels, different characters, and less levels. What I don't get is that, you unlock a character and color in Meltdown and it says for the locked colors that you can only get them in the full version. When I go to Geometry Dash, all of the characters are different and so are the colors. So the locked colors are basically saying, "You'll never unlock us." Just take caution when you buy the full version. It may surprise you.
Congrats RobTop
I have to admit, this game could be better, but not in very many ways. I agree with Dafunkyazn3's review. RobTop is only one person, and he can't accept all of these requests to make his game better, so give him a break! Although the levels are pretty easy, they are really fun! My personal favorite is Airborne Robots but that's probably only because I have 94% on it and I'm really proud of that. The levels are all so awesome! I like the way RobTop had some aspects of Geometry Dash 2.0 in Meltdown. This may be my favorite version of Geometry Dash, although some of the levels in the full version are pretty fun. I am hoping that there will be more levels in the future, but I also think that Meltdown would be great with the three levels it already has. Over all, Geometry Dash Meltdown is a great game, whether you can beat a demon level in your sleep, or if you have never heard of Geometry Dash in your life. Absolutely 5 stars, and I would rate it 6 if I could. Congrats RobTop!
Geometry Dash Meltdown is an awesome game and I definitely recommend that you play it!😍 If you happen to be looking at the reviews and you come across this review, trust me, I'm NOT over exaggerating! Geometry Dash Meltdown isn't as challenging as the original Geometry Dash, so it's much easier to complete! There may only be a little amount of levels, but they will keep you going! The music is also REALLY cool and upbeat, too! Sure, you may be really frustrated with it when you play because, of course, in all Geometry Dash games, when you do a jump incorrectly, you start over the whole level. But to make up for that, you can make your own character like in all the Geometry Dash games! So if you're the sore loser type, DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME!!! If you don't really care, then you're going to be okay. Good Luck!😄😊😄😊😊😄😊😄😊😄😊😄😊😄😊😄😌😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😍😄😄😀😀😀😄😀😀😄😀😄😀😄😃😃😃😉😉😉😉😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Reasons why people don't like this
Now I'm not saying that EVERYONE hates this, but I've seen some hate, and here's why 1: Ads | I've seen a lot of people talk about the ads in this game. Personally, I don't mind it, but apparently there are those kinds of people who just HATE ads. 2: Shortness | There are many people saying "Oh, it's too short," "Make more levels," "It's too short," and frankly I agree with them, it is short. But that's mainly because this hasn't had many updates YET! Trust me, it will get longer. 3: Less features | Another thing that comes up frequently is that it has not that many features such as the original Geometry Dash. Again, it hasn't had that many updates, it will get there eventually. So yeah, it's a great game and all, I actually like it (and completed it the day I got it :P), but I just saw why people don't necessarily like it and how come it isn't fixed. Keep up the work.
GREAT...but I have a few ideas 👌🏻 ( PLEASE RESPOND )
The game is fun and challenging! It’s perfect for whenever I’m bored. BUT, I have some ideas for the next update. You could customize your own levels and call it creative mode Also, you could compete against online players for first place. The player could also choose how many people are going to be there. And maybe you could combine my two ideas. The name for the second idea could be adventure mode or online mode. Another idea is that you could add hardness levels like 1, 2, and 3. Each level has its own difficulty. Number one could be that you don’t die, in two the normal one and in three extra things like ice, vents, and soap. Let me explain. When you slide in ice, you go faster. When you go on soap you have the risk of becoming stuck. On the vents on the top or bottom of the map air pushes you up or down. Please consider my ideas
Something like about it
Did you know this game is not that fun but you get sort of educated want to know how you get educated! It's easy all you do is learn went to press a button so like if you're playing another game and it needs you to like jump and stuff you can Know when to jump so you don't die or fall like in flappy Bird you need to do that I don't flappy Bird. So please this game will educate you tell you want to tap the right button and just please download this game because it's really really really really really really really good it's in your opinion if you like it or not but my opinion is I love it😄😄😄😄😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 and write this game 3 to 5 please so you can choose from 34 and five but not to anyone those are the worst ones and this is like the best game. Period. Hello it's me so you need to download this game when I get to spank your bottom
An amazing game!
I think this game is amazing! It includes things from Geometry Dash 2.0, which makes the first three levels a bit harder than you would expect. I agree with the Nathan 2.0's review - we can't unlock all of the icons, even if we have the full version of Geometry Dash. My question is, is there a full version of meltdown, but they put out the lite version first because it was ready and the full version was not? Maybe this is why we are experiencing trouble with unlocking colors and icons. Overall, I believe this game is awesome! To unlock the secret coins, you have to find a key, which is put in unexpected places, such as in Viking Arena (the second level), when the key is hidden in the air and you have to jump around a bit to find it. I think this unexpectedness adds a little more of a thrill to the game, and I love it! Thanks, RobTop!
Really fun!
When I first started playing Geometry dash it was basically impossible to get 10% in. But once you start playing it you get hooked! I’ve completed the whole meltdown version. But...there’s one problem. I got the game like a little over a year ago. When I was still trying to beat the game I noticed that there were only three levels. After the last level it said coming soon. But I’ve been waiting for a year. And it still hasn’t come out yet. The game would be more exciting if it so many more levels. Yes I still replay every single level sometimes but i want to play different ones. My favorite thing about the game though are the soundtracks. They are so good! They make wanna listen to them everyday and they are so catchy. I definitely recommend playing this game because it’s so fun.
Flawless Game overall a few glitches though.
This game overall is fantastic. I love the graphics and the details. And the music is amazing. You can really tell that the creator put effort into this. My favorite part of the game is that every jump you take is synced with the music. And the undertones of the music also are well thought out. But it has a few flaws such as a glitch where you can’t stop jumping and another glitch where you can’t jump. There are also ads but what game doesn’t have ads? No game is perfect but this game comes close. It is perfect for car rides or just in general when your bored. But I do hope you add more levels in the future. Some of my suggestions for the game is that you take away the glitches or add more levels. Thank you for reading if you got this far :3
Not Bad, but could really use an update or two
It's a pretty fun game, unlike, the original Geometry Dash, which is rather addicting and challenging than fun (yes there is a difference). The reason why this game is more fun is because 1: The awesome F-777 music, and 2: The levels aren't TOO challenging, and if you're experienced with the first game, they can be pretty easy, which makes it a better warm up than some of the so called "warm up levels" in the first game which are included in the lite version, for example: Stereo Madness and Back On Track take forever to beat, on your first time playing, a warm up level should be easier like The Seven Seas in this game, it's much less hard and annoying, plus, the music in the first game for the first two levels is catchy, but, boring if you're not playing the levels, unlike, the songs in this game, which are epic, and make you head bang! However, that doesn't make the levels impossible to lose, it takes a few attempts, especially if you're trying to get the coins! And this game tends to behave like a demo rather than a full game, I'm aware that this is an early version, but, this really should've been released fully and've been able to keep updating, and with that, comes the ads! The freaking ads! I mean is it really so hard to remove those? And that would of course make you want to get the full version right? Well if you try it, it takes you to the full version of the first game!!!!
Good, but not perfect.
I really like this game. It feels very much like Geometry Dash. It's pretty obvious that all three levels in this game got inspiration from the first three levels in Geometry Dash (not Meltdown). I really like how it includes aspects from 2.0. However, it's a game made mainly for people who don't have the full version of Geometry Dash. If you have the full version, you'll know what I mean. You can't unlock all of the icons on Meltdown even if you have the full version, and you can't transfer the Meltdown exclusive levels or icons to the full version. And I'm not a big fan of getting an ad for a game (it shows ads of the full version) I already have every five deaths. I wish RobTop would make so in the next update onwards, if you have the full version of Geometry Dash, you won't get ads on Meltdown. All in all, it's a good game with awesome music and great levels, but it doesn't reward you if you have the full version. I'm giving this game 4/5 stars because it doesn't give much service to anyone who already has the full version. Also, the sound and music don't seem to work. I expect the sound to be fixed in the next update.
Dis game is asowm
Geometry Dash meltdown is so fun but I wish you could play with user created levels like a normal Geometry Dash and Geometry Dash world maybe even Geometry Dash light but of course I don't know because I don't have it. I really like the game it's very fun. And all the levels are fine. I just wish there were more of the levels, I like The game but it would do way better if there are more levels I think. So there's my opinion of I like the game it's really fun I'll keep playing it and yeah it's really a cool game and I really like it so make more levels and it's really fun I'll keep playing it I want more levels I really really really want more more more levels. But overall it's a fun game and I hope that you play it and that you enjoy it and they have the same opinion that I do it's a very fun game and if you haven't checked it out you should really check it out it's really cool and I hope that you watch play it and yeah I hope you play the original version as well and Geometry Dash world.
Good but not the best
It is good game but not as good as the first one like we know that is like the only three that are gonna be on meltdown but it should not glitch as much and it us too much stuff going on in it and it is stupid how you have to collect coins to go in certain places and when you collect a key in Viking arena and when you have to get the keyhole it down not show up because when you play that one without getting the key you have to remember where you saw it and what is the point of even having the keys like I play them all the times to get the keys and go to the keyholes and the last one is really hard at one point and if they make more you know they are gonna be harder because the recent one put on here is harder and if they do make more it is gonna make people more stressed out because it is taking to long to get the next one so people already passed the other ones like me so speed up the pase
Not a good idea
So Robtop released their "new" game, Geometry Dash Meltdown. Now if you didn't know the difference between this and Geometry Dash, let me tell you the answer: there is none. Meltdown is completely useless. It is a copy of Geometry Dash, without the old levels and 3 new ones. I agree that F-777 has great music, but so does, for example, Waterflame. So I think that Meltdown is just a silly marketing scheme. Robtop will likely make a full version for Meltdown, so you can spend money. In the mean time, let's address another large problem with Meltdown: the ads. I don't appreciate a 15 or 30 second video ad being shoved into my face every ten times I fail or something, and the stationary ones are incredibly annoying, taking up a large part of the bottom of my screen. I use an iPOD, thank you very much. The game also prompts you to buy the full version, when it just directs you to normal Geo Dash. Also, just as a side note, the Vault in Meltdown is taunting me with the complete inability to get User Coins. So Robtop, get your act together and put the three levels in the original game.
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This page was last edited on 2017-12-26.
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