Police Cop Simulator. Gang War Wiki

Police Cop Simulator. Gang War Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2020-09-10
  • New version: 3.1.5
  • File size: 596.03 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

Police Cop Simulator. Gang War


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Police Cop Simulator. Gang War is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Oleg Andreev. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Oleg Andreev, with the latest current version being 3.1.5 which was officially released on 2020-09-10. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 27393 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.4 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the Police Cop Simulator. Gang War App

How does it Work?

Try on the role of a real police officer! Walk the path from cadet to captain – head of the Police Department! Stop and check pedestrians for illegal documents and prohibited items, as well as car drivers and traffic violators. Arrange exciting police chase for violators, but do not forget to perform the routine work of a simple police officer – maintaining law and order in the city.

You just graduated from the Police Academy, and you’re assigned to this city. Historically the city has several gangs, and the local police chief is trying to maintain a delicate balance, but problems in the relationship of the gangs accumulate, few can forget old grievances, a real gang war will come soon! Relationships with gangs and civilians depend on your actions, as well as which gangs can get real influence in the city and crush the rest of the gangs!

Develop your character and increase your rank! Like any police officer, you have two ways – legal and illegal. It is possible to fine violators of a law and order strictly, then on the next check your works will be estimated by the administration and you are waited by promotion, and also bonuses. And you can be more cunning and take bribes to help gangs in their dark Affairs, as well as sell evidence on the black market. Only you can decide which way to choose: the right and long or dishonest, but faster.

Features of game:

– More than 40 cars from specialized to civil

– Three types of vehicle control in pursuit of the offender

– Full realism of this patrol police car – from headlights to siren

– Three types of camera when driving a car in police chase

– Choosing the appearance of the main character

– Five police uniforms, as well as various sets of civilian clothes for your character!

– Ranks from cadet to captain

– More than 18 police patrol cars from sedans to jeeps

– Two ways of character development – good and evil policeman

– Various gadgets indispensable for the police (improved baton, body armor, cameras, etc.)

– A wide range of weapons, both cold and firearms: from batons and pistols to shotguns and rifles

– Unique inspection systems for both pedestrians and cars

– The system of police calls from the dispatcher (the pursuit of a stolen car, registration of a traffic accident))

– Realistic car physics – car damage system, speedometer, fuel level control

– Find out the life of a police officer from the inside: get paid, get ready for inspections of the authorities, bonuses and fines

– The system of tuning cars (car painting/change disks/spoilers/regulation of suspension)

– Amazing story, which is tied to the war of gangs and police

– The intelligent system of city services: the wounded are picked up by ambulance and taken to the hospital, and the detained criminals are picked up by the paddy wagon and taken to the police station

– Addictive gameplay, showing all the charm of the lives of ordinary policeman

Are you fond of the police? Do you like exciting police chase for violators? Wanted to feel like a real police officer and go all the way from the cadet to the captain of the police station? Then the game Police Cop Simulator. Gang War is Your Choice!

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Top Reviews

  • By sirens are awesome

    Very good police game but needs improvements

    You should be label to call backup and have a menu for it so you can call swat highway patrol witch is a police motorcycle and city backup if you are in the city and call sheriff backup if you are in the county witch they should ad a county and call a helicopter if in chase. They should ad a taser and the ability to pull people over in car run plate in car and ad speed radar give people speeding tickets have a wanted list ai police patrol and do police duty’s add multiple roles like prison Guard swat city police sherif highway patrol. Ad fire department have a siren box that sounds more realistic and make hole light bar light up and be able to turn on just the lights and have police car customization like make it with light bar or no light bar spotlights interior lights headlights the flash and add more calls like suspicious activity and have on Unmarked police cars for detectives and be able to call in calls with radio. this is all a recommendation to the developers this game has a lot of potential!!!!🤠

  • By IGY6 brothers :/

    Great but could use some improvement🚔👮‍♀️👍🏻

    The partner is great but I wish he could get in the car because it very annoying when you try to drive away and he keeps appearing in front of. Taser are a must, it’s so hard to hit the person running. Also you should be able to call backup. Also lower the price of stuff it’s insane it takes me about 3 months to buy one car and it’s the worst car on the game. I like what you did with the new map but I can’t find helicopter after I did mission so could you make it where it’s spawns at the station, and please make it in city too. The game overall is great and has great features I just hope over time it can develop into a great role play game. Also a online mode would be great but Idk how many would play online so it’s whatever.

  • By 1452345


    There should be a Tazer in the game and a computer in the police car that you can use to search for license plates or names and stuff and there should be a back up bottom and also so we can take the suspects we can put them in the back of our police car and also you guys should fix the hand cuffs so peoples hands can go behind there back and you guys should make an option so we can have a partner. And I also wanna be able to write my own report on the car that I’m conducting a traffic stop on and I wanna have options like on why I’m pulling them over and also options on why I’m arresting them and I want the arresting position to be fixed so we can arrest them and they can place there hands behind there back not on top on there head

  • By Haven_wayRBLX

    Wow..JUST WOW.

    Now this police game deserves a lot of attention. I downloaded and played many police games but never in a million of years found a game like this one. Good graphics, beautiful cars, and outstanding storyline. But their is one thing that I don’t like. And it is the aiming and shooting. The guns are way to hard to shoot and most of the cars don’t pull over. Another thing is that after the final mission the blues I should call them keep shooting at you and it makes it harder to play the game when your constantly getting shot at. Now I don’t want this to intervene with anyone looking to download the game because you can still play without doing the missions but those are just my opinions and problems I see. Overall it’s a good game.

  • By CWD game lover

    Amazing, but could be better.

    1. Add a radio feature where you can call for backup, request an airship, and receive calls from dispatch. This feature could also allow you to make a private “tactical” channel where you could talk to your friends in a multiplayer mode. 2. Add a multiplayer mode where you can play with friends and allow two people in a car. 3. Also, the ability to pull over vehicles if they are speeding or went through a stop light would be cool. (Add a speed radar) 4. Finally, I think you could research the criminal justice system and implement it into this game. For example, you have to process a criminal back at the police station and then go to a trial and make a statement at a court.

  • By hrbrhhhrhvrv

    Game is great but needs some improvements to start

    When you make a game like this everyone is going to compare it to lspdfr which in many people opinion is the best police game out there what you should add is an ability to have a legit tradition. Stop and run information and you should have call outs it better than most games but I can’t pull someone over so that’s a problem you should have backup a few choices for instance swat helicopter bike and regular car and maybe transport you should be able to put people in the back of you car to that’s all you need to ad right now as well as a taser and then you can build on that as well

  • By misecstboyngft

    Wow. This is really fun have some suggestions

    First of all this is an amazing game and it is really fun. I think it would be cool to be able to talk to people and invite them over to your house and do some stuff. Also you you should add some nicer restaurants to go eat at those. Also it would be cool be able to own your own business like a club or a bar. Lastly you should have more house choices like you should be able to buy a house like the small house and then a huge house or buy a small apartment or a nice penthouse or you could buy your own piece of land and build a house of your choice and please make the graphics better that is a lot of the problem so please consider all this and I recommend this game.

  • By ZoeyAaliyah


    This game is one of the best games I have on my phone. I really love it. But I do have problems. First why aren’t there any women police officers. Also the women on the street I personally think are trying to fit stereotypes people have on us. It’s really annoying. And that when ever a little message pops up when someone runs away or something like that and always says “arrest him” can it maybe say girl too. Second problem. When ever I’m chasing people in the car I would hit them really hard and it would say that I hurt them 0%. Last and final problem. People that drive cars get in crashes way to frequently. And sometimes people would go off road and drive all crazy. Thank you for reading and I hope I could help.

  • By manibrown457

    A little bit more

    I like this game but I feel it isn’t realistic enough for me I wish it was a way to call for backup. And it would be cool if when you arrest people you can actually put them in the car and drive them to station. And I kinda of wish when you have your sirens on that people would actually move out of the way. I would also like different game modes: one for doing the sorry and just doing a regular cop job. And it would also be cool if you could have warrants and have swat team and stuff like that, and if there were more towns and county's. I would really like this stuff to happen THX❤️ Ps. Sorry this is so long 🙂

  • By But I would be cool

    Amazing game, some things I'd like to see.

    This game is amazing, although I do have a couple problems. At some times it's difficult to move around and aim, and in pursuits I sometime hit the suspect but no damage is done. However, this is the best police simulator I've seen for iOS. Some things I'd like to see, I'll list them. 1. Unmarked vehicles or police lights on non-police vehicles. 2. Multiplayer, and private servers. 3. A paint shop where you can import decals onto your cars to make your own paint schemes for the cars. 4. A bigger map. I feel the map is way too small for a police simulator. I think there should be a highway and smaller roads and forests and other cities as well. 5. Different paintjobs for the same vehicles. 6. Longer police chases, no time limit unless you can't find them in 1 minute. 7. I think the graphics and lighting could be improved. 8. You should be able to initiate traffic stops just like you can aim at a car and they will stop so you can search, but they will pull over if you turn on your siren when behind them. 9. A more realistic siren sound. 10. No gas limit. It's very annoying. I love this game, and I understand if the game gets too laggy to add some of these features but please consider adding in some of them! :D

  • By Aprilia OSRS

    Many improvements needed.

    They have the right idea! I love you can keep wheels turned, many cars to choose from. They need to fix the light bars on many cars, and reduce the ridiculous price. It was worth it to remove ads for 99 cents but now the game play is a little lackluster as the radio is on by default and the sirens can’t be turned off. I would say the biggest annoyance is sirens not turning off. You should be able to respond to a wreck and turn them off. The concept of the game is great, just needs a little fine tuning. Lights, sirens, option to remove giant dispatch calls because it takes up a large part of screen. Fees should be reduced for fixing damaged car. Payments should be direct deposit so no need to collect at station. Overall it’s good and only truly playable if you remove ads.

  • By navy seal dog

    Vehicles and weapons

    Now I don’t do a lot of reviews now a day I only do it when I think it should get a review please add under cover police car and also make a game persons vehicle under cover or marked please add game officer and a radio and a S.W.AT. team and backup and partners please add tasers too. There are a lot of bugs to please get ride of them and the adds. Please add highways and a couple new maps to drive around. When I get in the ambulance and fire truck there is no siren but the is a light bar that does not work. Also please lower the price of vehicles and make it so you repair you car or truck. I have to turn off my WiFi signal to play without adds and it’s very annoying when you get out of your car and Bam! There’s a add please fix this and this. I’m a sergeant rank and I was watching an add and knocked my rank back to cadet and I was all the way good and when I join back in on the map it is in the middle of the reseption and please fix that is why I’m going to do one star but I still have everything i bought tho please fix this.

  • By HithereIlikecats

    Waste of Time

    I really liked this game, it was fairly well-made. What I didn’t like though, was that you didn’t really get the chance to actually DO anything. If you decided (like me) to follow the annoying arrow above your head that’s ALWAYS there you get a storyline. Except it’s SO BORING. Literally all you do is drive around. And the place that you keep having to go back to is on the opposite side of the map from everything else! And there’s this case you have to solve, and at the end you have to defeat a gang. Except there’s THIRTY guys, it’s impossible to shoot, and your ‘backup’ is shooting into thin air! I tried to beat this part but it’s actually impossible! How does the game expect you to be able to do this?! Especially when it’s really hard to move around in the game as it is! Please fix this part so that it’s not literally impossible, and make the storyline involve a little more action so it’s not just driving back and forth across the map. Thank you!

  • By radar technician

    Extremely inappropriate

    You idiots what are you trying to do the kids these days I am a 12-year-old boy you put A very inappropriate stripper club in it extremely inappropriate I will never Like Strip clubs why would you do that to kids i’m only rating this one star because I have to it should be zero star you naked girl loving doofus why don’t you fix it take out the stripper club and maybe just maybe I will play this game again idiots oh I guess you’re just a fat ugly no good nerve hurting bunch of people that made this game if you like stripper clubs keep it to yourself don’t do that to other peopleI read a review this guy said that his son left this iPad open and he saw his character at the strip club you are making kids like that stuff you people are horrible you are ungodly people so shut up unless you’re going to read this goodbye or should I say hope you have a terrible night are you Satan followers😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

External Links

Oleg Andreev' Official Website

Free on iTunes

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This page was last edited on 2020-09-10.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Police Cop Simulator. Gang War content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Oleg Andreev or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Oleg Andreev.

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