Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest Wiki

Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest Wiki

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  • Category: Games
  • Last Updated: 2021-07-29
  • New version: 2.20.72
  • File size: 401.62 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 10.0 or later. and Android 4.4. KitKat or later

Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest


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Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest is an iPhone and Android Games App, made by Tilting Point LLC. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers - Tilting Point LLC, with the latest current version being 2.20.72 which was officially released on 2021-07-29. As a testament to the app's popularity or lack thereof, it has gathered a total of 4850 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of 4.6 out of a possible 5 stars.

Video Manual: How to Use the Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest App

How does it Work?

**An Apple Best of 2019 Game**

Spread Chaos across the Old World! Command a horde as you build a fortress capable of conquering the Empire of Man – and any other Chaos warbands that stand in your way. With enough power, you will prove your worth to the Chaos Gods by conquering Altdorf and becoming the Everchosen!

Set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe, Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest is real time massively multiplayer strategy game where players compete for the resources of the Old World and battle for control of the Old World.


• Collect Warlords to be your most powerful soldiers in the war against the Empire

• Over 20 Daemons of Chaos & 10 warriors of Chaos to collect

• Use your strategy to assemble a diverse warband capable of smashing the defenses of your foes

• Daily challenges to complete with guaranteed rewards & bonuses based on leaderboards!


• Raise a Champion worthy of the title of Everchosen

• Research Skills to expand your military, battle, & unholy might

• Increase your power by building structures including the Chaos Temple, Sorcerer’s Citadel, Fortress Walls, Watchtower, Warlord Conclave, Workshop, Daemonic Forge, Hell Cannons, Dungeons, Training Grounds, & more.

• Collect more resources by upgrading your Lumber Mill, Blast Furnace, Slaughter Pens, & Quarry


• Vanquish roaming beasts to send them to their final resting place

• Send your warriors on marches throughout the realm to pillage goods from the land

• Siege other players fortresses to muck up their plans of conquest in favor of your own

• World chat for discussing the battle results with your enemies!


• Join an alliance to coordinate the conquest of landmarks important to the Empire

• share the spoils with your alliance! As your alliance collects resources, your allies automatically earn additional spoils

• Assist your allies by speeding up their construction of their Chaos Fortress

• Send your troops to assist your alliance in defense, or receive warriors from your allies to make your fortress unbeatable

• Complete Trials, both solo & with your alliance, to make your army more powerful

• Gather with your Alliance to take over the major landmarks of the Old World


• Pledge your alliance to the Chaos Gods – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, & Slaanesh! Bring the chaos they desire to the Old World!

• Build a temple to Nurgle, the Plague Lord and god of disease, decay, and death!

• Build a Temple to the Dark Prince Slaanesh, the God of lust, pride, and decadence!

• Build a temple to the changer of Ways, Tzeentch, the god of magic, change, and sorcery!

• Construct a temple to the blood God Khorne! The god of violence, carnage, and anger is eager for the spill of blood.


• Special events to conquer roaming warbands of other Warhammer Fantasy factions, including greenskins, beastmen, & dwarfs!

• Iconic Warhammer Fantasy locations, including: Chaos Wastes, Norsca, Troll Country, & the Empire of Man

• Iconic Warhammer creatures to housing in your dungeons, including Chaos Spawn, Slaughter Brutes, mutalith vortex beasts, & dragon ogres

• Iconic Warhammer infantry available for training, including Marauders, Forsaken, Chaos Warriors, & Chaos Chosen

• Iconic Warhammer beasts to corral, including: Warhounds, Chimera, Gorebeasts

• Collect warpstone through daily quests

Carve your own legend in the Warhammer Fantasy Old World. Become the Everchosen of Chaos.

Spread Chaos & Join the Chaos Community:



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Privacy Policy: http://www.tiltingpoint.com/privacy-policy

Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2020

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Top Reviews

  • By LordAzdrin

    Love this game

    I see a lot of “pay to win” complaints but seriously? People are just being salty. If you play by yourself, sure, you’ll have to pay to try to keep up with the alliances but if you get in a decent alliance and have some patience it definitely isn’t pay to win. If you don’t have patience this isn’t the game for you. And let’s be real for a second. If this is a game that you enjoy and it takes up your free time why wouldn’t you want to throw a few dollars the developers way? If this came out on the PS4 as an mmo or something it would have a $70 price tag to boot plus a yearly subscription for the premium content. Stop being a cheap wad and throw $5 the devs way if you appreciate them and if the game is for you. I’d never go for the $99 deals but I’ll most likely buy a $5 or $10 deal every now and then. Great warhammer game and hope to see it expand!

  • By Randomnickname4me

    Good fun!

    I'm sure things change from server to server, but in my experience the game is great. Our server has a list of server rules (no attack players unless you're at war with another alliance or there is a pvp challenge, no attacking armies that are gathering resources, etc.) Once you join an alliance that is active and you all work together, the game is a blast. The community of the game seems very good as well. Pay to win is not I big problem either. You can play free to play and do just fine. You will still be able to support your alliance, you will still have people around the same strength as you. The only thing is that the prices for the in game purchases are a bit expensive. With that said it's up to the consumer to decide if thepurchase is worth it or not.

  • By Jacup101

    Better than other games of this genre

    The way the game is made removes the incentive for farm accounts to me created. I’m loving everything from the units to the designs. The UI is great and everything runs smooth so far. If I had any complaints it would be that fully farming resource tiles isn’t incentivized. Some people leave a fraction of a percentage of it for someone else to waste time finishing it off. Few people take it upon themselves to clear them out leaving several tiles with less than 1k. I propose the devs leave a clearing bonus of sorts. Something small, like 3-15 min speed up, components, and materials. While it is a player created problem, it would enhance our experience and relieve some grief of this were to happen.


    Warpstone challenges

    Normally I HATE these types of games. Maybe because it’s warhammer I actually have the patience for one of them this time, my only real complaint is that I completed one of the warpstone challenges by filling in my email as the conditions said, but I haven’t received any warpstone. I’m worried that if I do the warpstone challenges that gives me five thousand for donating to a wildlife preservation effort it’ll jip me again. Also: Alliance coins are great, and they open a lot of avenues. But shields, invigorating drafts, and warlord xp should NOT be more than 20,000. That’s kind of outrageous, the same goes for warlord honours. None of them really affect the tier level of your troops so it doesn’t really do much for your advancement, shields should just be more easily accessible anyway, and a warlord honour shouldn’t be 2,500 for ONE of them. This game is great but it could use a bit of improvement, What really has me shocked is long list of entertaining mechanics this game has that I’m not going to write down because I took too long writing this review already. The only way I could see this game being more fun is if we got cutsecenes for our warlords taking on foes or our troops taking on enemy armies. Including enemy player armies. Keep up the good work!

  • By Valscore

    Has great potential.

    I wanted to start off, I was taken by surprise a little bit when I saw that the devs for TeraGenisis (I thinks that’s the right spelling lol), I’ve enjoyed my time with that, so I hold hope with this. That being said, I’ve been playing for about a week or more; and I’ve been enjoying myself. Met some cool people, and we’ve started our own discord to keep in contact. There are a few things I’d like to recommend the devs work on implementing. First is an option to have a War Band March once it’s full. I understand the purpose of setting a time limit for a march, gives clan-mates time to contribute. But once it’s full, that’s time wasted until the countdown hits zero. The second recommendation I have is; at the very least; a second build order for all troop training. Having only one training order per troop type really bogs things down. Especially if you don’t have much of a disposable income to work with. Anyway those are my two bits, overall I do recommend this game. Also maybe the devs could work on a companion game but centered around the the the enemies of chaos, makes for a good opportunity to grow your community and have major pvp events centered around both factions.

  • By Joey D 1167

    Just another with...

    Just another same old same old build your city,land ect up and protect it and fight other players and cities with really really good graphics! Now why only a 4? Well it is Cleary ptw! Now I spend or am willing to spend and I would of stuck with this game(& spent) if better opening packs! They are horrible and way to much $$$ for what you get! Every game like this needs to learn from Rise of Kingdoms! Ftp players can absolutely compete for free and if you’re a small spender? Great deals every day that don’t go away like most games teaser packs! I’m getting tired of games like this! No game had come close to ROK! Now Kingdoms of Heckfire did until there new update destroyed that game and the ability to play for free and compete just disgusting and what they did! In the players who got hurt the most are the ones who spent the most money already! Anyway if you’re not playing any other games and willing to spend..Than this game just for graphics! Outstanding! Oh I’m hearing a lot of glitches still? Idk because I did not see any myself.. This has been a JRock review!

  • By Warrior of Nurgle

    So far I like it

    The game may seem very similar to most of the strategy games on mobile, which I also thought at first but it’s different, not a Extremely significant difference but it has more depth to it than the other strategy games I have seen on mobile, And the best part about it? It’s Warhammer what’s not to love. Some suggestions I have is to keep constantly updating the game, add more units as well, one of the downside I had to this was a lack of units, it’s not like their is barely any units, but more units will make this game more fun, and keep people interested, also the other thing that I suggest, that a lot of people have been suggesting is show the battle, like so we can see what’s going on and so we can command the troops, I know that’s a lot to ask but it would make the game way more different than most strategy games like this, it will be like a mini Total War: Warhammer, So far I’m liking it, and these are my suggestions. Thank you for this great game!

  • By goersew

    Enjoying this game more than similar games

    I haven’t enjoyed one of these city build and defend games this much ever. Could be because it’s Warhammer, but the style and the world are a lot of fun. I don’t really have an issue with the PTW that some have. That being said, I cannot give it 5 stars because my enjoyment has been hampered by a pretty nasty tactic. There is a group that teleports their city next to ours and just devastates is and teleports out. I log in to find I was attacked, I have no idea how strong my enemy is, I cannot attack back and I cannot find them on the map. It seems to me this kind of tactic isn’t what the devs were aiming for and is borderline harassment since it goes against fair play. I would have made the teleport usages have a cool down so groups could have fun with attack retaliation and the strategy involved.

  • By hchloftdhfut

    Nah fam

    If you can win the lottery play this game the updates are terrible they just add more problems then there already are especially the recent warlord one it’s worse than the sonic boom update don’t play that game either and also the combat is terrible and for most servers you only fight on the weekends yes ONLY WEEKENDS that should say a lot and if your not a top player your just gonna get hit and lose all your troops rss and literally everything and the rvr is a cool idea but if your server doesn’t spend over a trillion bucks your matchup is unfair. Go live a life and don’t play any games made by this company ( this is an update to my review and I originally had 1 start but I’m changing it to 3 star because the fixed the update kinda at least I got what I wanted and the tried there best all though there are still problems to be had I’ll come back in another 2 months when they respond again yeah they took 2 months to communicate back but I totally forgot I made this ok so now I guess think about playing This game you’ll still need a loan to stand a chance at being in the pointless server leaderboards.

  • By r3cgm

    Clickety click onboarding

    Let me first preface this by saying I'm moderately into the franchise. I've got my own game pieces, painted them, read the lore, tried to get a local group going etc. I have two basically issues with the early game experience. First, the intro tutorial is too long and not enjoyable. I know the game is trying to get my to click 150 pages of text to introduce the game features, but it's so force fed and non-interactive that it's hard to stay focused. What's the payoff? After slogging through the first couple dozen screens I still have no idea if I'm going to enjoy the game experience because I don't understand what that's going to be like. The game needs to start with 6-10 "important things you must know" and then head into combat, or something interactive that actually requires my brain instead of feeling like I'm trying to pass a reCaptcha click test. Second issue, the lore. Warhammer 40k is NSFW and not kid friendly. That's how we like it. It's the dark future and humanity is in a clutch situation with Xenos. Astarties are submitting their bodies for genetic modification and organ augmentation. Point is, it's gritty, it's disturbing, it's wonderfully ultraviolet. This game feels overly sanitized. Dwarves!? Let's avoid any potential ambiguity with D&D type lore so people don't get the wrong impression on first exposure. That's it. :) If the devs read this, thank you for your time.

  • By Jennymarie1005

    Was fun

    I enjoyed the game. Enjoyed it enough to even put some cash into to support it. Then my first shield glitch happened. You shield to prevent pvp attacks. I activated a three day shield on a Friday evening. Came back to 11 hrs left on my shield but my base had been zeroed out. Contacted devs. Didn’t seem to interested in helping out. The same thing happened to two of my alliance members over the 3-4 months I played. They got the same response from the devs I did. They ended up quitting. I kept playing but it just got to be zero fun trying to grinding or pay for shields just to make sure that someone with over 300 million power didn’t zero my little 19 million power base. Wunna what would bring me back? A player bracket system. That would not allow you to erase a low level players fortress. Players 10mill to 20mill power can only fight each other. Same with 100mill to 200mill power. That would bring me back to the game.

  • By Craigherooftime

    Don’t bother

    I left a review earlier when I played a couple hours. After a few days and seeing how deep the pay2win is it saddens me to say don’t play this war hammer game. It’s ridiculous how you one have 1 builder and have to buy a buff to get more that is temporary, all the loot boxes are ridiculous, and the packs have not been giving people what they pay for, and honestly this isn’t a true war hammer game it’s a disappointment. I was really hoping this would be a fun and engaging warhammer game but its just a money grab. GW should put an end to this game and the developers should be ashamed of this poor excuse of a game. Original review after a couple hours: I love the Warhammer theme and would enjoy the game a lot more if things like training camps would let you train more troops. If you have more than one camp you can still only train 1 type at a time. Not sure what the point of have more than one building (other than because the game tells you to build more than one) if you can’t build different types of troops at the same time.

  • By RooPapa

    Game Broken to the Core

    I have been playing this game casually over the past year. It’s got similar issues with all the games in the genre but im not here to outline pros/cons and get into a geeky review mode. As of 3 days ago, ive encountered a game breaking mechanic. I was attacked and annihilated while under the effect of a shield (can throw on shields to prevent pvp incursions in this game). I was dumbfounded when this took place. I took screenshots and reached out to the person who attacked me to see whether he/she/they were hacking or something, and the response was even more disturbing. Apparently this was a known issue and that when players shield they may not always “shield” in reality and can be attacked by others. I immediately contacted the development team to ask for a recourse for millions of resources lost including millions to heal my troops which probably sent me back at least 4 months of my casual play activities. This was 3 days ago and i have not received a single response as of typing of this review. To me this fundamentally shows the importance this company puts on their customer base and this level of borked game play and mechanics should only be expected at a pre-alpha game testing stage, and not for a game in service for over a year. Truly disappointing and incredible let down. Until they get their act together, id highly recommend moving on to another game. Dont bother downloading - waste of your phone memory at this point in time...

  • By Disgruntled Gamer 101

    Experienced player

    I have played this game for about 5 months to date. Whoever says it isn’t pay to win, lies.. I know because I have paid to win extensively. Developers are out of touch with player base completely. Game still has bugs that are big issues from when I started to current. Developers keep updating systems that aren’t broken or need fixed just to cash grab those already invested. Game is geared towards one server and one server only and has not been balanced to improve for the other 15 servers. They are struggling to keep the game afloat as new players see the inactivity and lack of creativity from the developers. Their Customer Service team are a bunch of nobodies within the company never having handled customer service before. Lack the professionalism and proper design teams to actually make this game worth playing. Probably the biggest waste of my time and money as far as the build a keeps games go. Tilting Point is a complete joke from top to bottom

External Links

Tilting Point LLC' Official Website

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This page was last edited on 2021-07-29.
Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Tilting Point LLC or its licensors. All rights reserved.
This site, Mycryptowiki, is not affiliated with Tilting Point LLC.

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