Best Books Games for February, 2025

Audible: Audio Entertainment
Discover storytelling that speaks to you with Audible. Audiobooks, podcasts and Audible Originals await in an all-in-one audio entertainment app. Storytelling and entertainment for all genres awaits. Keep one audiobook or podcast every month as a Premium Plus member or purchase your favorite titles with cash. Prioritize your health and wellness with meditation audiobooks or fitness podcasts. Start listening to Audible Origina...

Libby, the library app
All over the world, local libraries offer millions of ebooks and audiobooks. You can borrow them — for free, instantly — with a library card and Libby: the award-winning, much-loved app for libraries. • Browse your library’s digital catalog of books — from classics to NYT best-sellers • Borrow and enjoy ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines • Download titles for offline reading, or stream them to save space • Sen...

Amazon Kindle
READ ANYTIME, ANYWHERE On the bus, on your break, in your bed—never be without a book. Kindle books you have purchased on Amazon will automatically appear in your app. Kindle Unlimited and Amazon Prime members can select and download Kindle books directly in the app. FIND YOUR NEXT GREAT READ • Read the books you buy on Amazon in the Kindle app. Choose from over six million Kindle books (including those with Audible narra...

Goodreads: Book Reviews
Discover stories that matter to you, from readers like you. Goodreads is the world's largest community of readers. Find new and interesting books by browsing personalized recommendations based on books you've read and your favorite genres. See what your friends are reading, write book reviews, and keep track of what you want to read. Goodreads is a free service for book tracking, recommendations and reviews. Use our barcode ...

hoopla Digital
Discover limitless entertainment and knowledge with hoopla Digital. Access more than 1.5 million audiobooks, eBooks, comics and manga, music, movies, TV, and more with BingePass. Read, listen, and watch 24/7 without ads or late fees, free with your library card! eBooks: From gripping mysteries to thought-provoking non-fiction; heartwarming romance to captivating historical tales, hoopla's vast eBook collection celebrates dive...

Bible For Women.
Bible for Women is a beautifully designed, free mobile application, conceived with the single purpose to inspire and nurture the faith of women across the globe. Rooted in the teachings of the Holy Bible, this app brings the sacred scriptures of the Bible to life in a way that is practical, user-friendly, and easily accessible. Whether you are in the cozy comfort of your home or managing the challenges of the outside world, o...

StoryGraph: Reading Tracker
Import your Goodreads data: We will import all of your currently-reading, read, to-read, and did-not-finish shelves. Any custom shelves will be mapped to a custom tag on The StoryGraph. Simple tracking and insightful stats: Easily track and learn about your reading habits with our wide range of charts and graphs. See how your reading develops over time and use that to help you pick better books. Get smart personalized recomm...

Manga Reader ㅤ
Unlock a world of endless manga possibilities with Manga Reader - the ultimate manga reading app for true fans! With a vast library of manga titles to choose from, you'll never run out of new stories to discover. Our app is designed by a team of passionate manga lovers, to provide you with the best reading experience possible. Enjoy seamless navigation and uninterrupted reading, as you immerse yourself in your favorite manga. ...

Wattpad - Read & Write Stories
Wattpad. Where stories live. Discover the world's most-loved social storytelling platform. Wattpad connects a global community of 90 million readers and writers* through the power of story. Download it today to start reading or writing original stories. Get your story discovered Have your own story to tell? Get it discovered through the power of community and technology on Wattpad. Share an original story on Wattpad and share...

Sincerely - Off My Chest
Sincerely is a safe place to get things off your chest and help others. Have secrets, questions, struggles, thoughts, and untold stories? Write them down in anonymous letters and others will respond! You will receive 3 letters every night. Read others' letters and help them out. Remember, you are not alone in this world. There's always someone out there for you :) - Write letters to get things off your chest - Receive 3 l...

Barnes & Noble
The Barnes & Noble app is the ideal companion for book lovers who want quick and easy access to the world of books. Search, browse and shop our massive selection of books, eBooks, audiobooks, NOOK eReaders & tablets, toys, games, home items, gifts and much more. Ship your items directly to your door, or use our store locator to find the nearest Barnes & Noble bookstore to pick up your order on your own schedule. As an added c...

Fable: Books & TV
Join a community of good people discussing great stories on Fable, an app designed to find, discuss, and track books and TV shows. Set reading goals, get personalized reading stats, discover new books and shows, and connect with fellow readers in online book clubs and TV clubs. TRACK YOUR READING LIFE: Stay organized with beautiful lists, reading goals, and daily streaks that encourage you to read more. - Organize the books ...

Bible for Women & Daily Study
Bible for Women Bright and beautiful Bible with day and night mode designed specifically for women Daily Devotionals Morning and Evening daily devotionals by C. H. Spurgeon Verses of the day Daily verses from all books of the Bible, Psalms and Gospels Daily reading plans Canonical, historical and chronological reading plans for one Year, 180 and 90 Days. Audio Bible Works offline, voice can be tuned by speed, height and...

Bookmory - reading tracker
Bookmory helps you track your reading, manage your books, build a lasting reading habit, and better remember what you read. Add books, e-books or audiobooks to your bookshelf. Use the timer to track your reading. Improve your reading habits with insightful stats. Stay motivated with reading goals. Remember what you read by writing and reviewing notes. Challenge your reading habit to remember with Bookmory! Just like writing ...

KJV Bible now
Bible Now provides an offline Bible study tool that people use every day to read, listen to, and prayerfully support your daily Bible reading and prayer with a completely free Bible app. Customize your Bible with focused, private notes. Access everything online, or download to read offline. Our app is a fast, lightweight, offline Bible for your daily study. To customize your Bible software experience, it allows you to quickly ...

Bible Offline - KJV Holy Bible
We offer a unique free offline Bible study tool that you can learn and share the Holy Bible on your own or with your trusted bible study group. Comparing to traditional Holy Bible, our e-bible allows you to access Holy Bible easily on your digital devices without carrying paper book around, listen to Bible verses while driving and running, or take challenges of biblical quizzes and crosswords. Our KJV Bible App is a Fast, li...

Galatea: Books & Audiobooks
Experience pure joy on the Galatea App! - Unlimited access to thousands of delicious romance stories and audiobooks - Join a community of 15 million women who read and listen on the Galatea App for a joyful recharge - Absorb yourself with the wildest, hottest romance stories–available whenever, wherever you like - Your me-time just got a major upgrade with bestsellers added every week - The deepest collection of trending...

Letterloop: Group Newsletters
Letterloop is a fun way to have a group newsletter without the work. You pick the questions for your group to answer, then Letterloop creates a fun and beautiful newsletter with everyone's replies. All you need is to do is invite your people! How does Letterloop work? We crafted a set of questions designed to spark fun and thoughtful replies. The questions range from updates about your week to thoughts on identity, life stor... Get audiobooks
Are you looking to enjoy your favorite books on the go? The app puts over 500,000 classics, bestsellers, and new releases in your pocket, wherever life takes you. Stream or download your audiobooks for listening in the car, at the gym, or on any smart speaker. Why not transform your day-to-day routine by escaping into a great story? Whether you're in the mood for a thrilling mystery, a cozy romance, or an educa...

Shonen Jump Manga & Comics
Your OFFICIAL source to read the world’s most popular manga, straight from Japan. ALL YOUR FAVORITE SERIES IN ONE PLACE! My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, Chainsaw Man, Demon Slayer, One-Punch Man, Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, Dragon Ball, Boruto, Kaiju No. 8, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Spy x Family, and so much more! READ MANGA FREE! New chapters weekly, with brand new series added regularly! Latest chapters are ...

NovelFlow is a totally free reading app that has taken the literary world by storm, with all popular werewolf goodnovel and billionaire romance goodnovel to be read without costing at all . NovelFlow is specifically designed for avid readers who are passionate about werewolf romance stories and billionaire romance novels. With a vast and diverse collection of goodnovel, stories, and novellas, NovelFlow is the ultimate desti...

Bookly - TBR Book Tracker
Bookly helps you track your reading in real-time, manage your books, make a habit out of reading and see your progress over time. Add books, e-books or audiobooks to your collections, use the timer to track your reading and get access to awesome stats that will help you improve and read even more. Set goals and reminders to stay motivated, get weekly and monthly or yearly reports on your progress. You can better rate your boo...

Marvel Unlimited
Marvel Unlimited is the premier subscription service to access over 30,000 digital comics. Marvel Unlimited features all of your favorite characters from Marvel movies, TV shows, and video games. Read the comic books that inspired your favorite super heroes and villains on the big screen! Start your free 7-day trial today! Experience the all-new digital comic format, Marvel’s Infinity Comics available exclusively on Marvel...

Google Play Books & Audiobooks
All the books you love. On the page or out loud. Anywhere you are. Meet Google Play Books for iOS: the one app to enjoy ebooks and audiobooks from Google Play. Dive into a great book today with millions of titles from Google Play on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Download your book to read or listen on the go. When you’re finished, find your next favorite from recommendations personalized just for you. LISTEN TO A GREA... Ebooks
Bookshop's mission is simple: To help local, independent bookstores thrive in the age of ecommerce. Now with Bookshop's new ebook platform, your ebooks will support your local bookstore as well. In our reader app you can: - read ebooks in your library - browse millions of ebooks to add to your wishlist - seamlessly connect with Bookshop to ensure that all of your online book purchases support your community Certified as a B ...

ThriftBooks: New & Used Books
Shop 13 million new and used books at up to 90% off list price. The ThriftBooks app lets book lovers quickly and easily search, browse, get book details, and buy millions of books, textbooks, and graphic novels. Scan bar codes to compare prices and check availability to make sure you get the best book prices. Shop ThriftBooks Deals to get 10% off on more than 150,000 items every day. Join ReadingRewards to earn a FREE BOOK f...

GoodNovel - Stories & Novels
GoodNovel- A Must Have App For Web Novels! - Book Genres: Romance, Mystery, Fantasy, Western, Sci-fi, Fan-fic - Become An Author to REALIZE YOUR WRITING DREAM Collection of Best Books & Hottest New Reads in Every Genre! GoodNovel has collected popular web novels and books, provides you with the latest chapters of the highest quality. This is a must-have book app for the majority of web novel lovers. Start reading your favo...

Quranly is a habit-building app that makes the Quran a part of your daily life. Unlike traditional Quran apps, this is a habit-building Quran app that works. It gives you a visual representation of your progress allows you to track verses, pages, time and hasanat. It's smart algorithm increases your reading based on your performance! [:mav: 2.0.46]...

Read or study when it's convenient for you with the McGraw Hill ReadAnywhere app. ReadAnywhere gives users access to McGraw Hill tools including the eBook and adaptive assignments in Connect and the McGraw Hill eBook. Take notes, highlight and complete assignments offline - all of your work will sync next time you open ReadAnywhere when online. Log in with your McGraw Hill Connect or McGraw Hill eBook username & password to ...

Barnes & Noble NOOK
Get the FREE Barnes & Noble NOOK App to enjoy all your favorite digital content on your Apple devices. Access our vast online library of over 4 million eBooks, graphic novels, comics, manga and magazines. Plus discover over 300,000 audiobooks. Enjoy recommendations just for you curated by our expert booksellers. Customize your experience with multiple font and page styles, customized bookshelves and social sharing tools. And n...

Tapas – Comics and Novels
The Ultimate App for Comics, Novels, Mangas, Manhwas, Webtoons and More!—Discover Your Next Favorite Story with Tapas Looking for the perfect way to pass the time? Tapas is your go-to destination for captivating stories. Whether you love romance, action, or BL content, Tapas has something for everyone. Discover new chapters released daily, with free episodes dropping every three hours. Get hooked on international sensation...

Tappytoon Comics & Novels
Discover top comics and novels on Tappytoon™ - your official source for original manhwa, manga and webtoon by top creators! Featuring latest chapters of popular action comics Solo Leveling, The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon, Esper's Game, The Game that I came From, I'm the Max-Level Newbie and fantasy hits such as I Became the Mother of the Evil Male Lead, Born as the Second Daughter, The Beloved Little Prin...

Everand: Ebooks and audiobooks
Everand is a reading subscription with millions of ebooks, audiobooks, and podcasts. Starting at $11.99/month, read what you want, how you want — across devices and offline. Listen to millions of popular and exclusive audiobooks and ebooks, including The New York Times® Best Sellers, from every genre: • True Crime • Fiction • Personal Growth • Science Fiction • Biography • Health and Wellness • Personal Grow...

VIZ Manga
Manga’s premier library of legendary creators across every interest. Released same day as Japan! BELOVED SERIES ALL IN ONE PLACE! Komi Can't Communicate, Uzumaki, Inuyasha, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, Nana, Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End, Kimi ni Todoke, Call of the Night, The King’s Beast, Ima Koi: Now I’m in Love, and so many more! WORLD-RENOWNED CREATORS. Master of horror Junji Ito. Legendary mangaka Rumiko T...

Literie is a doorway to endless literary worlds. With an extensive selection of genres, from feel-good romances to dramatic fantasies, Literie offers something for every reader. Whether you’re diving into a new book by a rising author or revisiting a favorite from a seasoned writer, Literie delivers the stories you love, all in one app. Browse through captivating books and immerse yourself in the fiction that speaks to yo...

PangoBooks: Buy & Sell Books
PangoBooks is the simplest way to sell your books online and earn extra cash. Our user-friendly marketplace app removes all the hassle from selling and shipping, while offering unbeatable savings on used books. Sell more, save more—that's why PangoBooks is the fastest-growing book marketplace today! Why Book Lovers Choose PangoBooks: • Effortless Selling: List books in seconds and get prepaid shipping labels when they s...

Manga Reader - Daily Update
Manga Reader - Daily Update is your ultimate destination for manga, manhwa, anime, and comics, offering a premier reading experience tailored for enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you’re a dedicated manga aficionado or just beginning your journey into the world of comics, our app delivers a comprehensive and engaging experience. Explore a Vast Collection: Dive into an extensive library of manga titles, manhwa, and comic books ...

MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA, is the official manga reading service from Shueisha, that provides you with the latest chapters for free at the same time as in Japan. Immerse yourself in binge-worthy and anime-adapted comics like; One Piece, Chainsaw Man, Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, 【OSHI NO KO】, Dandadan and Red Cat Ramen. Enjoy the first three and newest three chapters for FREE. Want to catch up o...

A must-have app for library users! Easily borrow physical items using your mobile device, receive reminders, manage receipts and discover new digital content all within the CloudLibrary app! Extremely intuitive, all it takes is a library card to login and get started! Designed for an enjoyable experience, users can benefit from many new features, depending on their library’s subscription. - Easily accessible li...

FreeFM - Good Novels & Books
Embark on a sizzling journey into the realms of passion, mystery, and love with FreeFM – an extensive collection of romance audiobooks, thoughtfully chosen to offer a delightful and engaging escape. Immerse yourself in a world of enthralling narratives featuring irresistibly strong, protective alpha males and heroines who effortlessly steal their hearts, unlocking a world where fantasies come to life. LIBRARY FOR EVERY HEAR...

NovelShort - Novels & Fiction
Dive into NovelShort and immerse yourself in a world of captivating short stories! Enjoy a seamless reading and listening experience with our sleek new interface and daily updates. Key Features: Modern Design: Experience a sleek interface for effortless navigation. Vast Library: Discover popular genres like Billionaire, Werewolf, Mystery, Fantasy, Western, and Mafia. Audiobook Feature: Listen to professionally narrated stor...

Reader by ElevenLabs
Your ultimate listening experience. ElevenReader lets you listen to any text, articles, ePubs and PDFs like never before. With unlimited access to ultra realistic AI voices, you can level up your listening experience. Take this powerful text-to-speech app on-the-go as the ideal audio companion during your commute, at the gym, for work and school, or for accessibility uses. Powered by ElevenLabs contextually-aware Text to Sp...

Novellair is an online reading platform that is home to a wide range of stories. Hide away with endless stories in Novellair, a book nook just for you! Take your pick from an extensive range of genres. Whether it's a captivating romance or a heartstopping thriller you're craving, Novellair can satisfy you. Tickle your reading fancies with something new or stick to your favourite themes - whichever you choose, we have what yo...

MANAGE YOUR BOOKS Your BookFunnel library is at your fingertips! Search and sort through all of your BookFunnel books and send them right to your favorite reading app. Or, save time and space, and read right in our all new reader! HOW DOES IT WORK Most books you receive from a BookFunnel author are added to your library automatically. Or, you can enter the book’s download code into the app and add it manually. Tapping any b...

La Biblia Reina Valera Español
La Biblia Reina-Valera. Antiguo Testamento y Nuevo Testamento. Lista de jefes (Antiguo Testamento): Génesis, Exodo, Levítico, Números, Deuteronomio, Josué, Jueces, Rut, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Reyes, II Reyes, I Crónicas, II Crónicas, Esdras, Nehemías, Tobías, Judit, Ester, Job, Salmos, I Macabeos, II Macabeos, Proverbios, Eclesiastés, Cantar, Sabiduría, Eclesiástico, Isaías, Jeremías, Lamentaciones, Baruc, Ezequie...

Kafka: Audiobooks
Discover Your Next Favorite Story with Kafka! Immerse yourself in the captivating world of audiobooks, all in one easy-to-use app. From timeless classics by the world’s most renowned authors to fresh tales by up-and-coming storytellers, Kafka brings you the best of literature, right to your ears. Features You’ll Love: •Vast Library: Explore a diverse collection of audiobooks across genres, including bestsellers, class...

Tome: fantasy reading & memes
Join a community of fantasy readers in a space specifically for discussing and recommending their favorite fantasy books. If you’re a fan of ACOTAR, the cosmere, or looking for a booktok companion, you’re in the right place :) Tome is a social network more than just a Goodreads book rating app, it’s the place to share everything from memes, to fan art, to book recommendations. TRACK YOUR FANTASY BOOK READING - Rate and...

Holy Bible, KJV Bible + Audio
"Holy Bible" app, a friendly helper here to make you feel good and hopeful. Dive into a world where you can enjoy daily Bible stories, chat with an AI priest for daily Bible verses, challenge yourself with Bible quizzes, find peace in prayer, and now, explore the stars with AI-driven Zodiac and Horoscope insights. The "Holy Bible" app is a must-have for anyone deeply committed to their faith and curious about the celestial gui...

WebNovel - Read Novels & Manga
Introducing the all-new WebNovel – your gateway to thrilling adventure stories! Immerse yourself in a world of captivating novels and embark on unforgettable journeys. We're here to redefine the way you experience online reading: Let's read your adventures. Discover a treasure trove of novel genres that will transport you to realms beyond your imagination. Dive into the wonders of Western fantasy, where mythical creatures...

Chirp Audiobooks
Chirp brings you amazing limited-time audiobook recommendations — with no monthly commitment or subscription required! Our team of audiobook lovers works with publishers and authors to deliver daily, must-listen titles directly to your inbox. With top audiobook deals all in one place, Chirp makes it easy to find your next listen. With the Chirp app, you can conveniently access, listen to, and download any audiobooks purchas...

Inkitt: Books, Novels, Stories
Inkitt Brings Stories to Life Join Inkitt for the Community Dive into Inkitt, where stories, books, and novels come to life in a global community of readers and writers. Our readers are the trendsetters. Every day, millions of readers come to Inkitt to discover the next bestseller. Get feedback on your work, share your favorite romance or adventure stories, and explore a treasure trove of fantasy and erotica novels. Unlimit...

JoyLit is a novel app designed specifically for avid readers, aiming to provide users with a high-quality and captivating reading experience. 【Diverse Genres】 As a platform dedicated to curating premium books, JoyLit offers a wealth of literary resources, covering various genres and styles of novels. Whether you are a fan of romance, historical fiction, fantasy, or any other genre, JoyLit can provide excellent works that ...

Bookclubs: Book Club Organizer
The app your book club deserves. Start, manage or join a book club with ease. Set up your online or in-person club with digital bookshelves, polls, meetings, member management and more. Meetups made easy! - Easily schedule and manage events - Send reminders and track attendance - Sync with your personal calendar - Lead a great discussion with book club questions Vote on what's next - Poll members on what to read (including ...

WebComics - Webtoon, Manga
WebComics™ is the ultimate destination for Comic & Manhwa fans worldwide, offering the latest and hottest authentic comic series. Whether you're a fan of Manga, Manhwa, or Webtoon, we provide exhilarating and high-definition comic reads of numerous genres, including Romance, Action, Fantasy, Comedy, BL, GL, Drama, Horror, and more. If you fancy billionaires, destined partners, dominant CEOs, vampires, love triangles, otherwo...

My Passion: Novels reading app
Hey there, story lovers! Looking for a perfect romance novel? Or would you prefer to dive into the paranormal world? Whatever your preferences are, we’ve got you covered. My Passion is exactly the place where you can indulge in thousands of the best books: romance, mystery or fantasy novels that will make your world become topsy-turvy. Here’re just a few TAGS & GENRES among dozens we have: Werewolf Billionaire New Adult H...

Tapon - Stories & Novels
Tapon: an online-novel library at your fingertips. Digital reading is already a way of life. [Extensive Stories] Tapon is the one for you to dive into the ocean of all kinds of books, from romance with billionaires to werewolf and vampires. On Tapon, there's always a story in your taste every day! Tapon has a strong author base that ensures the continuous production of works, so you can explore the latest developments in this...

Speechify Books: Read & Listen
The best audiobooks deserve the best experience. Speechify is one of the most popular audio companies in the world with over 20 million users. We recently launched an audiobooks app to be the #1 independent alternative to Audible & Amazon. We provide the best user experience of any audiobook app by allowing you to listen and read many of our best-selling titles at the same time. It’s magical. Speechify has over 100,000 b...

NovelWorld - Unlimited Novels
[Here you can enjoy] 1. A reading platform specialized for Young People aged 20 to 40. 2. Multiple Genres for Young: Romance, werewolf, billionaire, Badboy, Mafia, and even more! 3. Intelligent Recommendation: help you find the book might like from tons of Completed novels. 4. Access to whole book after a subscription, to enjoy unlimited free reading. 5. Premium Customer Service: Quick reply experience for memers' feedback. [...

Joyread-Fantasy Novel
Don't miss the hit novels and captivating stories on Joyread - your premium reading paradise! Escape into fantastical realms with our extensive Fantasy collection, or indulge in heart-fluttering Romance tales. Joyread brings the best in storytelling across genres to novel lovers worldwide. Discover unforgettable reading experiences and unlock a world of literary adventures. Download Joyread now and immerse yourself in extraord...

Hinovel - Read Stories
Hinovel is an excellent novel reading app that covers all sorts of .novels and updates them in a fast pace. Here,enjoy reading anytime and anywhere. The Sea of Novels -We have loads of copyright books of limitless types——romance, fantasy, werewold, vampire, mystery and so forth——that will definitely catch you; -We are introducing new books everyday to enrich your book shelf. Free Section -Free novels updates everyday. ...

Kiss - Read & Write Romance
KISS: Read & Write Romance is the premiere app for the best serialized fiction in the world! Our stories feature high-stakes drama and heart-stopping romances. From billionaires to bad boys, werewolves to sports stars, Kiss features the kinds of stories that will sweep you away. Our authors are New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors, Indie and TikTok superstars and the best emerging authors from across the globe. ...

Tarteel ترتيل - AI Quran
No one to recite to? No problem. Tarteel AI is here! How many times have you wished you knew more surahs to use in salah? That you could get feedback on your recitation whenever you needed it? That you could memorize more, and worry less? Hide. Tap. Recite. In three easy moves, you’re strengthening your memorization of the Quran with the world’s leading AI Quran memorization companion. Simply hide the verses, tap the mic...

Brilliant Bible
We are a team of artists producing semi-weekly episodes of Bible stories, based on the ESV, CSB, and NLT translations, and our visualization of the vibrant world within these pages. Most people who start reading the Bible never finish, and our ambition is to help you re-engage Scripture by revealing a fraction of the brilliance within. Subscribe to this journey and let us know what you think of our adaptations at hello@read...

[Enjoy NovelsReader] NovelsReader is your gateway to a romantic world of addictive novels from various genres. Dive into captivating stories, explore new plots on those web novels. With NovelsReader, immerse yourself into storytelling anytime, anywhere. [Features] 1.Extensive Library: Access a diverse library of novels spanning multiple genres, including romance, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, thriller, and more. 2.Perso...

القرآن الكريم كاملا دون انترنت
القران الكريم كاملاً دون الاتصال بالانترنت وهو مطابق للمصحف الورقي تماماً مع العديد من الميزات المفيدة.... Audiobooks makes it possible for you to get audiobooks through your chosen bookstore, giving you the power to keep money within your local economy. There are more than 500,000 audiobooks on, including bestsellers and bookseller picks, and your audiobooks are synced with the app immediately so you can start listening right away. If you ever have questions, feedback, or just want a good audiobook recommendation, you can ...

Quran - by - قرآن
From the makers of comes Quran for iOS, a beautiful, and ad-free mushaf app. It’s now easier to read the Quran on the go, memorize it and listen to your favorite reciters. This is just the beginning for Quran for iOS. We’ll be updating the app regularly insha'Allah and would love to hear your feedback and feature requests. You can reach us at As the Hadeeth (prophetic statement) in At-Tirmithi s...

==K MANGA-Manga & Comics== Welcome to K MANGA - the official Kodansha manga app where you can dive into your favorite Kodansha titles every day. With K MANGA, you can immerse yourself in renowned titles such as 'Attack on Titan', 'Ghost in the Shell', 'Fairy Tail', 'Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting Spirits', 'Tokyo Revengers', and many more. Enjoy reading popular manga, ongoing series available simultaneously in Japan and the US...

Dipsea: Spicy Romantic Fiction
Discover 1,000+ spicy audiobooks and more, featuring your favorite tropes and irresistible characters. Step into a world of romance with immersive stories designed by women, for women. IMMERSE YOURSELF IN HIGH-QUALITY STORIES The best fiction brought to life by professional narrators and writers, crafted with care by our team to sweep you off your feet. Audiobooks for adults that blend steamy sound design with captivating voi...

Through the Word
UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE IN JUST TEN MINUTES A DAY, with plans for every book and audio guides for every chapter. Through the Word is a guided audio journey through the entire Bible, one chapter at a time - with no ads, no fees, ever. Every day, more than 150,000 people around the world trust TTW for their daily Bible habit. Read their stories below! YOUR DAILY BIBLE HABIT Simple. Bible. Habit. One chapter today, next chapter t...

Novel Master
"Novel Master" is an app dedicated to short story reading, offering users a wealth of literary resources and an exceptional reading experience. Whether you're a literature enthusiast or a devoted fan of short stories, Novel Master is designed to meet your needs. **Key Features:** - **Extensive Collection of Short Stories:** The app features a vast array of short stories across various genres and styles, including classic wo...

Santa Biblia Reina
¡¡¡¡Gran actualización!!!! Ahora tu Biblia es más fácil de usar y a demás podrás descargar otras versiones además de la Reina Valera 1960. Santa Biblia Reina Valera en Español Lleva contigo en tu iPhone, iPod Touch o iPad, la Santa Biblia Reina Valera 1960, con el Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento, en Español. No necesitas conexión a internet, una vez instalada, la puedes usar sin importar si tienes o no conexión....

Book of the Month
Every month, we bring you a shortlist of the best new fiction we’ve come across, with a mix of books likely to be in your sweet spot as well as intriguing outliers. You pick what speaks to you, we send it your way. We’ll see you again in four weeks. Happy reading :) More than just books: Get access to app exclusive content like reviewing the books you’re loving, tracking your path to rewards, and crushing digital challe...

AnyStories-Good Novels & Books
AnyStories - New Romance GoodNovel World for Everyone. Anystories is a goodnovel land where you can indulge in thousands of bite-sized webnovel of the best-seller: love stories, romance fiction, and fantasy novels about popular werewolf romance, bad-boy stories, attractive vampires series, and forced marriage with billionaire bosses or blood spurting bad marriage revenge stories. AnyStories present you with a fantasy dream...

NovelBar is an innovative reading platform that offers a vast library of trending novels across diverse genres. From passionate romances to thrilling adventures, NovelBar provides an extensive selection of books designed to leave you spellbound. We believe reading is more than just a pastime—it’s a way to escape, relax, and explore new worlds. That’s why our collection is carefully curated to cater to every preference...

Little Stories: Bedtime Books
The “Little Stories” series is a collection of fairy tales in which your kid plays the main role. It's quite simple – just enter your kid's name and gender into the settings window and enjoy reading fairy tales about your son or daughter. To make it even cooler, we've added beautiful melodies and wonderful pictures to help you raise your child by giving him or her only positive examples. Moreover, you can also make your...

GlobalComix: Comic Book Reader
Read iconic comic books like Batman, Superman, Invincible, Transformers, The Walking Dead, The Boys, Hellboy, The Witcher, The Umbrella Academy and more, alongside exciting creator-made comics, manga, webcomics, and graphic novels. NEW BOOKS DROP WEEKLY Find new and interesting books featured weekly. Explore our library of over 70,000+ releases through curated collections and see which books, creators and themes are trending....

Superbook Kids Bible
This FREE Kid's Bible app brings the Bible to life for the entire family with a full Bible, videos, images and engaging interactive games. Featuring fifty two (52) full-length, FREE EPISODES from the Superbook series including David and Goliath, The Ten Commandments, Daniel and the Lions’ Den, The First Christmas and more Bible stories! Some of the episodes included in the Superbook children’s Bible app are: • In The Be...

Himalaya: Stories and Courses
Himalaya, a brainchild of Ximalaya 喜马拉雅, is an inspirational content app, featuring short audio courses and motivational stories. Get the insights that can improve your life, and work on your personal development. Listen to inspirational stories and work on your self-improvement with Himalaya. Get access to a whole library of inspirational short audio courses. Enjoy new motivational stories every week, and use your f...

MetroNovel - Let Stories Shine
MetroNovel is an innovative online novel app that brings the world of captivating stories right to your fingertips. Featuring an extensive library of both popular and hidden gems, MetroNovel allows you to explore new worlds and characters with just a tap. With a vast array of fiction resources, MetroNovel caters to all literary preferences, providing captivating novels that will leave you spellbound. Stay up-to-date with the ...

Kobo Books
Join millions of readers around the world and access eBooks and audiobooks all with one app. Go shelf-less and take your reading adventures on the go. With over 6 million titles to choose from, there's something for every type of reader and listener. Purchase eBooks and audiobooks directly from Kobo. They'll automatically appear in the app immediately afterwards. The Kobo App makes reading even more comfortable and convenien...

[Unlock New NovelZoom] Unlock a world of 10,000+ captivating stories with NovelZoom's subscription service. From romance to mystery, fantasy to adventure, immerse yourself in endless tales. With our subscription, dive into any story, anytime. Join NovelZoom now and explore boundless adventures at your fingertips! [Features] 1.Subscription Access: Enjoy unlimited access to over 10,000 captivating stories with a single subscr...

Storytel - Audiobooks Library
Welcome to a wide world of wonderful audiobooks, ebooks, and things that aren’t books but are still pretty great. Storytel is home to beloved stories, in-depth podcasts, and exclusive Storytel Originals. Whether you listen or read, you’ll find the right story for any moment. • Explore a massive library of stories in English and other languages • Jump freely from story to story until you find one you love • Build y...

Manta: Comics & Novels
Welcome to Manta – Your Ultimate Comics and Novels Destination! Immerse yourself in the captivating universes of Manta, where a diverse collection of stories unfolds across webtoons, webcomics, manhwa, manga, manhua, and novels. Whether you’re captivated by romance, thrilled by action, enchanted by fantasy, chilled by horror, intrigued by BL (yaoi), or swept away by romantasy, our extensive library offers stories that cat...

Tempt: Romance Audiobooks
Looking for Top-Quality Dark, Contemporary or Fantasy Romance Audiobooks from Bestselling Authors and Fantastic Narrators at a Reasonable Price? You found the right place! Discover an impressive selection of audiobooks and romance stories on Tempt. Whether you're an avid reader or new to the world of romance novels, our handpicked collection of romance audiobooks will captivate you. We add new titles weekly, so there's alwa...

Margins: Book Tracker
TRACK - Half-star ratings - Stopped Reading - Track who recommended the book CUSTOMIZE - Choose your favorite covers - Fuzzy dates: “Sometime in 2024”, “Not Sure” SEARCH - “Books that feel like 1920s Paris” - “Books about anti-aging actually backed up by science” - Try uploading images too! STAY FOCUSED - Set reading goals - Use ReadingTime, our meditation timer for reading...

Fatednovel- Web novel & Story
FatedNovel offers romantic and werewolf novels! FatedNovel boasts an extensive library of romance&werewolf novels. For classic lovers, users can find a wide variety of heartwarming tales to warm their hearts, and enjoy a dedicated section for werewolf and fantasy novels. [FEATURES] 1.Immersive Reading Experience: The app offers an immersive reading experience with beautiful visuals, ambient soundscapes, and customization o...

ReadNow: Romance Books Library
Watch romance and other type stories on ReadNow. Don’t miss these wonderful stories everyone is obsessed with. New chapters added every day! ----Unique Features---- ● Select ANY GENRE you like: romance, stories with reborn heroes, magical realism, eastern fantasy, the world of wuxia, horror stories, romantic love novels, fanfiction, sci-fi, and excellent original stories⋯ Download the app to find more! ● Stories are U...

Moonstories- Werewolf stories
Moonstories offers a fantastic world of novels, with a vast collection that includes romance, mystery, werewolves, campus life, and more! Indulge in our best-selling novels, experience the passion of the characters and the excitement of the stories. [Why Moonstories?] Massive Collection of Stories In Moonstories, you can always find your favorite stories: werewolf, badboy romance, kicking revenge…Immerse yourself in o...

MangaToon: Comic & Manga
Read Comics, Manga, Webtoons, Manhwa & Manhua And More - We have manhwa and webtoon stories from Korea. We provide manhwa & webtoon fans with various genres of wonderful work. Fantasy, Action, Romance, Horror, BL Manga (Boy's Love) and more webtoons can be found on MangaToon. - We have Japanese manga series, such as Detective Conan, Inuyasha and so on. If you are a fan of Janpanese mangas, and enjoy classic manga like One Piec...

「微信读书」是微信官方阅读应用,提供海量优质书籍和流畅的阅读体验,帮你记录阅读数据和读书笔记,更有丰富的 AI 功能,让阅读更轻松。 【发现优质好书】 提供百万优质正版书籍、品类丰富的书籍榜单和海量主题书单,帮你快速找到优质好书。 【书中讨论交流】 阅读时可浏览其他读者的观点,参与讨论,分享阅读...

Rah Book Reader
Rah Book Reader is a free and simple app, allowing you to download and read online PDF documents & audiobooks with ease on your iPhone and iPad. ** Other formats (epub and...) will be added soon....

Lezhin Comics-Premium Webtoons
+++ New episodes every day! +++ Not your everyday comic. Released every day. Enjoy webcomics with our latest app. #READIT #NEEDIT 【Something New Every Day】 New episodes, New promotions, New titles 【New Episodes】 We curate the highest quality content and bring them to you every day (5:00am PST/ 6:00am PDT). Come back every day for something new, 365 days a year. 【Exclusive Titles】 We bring you exclusive titles ...

The Book of Mormon
Did you know that Jesus Christ visited the American continent? Soon after His Crucifixion and Resurrection, He came to the people of ancient America, where he taught His gospel, organized His church, and asked His disciples to keep a record of His ministry among them. That record is the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ and is a companion to the Bible. You will feel your faith in Jesus Christ increase and His l...

Dreame - Read Best Romance
Escape into a world of romance with Dreame! With our vast collection of over 500,000 novels from best-selling authors, you can immerse yourself in a world of endless stories. From Romance to Fantasy, Mystery to Young Adult Fiction, Adventure to Fan-fic, we've got it all! Devour werewolf bestsellers, feel the passion of Alpha, and meet billionaire bosses who may also be Mafia members. Whatever your taste, we've got the perfect ...

As seen in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Lifehacker, and more! BookBub helps you discover, track, and save money on all the books you want to read. BookBub recommends great ebooks deals that match your interests every day. And the app keeps track of all the books you want to read — whether they were recommended by a good friend or suggested by BookBub’s expert editors — and tells you when the ebo...

FanFiction | AO3 unofficial
Boost Your Fanfiction Journey with FanFiction Reader Pro - The Ultimate AO3 Companion! Step into the world of Archive of Our Own (AO3) like never before with FanFiction Reader Pro! Your gateway to 13 million stories created by 7 million writers – all within a beautifully designed app optimized for the perfect reading experience. If AO3 is your go-to for fanfiction, this app is your ultimate tool to explore it all! Why Choo...

Boundless by Baker & Taylor gives users the ability to discover and enjoy ebooks, digital audiobooks, video and videobooks from their library or school on mobile devices. •Read, listen, and watch all in one app •Supports eRead-Along and videobook content •Recommendations based on your interests •Join reading programs and challenges from your library •See your progress and earn badges for reading achievements •Note...

NetGalley Shelf
NetGalley Shelf is a reading and listening app for NetGalley members. NetGalley helps publishers and authors promote digital review copies and audiobooks to book advocates and industry professionals. Publishers make digital review copies and audiobooks available for the NetGalley community to discover, request, read, and review. NetGalley does not sell any content, including books or audiobooks. Each book on NetGalley is prov...